
Road to be a ( GOAT )

Raphinha alves a boy from the poorest areas in this world reincarnates and is back from where he began his football career where in the end he failed . But now it's different he will get alot of opportunities it's up to him to climb his way up to the top while he is assisted by a Great system . will he rise and become a (GOAT) respected in football world or he will be a looser again and watch as his most loved person in this world die becouse of him not having money . thank you for reading this book and if you liked it please share it with your friends . thank you again i hope to write this book till the end so please help me by supporting it . THANK YOU AGAIN first time writing and english is not my first language so guys i appologies if you see a wrong or shit grammer Updates *( 2 CHAPTER A WEEK )

kakashideligtt · Esportes
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Raphinha woke up 8 o'clock morning as he was really tired of yesterday events so he was late at waking up . he looked around after opening his eyes .

The old man was still sleeping soundlessly so the first thing he did was while he was on his bed asking the system to show him his status profile . as he was feeling different from before like he was three time stronger more quicker than before and his mind was clear and calm like the sea .


SYSTEM LEVEL 2 ( 291/500 )


AGE : 15 YEARS 8 months



STR : SILVER ( 45/50 )

END : SILVER ( 48/50 )

MEN : SILVER ( 45/50 )

STA : SILVER ( 45/50 )

LUCK : GOLD (60/60 )

After seeing that he was now a full fledged silver card player he was very happy as he knew that in brazil there were only few and rear silver attributed players so he was confident that he can play at the U19 Brazil league . he stood up and some small jumps and after that he did a yoga session to stretch and warm up his sleeping muscles .

After finishing his session which took 5 minutes to complete he was now breaming with vigour and excitement as he was walking to the door of the room he noticed the old man who was looking at him like he saw a monster . Raphinha knew that the old man didn't anticipate seeing him walking like he was not injuried at all so he has to explain why he is suddenly walking as he couldn't walk yesterday or even stand .

Old man " he kid what happening to you why are you walking like you are not injuried at all

or am I dreaming " .

Raphinha " old man relax i am fine . I can't really explain what happened to me as I was shocked when i discovered that after waking up now that i was not injuried at all my foot was fit and even better than ever .

Old man " how's that possible are telling me that the injury just healed it's self and now you are fit and you don't even know what happened " ? he said it while he was gazing at me suspiciously .

As i didn't want him to know about the system which was for me the biggest secret i have , one which I will take it to the grave and which I will not tell it to any other soul even my mom . so I can only tell him this excuse as it will keep him at bey for know .

Raphinha " old man enough of me we must hurry up as I want to go back to the place i went yesterday to take a medical teste to assure my fitness and look at my yesterday's result after the match .

Old man " oh before I forget . yesterday while you were playing i was approached by an old man like me who told me that he came from Germany and was a scout for a small club which played at the German bundesliga " .

He said that while giving him the card . After looking at the card Raphinha noticed the club which the old scout was from .

VFB STUTTGART which was was a pretty mediocre team even before his reincarnation 2021 . he didn't hate or like the club but their was a main problem for players like him who were minors ( at age under 18 ) as he knew that the rule which fifa placed on youth who were playing outside their home country .

If he leaves brazil now at his age he will not play football as he will only train and study some bullshit college which he saw it as a boring life . so he was pretty sure that if he leaves here he will only leave after a year or so . he can endure the training and the college for months or a year at most but if he goes know he was sure that atleast he would study and train for around 2 years and months .

So he just placed the card at his black track suit pants and then went outside the room to eat his breakfast as he was feeling hungry .

After taking a good breakfast meal he went out side the motel waited for the old man to prepare . as he was waiting for the old man he looked around for a while as the street was buzzling with noises and car horns every where . people were moving every where while most of them wore football kits . as he knew the people of brazil loved the game like crazy old or young they were the same .

After a while he saw the old man jogging toward him . he didn't want to rent anything today as he was preparing to run until he reaches his destination which was the sau paulo youth stadium . which was few km away . so he told the old man to rent a motorcycle by him self as he will run . at first the old man was not accepting his plan but after some serious discation he accepted it and departed for the studium while he rented a motorcycle .

After reaching his destination the old man

went forward and entered a two story building which was near the studium. After entering the old man was welcomed by a middle aged man with a black suit .

Old man " Mr i am player Raphinha's uncle the one who was injuried yesterday's match . can i please see the head coach i want to talk to him and it's important please " .

The man " Oh i remember now . i will tell the head coach that you are waiting for him please sit there and wait for me .

The old did as he was told and sat at a nearby chair and looked back at the man as he was climbing the stairs heading to the top floor .

After a while the middle aged man reached a small door at the corner and knocked it gently . After that he heared the voice of coach Gilberto allowing him to enter .

Coach Gilberto who was sitting in his chair behind his desk looking like he was absent minded while thinking about some thing.

he heared a knock on the door which took him out of his daze .

Coach Gilberto " you can enter "

After saying that the door was opened slowly and a middle aged man with a black suit came in . After coming in the middle aged man who's name was Diego closed the door slowly and approached the desk which the head coach was sitting behind it .

DIEGO " MR Gilberto there is a man who is claiming to be the uncle of the player who got injuried yesterday . he is waiting for you down stairs as he says that he has an important thing to tell you . should I tell him to return or to come in side ? "

when coach Gilberto heared Diego's words he instantly stood up and looked at him with surprised eyes and said .

Coach Gilberto " Diego tell him to come inside and hurry up please . don't leave him alone while he is climbing the stairs be nice to our guests and help him until he reaches the door" coach Gilberto said while beaming with excitement who could have thought that all his worries were at vain he thought that he would not see the talented player again but hear he was told that the boy's uncle was hear . he wanted to have a good conversations with the uncle and secure the talented player at all cost .

After sitting for a while the old man who was looking around the window as he was sitting in a chair suddenly looked at the door as he heared an opening door . After the door was opened a tall boy who was panting hardly and sweating like a fountain entered the building . The boy then came towards the old man who was sitting and sat beside him as he was trying to balance his breathing . After a some minutes the boy's breathing slowed down . he was not panting like before . and that's when the heared another door open and this was not the outside door but it was inside and it was the door that was leading to the stairs .

A middle aged man came out from the door and headed towards the old man and the boy who was not there the first time . as he Knew the boy so he didn't give much attention and directly talked to the old man .

DIEGO " MR the coach is ready and waiting for you so you can go ahead and the boy can accompany you " although he was surprised to see the boy walking he didn't voice it out as he didn't want to waste the head coaches time . he heared boy calling for him as he was thinking .

Raphinha " MR can you please tell me where the wash room is i am sweaty i need to wash up a little "

After telling the wash room direction Diego asked the old man to follow him to the head coaches office . After coming at the door he simply knocked it and opened it for the old man to enter it . After that the old man entered the room and saw the head coach smiling at him while pointing at a chair for him to sit .

After sitting down the old man saw the head sitting opposite him while still smiling as he wondered why was the coach smiling did he know that his nephew was back from his injury .

Coach Gilberto " Mr CAIO i am sorry that we couldn't meet yesterday after the match as it was an unfortunate day for you and your nephew and I am really feeling sorry for the boy as he has a great talent which I enjoyed it yesterday . but it can't be helped as injuries are bad things that could couse a young talent like your boy to loose his career and to prevent that he must get a serious and perfect surgery . we can give him that chance but it will come with a cost and that cost is not much we just want his to sign a contract with as not a professional one just an academic one " .

When the old man heared the coach's words he was surprised as he didn't know why he will do such thing just to get the boy service .

But before he could say anything he heared a knock coming from the door and when the door was opened a tall figure came from it .

Raphinha came inside the office and then looked around he noticed his uncle and the head coach were facing each other while the coach seemed annoyed by the sudden intrusion as the old man looked surprised .

he went to the corner of the room and took a chair and placed it near the old man and sat beside him while also facing the head coach .

Coach Gilberto first was annoyed by the sudden intrusion but after seeing the intruder he couldn't help but be surprised and made an O shaped mouth .

Coach Gilberto " how is this possible didn't you become injuried yesterday how come your walking today " he looked at the old man with a questioning face .

The old man wanted to explain the situation but he was cut off by his nephew.

Raphinha " coach Gilberto yesterday was a pretty bad day for me but today it's different after waking up i didn't feel any pain or numbness in my left foot but in the contrary i felt better than before . so I can't tell what happened to me as I even Don't know what happened after i slept yesterday night .

Shan coach Gilberto heared what Raphinha told he couldn't believe that an injury that could heal it's self so he still had his suspicion . After seeing the coach's face Raphinha who was expecting it said with a smile .

Raphinha " Coach Gilberto you can test my fitness if you think I am playing around and wasting your time as I assure you I am fully fit . After hearing what the boy told him the coach was surprised by the boys confidence as he was not lying .

coach Gilberto " okay let's go now to the medical appartment for your test and if you lie about your test know that we will have to punish you severely as it's not a good thing lying about your fitness "

After that they went strightly to the medicine appartment which was a few blocks away from their point . when the entered the building they were received by a nurse and escorted them to the test room . and their they were told that only the player was needed so the sat outside the room while Raphinha entered it with the nurse .

After entering the room Raphinha was directed strightly at the exercise bike and he

was asked to warm up on the bike and after 1 hour and 30 minutes he was told to stop as the doctor had a stern face devoid of any emotion and didn't know wether hewas impressed or not . After that he was asked to run on a treadmill with a musk on his face and on a different speed time . this test will determine breathing adjustments and his Agility . and

After a whole 1 hour the doctor still with his poker face told Raphinha he can stop and was

sent to a bone scan and urine test and some other medical check ups . After a full 5 hours he was released from the room . when he came out he saw the head coach and the old man who was looking at him with woried face walking towards him as they both wanred to know something or how my test has gone .

The doctor who was a man at his late 40's came out of the room after me he looked directly at me then he looked at The head coach and said " Mr Gilberto the result will come soon so you can come by at the evening " after saying that the doctor went back inside .

Coach Gilberto " okay young man it seems that you took your taste and we can only talk after the result which will come out after an a hour and a half " the coach said as the exited the medical appartment.

Coach Gilberto " why don't we eat and after that we can come back for the ready taste result how about that Mr CAIO ?

Old man " i don't see any problem how about it my dear nephew??

Raphinha " i don't mind uncle the test was very hard so i had to use my all energy and I am very hungry now .

After that they went to the club's cafeteria and ordered some thing to it . as they were in the middle of their meal an old man came towards them and sat down as he ordered some fast food .

when the old man saw him he was surprised as he didn't think the old man will not leave but stay . he said while smiling at the man

Old man " hey Mr Clegg i didn't think that you would remain hear just to meet my nephew are you really confident that you will finish your job like that ?

Mr Clegg " my friend CAIO this is not the first time things like that happen to me as you can see I'm at this job for around 25 years and my only purpose was to uncover hidden talents around the world so yeah I'm pretty confident at my talking and negotiations skills " he then strightly faced Raphinha who was eating his food like nothing had happened around him .

He totally ignored the head Coach who was looking at him with a sharp eyes .

MR Clegg " Mr Raphinha i am a scout and a professional one as you can see i came from Europe from a country called Germany . I have a good relationship with many clubs even with some english clubs and Italian clubs . so I wanted to present you with a chance that you can go to Europe where you can grow into more professional player and don't about your surgery as I am ready with the money the surgery will cost and anything else "

After saying everything he had Mr Clegg looked at Raphinha who was still eating his food like he didn't hear the old man talking at all . The old instantly become nervous as he thought that he didn't piqued the interest of the youth wish was very troublesome. he thought if he mentions Europe he will instantly gain the interest of the youth but he was bound to be disappointed.

When Raphinha ate his food and filled his stomach he then looked at the old scout's direction . and asked one question which was

Raphinha " i am very fit mr as you can see i don't need ant surgery but what i want to know is this "can your club risk and breach the rule which fifa placed on minors like me who came from a foreign country?? "

As the old scout heared this question he was surprised and at loss at the same time as he didn't have any answer for the question.

Raphinha " as I can see your answered is no so i am sorry Mr but I can only move to Europe next year and I wish to take this year at sau paulo youth fc . and i will be available next year and I promise you that if nothing happens to me i will prioritise your recommendation from any other person as you are the first scout that discovered my talents .

After hearing what the boy said the old scout anything to argue with as he knew he couldn't convince the youth to move to Europe. so he said with a dejected face .

MR Clegg " sigh okay young man but i will come back next year at this and I will also folow your matches closely so work hard and don't slack off wish you the best " after that Mr Clegg stood up and paid his bill and left the cafeteria . After he left the head manager looked at Raphinha and asked " what do you mean by playing one year in the academy i thought you will a contract with as ? .

Raphinha " i can't do that coach as you know i want to play in my home land before going overboard and I want to also solve some family problems so if you can't give me the chance to build my career i might just look for another team who wants my service and as long as I am in my top level I can assure you that even some gaints in brazil will want to secure my service " after hearing what the boy said the head coach intahntly became serious as he said " I was just joking with you so how can i let a great talent like yours just walk away like that . be assured i am not allowing it" he said so let's go and look at the results of the medical test .