
Just Safe By Not Exposing The Thing Publicly.

In just a few seconds of Aragon firing the bullet, the bullet came back to his feet nearly making him have one leg less.

Not knowing what had happened, the other 10 men fire their guns thinking that Aragon's gun has misfired.

With the help of dynamic vision from my Hell's Gaze, I can easily see the movement of the gun barrel and detect the path of bullets. With that information, I easily caught all the bullets in my hand like catching a ball thrown by a child.

All the people were shocked. How can a person catch bullets like it is some child's play?

Even Alchemists are not able to catch bullets with their bare hands. Even their hands would have turned into fleshy bits, but how can this man catch a bullet in his bare hands. This thought was the only thing present in the minds of all the people who expect Ekansh.

" Even if bullets didn't work this time it does not mean that it will not work next time. You just have to try, at some point, his body would give in " said Ames to all of his men.

Ho, he has some brain in his head I thought he is pea-brained.

The 10 men including Ames and Aragon fire their guns again at me thinking that the bullet will pierce my body this time leaving a dead body.

I also wanted to check how durable has my body become after using the Earth Release: Earth Spear Jutsu. So this is a better opportunity to check the durability of the Jutsu.

I let them fire bullets on me to check the durability. All of them fire bullets nonstop at me without leaving any time gap. They fire bullets at me in an organized manner by taking turns each.

First, one of the men will fire all the bullets present in his magazine, as his last bullet is to be fired the man standing next to him will also start firing all of his bullets at me at that gap the first man will reload his gun like this all the 10 men fired their gun at me taking turns.

10-10 magazines were lying all around the ishbalan men, each man had at least fired 10 magazines of bullets at me, and 10 men are firing at me which means I have endured 100 magazines of bullets, and in each magazine, there are 10 bullets so by multiplying the total number of bullets come around 1000 bullets.

If this thing had happened in any game or a world with a game-like system, by now I would have a cool-sounding title like [☠ Sennin Bullet ☠].

I had a happy-go attitude on my face, but the faces of all ishbalan men were terrified. They thought how can there be such a monster present. This has to be something like he is not a human and a monster who has worn human skin on himself.

Well, It was getting annoying now facing all the bullets. Let's make them give up, thinking like that my eyes started turning red, and in an instant, my Iris turned blood red, the red in my eyes was much more deeper and stark compared to the red in the eyes of ishbalan.

Just seeing my Hell's Gaze all the ishbalan who was terrified now we're horror-stricken. They thought a creature from the horrors of the Hell has come to pick up their soul to their afterlife, just like "Yamaduts".

One of the horror-stricken men picked the hand grenade from his back thinking that this monster would die if he blasts him away with the bomb. He throws the grenade at me.

Seeing the grenade coming at me I turn back to see where the Rockbell couple is standing and whether they are enough distance away from me to be not affected by the aftershocks.

At the first gunfire, Yuriy-san had taken Sarah-san to the most back place where there would be no aftershocks coming. Seeing him I smiled a little because all of his emotions were clearly showing on his face, he was not terrified of me but he desperately wanted to help me but he was not able to do it, because he had to protect his wife and he does not have any weapon to fight and even if he had a weapon he does not know how to use them. So he was making a desperate face that, please someone come and help Ekansh.

Watching Yuriy-san make face like that Ekansh was relieved, thinking that Rockbell didn't hate him or were afraid of him, they were a genuine friend who were worried for Ekansh even after seeing his monster-likeability.

In just a blink of time, the hand grenade fell near the feet of Ekansh, if Ekansh wanted he could have thrown the grenade back to the ishbalan men or thrown it away from all the people present but he just stood there, waiting for the bomb to explode, and just like his wish the bomb exploded in a minute.

" Boom Boom 💣 💣💣💣 " Huge fiery explosion is followed by a large bang like sound and metal shrapnel come flying at high speed at Ekansh.

Ekansh appeared even worse than begger as even they wear something, but on Ekansh's upper body there is not even a single trace of any clothes, and on his lower body the lower part of his pants is blown off somewhere, his pant has now become even shorter than shorts, just barely hanging on his waist.

Watching his own appearance like that, Ekansh thought that from next time he won't check his endurance in front of bombs, or else he won't know when he will expose everything which should not be exposed publicly.


Yamadutas are messengers of death according to Hinduism, and are agents of Yamaraja. Yamaduts tell people or souls that they are dead and take them to the afterlife.