
Road to depravity

A woman is cursed by the gods, because of all the evil she has done. She is sent into another world, where she will recieve her punishment. which is to be a whore. super r18. not recommended, unless you have a kink and want to "stimulate yourself"

GlassFrame · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 6

I wake up and find myself sticky all over. My mouth tastes like cum, so I spit a few times. My hair is all sticky and clumped. My pussy and thighs are also covered in dried cum.

Not gonna lie, even though it's disgusting. Getting ravaged and thrown aside, with dried cum all over me, is kinda hot. What a slut I am...

I look around and see the 3 brothers lying near me. From the looks of it they don't seem to be moving. Like at all.

Breaking me out of my thoughts, I feel a massive surge of power well up in me. It's so intense, that I start trembling. It subsides quickly however, like it was an illusion.

I stand up naked, to go check on the brothers, but when I do. "Ack..." I throw up a bit of cum. I repeatedly spit, to get the taste out of my mouth

"Ugh, that's disgusting." I wipe my mouth, yet the next moment, another wave of nausea overcomes me and I throw up again. I vomit out a decent portion of my stomach. Discoloured creamy liquid exits my mouth, as I retch up what I can. It's completely disgusting and I'm not enjoying it at all.

Soon I manage to stop vomiting and walk over to the water bottle, using it to rinse my mouth.

"Huah, much better." I sigh and sit on a stump. The next moment I grimace in disgust, as I see some vomit on my hair. My hair has grown so long, that it keeps getting into shit. Now it has done a disservice to me once again by dousing itself in my vomit.

So now not only do I have dried cum all over me and dried saliva. I also have vomit in my hair. I have never felt dirtier. I go to use water magic, but decide against it. That earlier feeling of power probably wasn't just a sensation. Most likely if I would activate my magic right now, I'd create a horrible mess.

I quickly check my status.

[Name] - Rose Umbra

[Race] - Succubus

[Class] - Witch

HP - 306,530

MP - 1,690,270

Strenght - 35,907

Defence - 24,522

Agility - 42,914

Vitality - 30,653

Magic power - 101,591

Mana capacity - 169,027

Demonic power - 162,021

Soul - 11,823

[Abilities] - (Inarnation of lust) (Pleasure boost) (Doubling) (Magic increase) (Demonic tranformation) (Darkness)


"Ho-uarck!" I get so excited that intead of words, what escapes my mouth is more vomit.

"Ptui, ptui." I spit repeatedly, trying to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth. Note to self, next time don't swallow that much cum...

I stand up and check on the brothers. Just like I thought, they're dead. It seems that when they give themselves into pleasure, they will literally fuck me until they die. Oh well, I loot all their stuff and throw it in my spacial storage. Well I try to, but instead of opening my storage, I create a rip in space.

"Oi!" I panic and somehow manage to close it. Because of the huge increase in my magic power, my control is non existant. I have to do some exercises to get it under control. Instead I just take their spacial storage rings and put them on my fingers.

"Now where are my clothes..." I muse and look around. But no matter how long and hard I look, I cant find them.

"Fuck." I remember that I put them in my spacial storage. Which means that I am now stuck naked.

"I best find a river or something." I mumble as I gaze at my digustingly dirty body. My hair touches my body as I move around, so now I have a bit of vomit in my lower back and legs as well.

I start walking around in the forest. While I walk, I start trying to use tiny bits of magic to train. Instead I conjure bursts of it, blowing apart trees left and right. Still I keep at it, trying to get the feel for it.

After walking around for a while, I finally find a small lake. I head to it and dip inside. After half an hour of soaking and rubbing myself, I manage to somewhat clean myself. I still feel dirty, since I don't have soap, but it's better than being covered in dried cum and vomit.

Meanwhile when I'm bathing, I hear some voices further away. How much further? I have no clue. My senses have sharpened immensly, so I don't know how far or close something is just by hearing it.

"Quick, get the little bastard!"

"Ah! It's getting away."

The voices belong to a group of men and it seems they are chasing something.

Just when I think of ignoring the ruckus, a small white fox creature jumps in the lake I'm in. It tries to swim frantically, but ends up bumping into me.

"Hm?" I grab it by the scuff of the neck and lift it up to my eye level.

It's a kyuubi. A fox like magical beast. Their tails and faces are rounder than a foxes, making them look much cuter. They also have huge magical affinity and they can use spirit magic. Which is a higher and more powerful form of mana basically.

"Kyathun." It chants something in spirit tongue and throws it in my face. The water all around me explodes, but I just feel like it sneezed in my face. I'm sure that if I had the same stats as before my sex romp, I would have probably died. Or atleast been seriously injured.

I smile at the creature, that looks stunned and afraid, seeing as it did no damage to me.

"Do you want to be my pet?" I ask and scratch it below the chin. It enjoys my caresses, but then seems to remember the crew of brigands chasing it and starts struggling.

"In there." I look away from the kyuubi and see a man by the side of the lake. Soon all his friends catch up and stare at me intently.

"Hou? What is a beauty like you doing here miss?" One of the men speaks. He seems to have forgotten about the fox and is now looking at me with clear lust.

My top half is exposed from the water and my hair is wet, giving me a much more alluring look than normal. It's not weird that the men are staring me like hungry dogs. In fact if they didn't, I'd probably be offended.

"As you can see, I'm taking a bath. Instead, what is a fine crew of gentlemen such as yourselves doing here?" I speak with a smile.

"Well we're after that fox monster you got in your hand there. But now that we found you as well, why don't you entertain us." He says with a lavicious smile.

I gaze at him in thought. To be honest, I'm sexually satisfied right now and they seem to look like a bunch of bandits. I can smell their scent from here and it's not pleasant.

The three brothers I had sex with smelled like blood, because of all the killing they did. But other than that, they were clean. Plus at the time, I was horny as fuck, so it didn't really matter to me.

Perhaps if I was as horny as I was before, I'd entertain the thought of indulging them, but right now I'm going to have to decline.

"I'm sorry, but you seem like a bunch of bandits. I can't help but feel disgusted at the thought of lieing with you." I express myself with a frown.

"Hahaha." The men break out in laughter. I can guess their thoughts, so the question is. Do they really think a defenceless, hot, naked woman is taking a bath here, without some form of protection?

The men start taking off their clothes and seem to want to join me. While they do their thing, I fall into thought about how to dispose of them without destroying the forest.

While I ponder, the first to undress gets in the lake with me and comes in front of me. He brusquely grabs my breasts with his hands and starts fondling me.

Oops, seems I pondered a bit too long. Am I unconciously ignoring them, since I don't see them as a threat? Hmm...

Oh well. I can't use magic, since I don't know what I'll blow up with it. So physical combat it is. Off we go!

I cock my hand back and punch the unruly fondler. His head explodes with a splat, like a watermelon. His hands, still holding on to my breasts, fall into the lake with the rest of his lifeless body.

This action makes all the other brigands halt in shock. They look at their comrade and try to understand what just happened. While they do their thing, I move towards the next guy and chop him in the neck, decapitating him cleanly, with my bare hand.

Blood sprays from his headless neck, as I move on the the next one. I kill them all brutally, one by one. Testing my physical powers.

It seems my control over my body is much better than of magic. I exercise just about the right amount of force, that I intended to.

Soon all the men are dead and I'm dirty again. This time with blood and brain matter.