
Rise to Tyranny

In a miraculous world, where humans, demi humans, animals, monsters have power and magic. I, Tyson who was not gifted these attributes suffered in the hands of the masses. I will never forgive them if its the last thing I do

Chris_9381 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1: Tyson

The beginning

At Seldom high academy. The top private high school at Lamda.

"Magic skill: Information Slideshow""

At once, multiple screens starts appearing in front of the students eyes. It then starts a presentation of a map, then a womans voice speaks.

"In the country of Lamda in the Slazol continent formed in the north west ocean (Parcific Ocean) In this country lies multitude of races coming from the human gene. First we have humans who have the majorty in this country they are humans that have different skin pigments, that are black, white, brown and fair yellow. These humans have slightly evolved to handle and manipulate magic and superpowers. Once born a human baby will either become a superhuman or a magician.

A superhuman is a human that has exceeded their genetic limits tenfold in whatever body parts its in. for example super strength, or super stamina. There are advanced superpowers is formed of Skills that it can be hard distingush it from actual magic.

A magician is a human that can manipulate magic make their abilities. For example water magic, or wind magic. Everyone has their style on how they use magic which makes it more mysterious and interesting. Like this presentation. I almost forgot Magicians have a birth tattoo that distingush them from superhumans as they dont have any.

With humans finished we now go to the other spicies. Demi Humans. These are humans with more animalistic traits. For example demi humans may have tails, large amount of body hair, claws. They are race that can only attain superhuman abilities and skills, they have abilities greater than their human counterparts.

Last one is Elves, they are ones that can only attain magic in their race which is greater than any other race. They are more appathetic with nature than other races aswell. Elves have a triangular shape ears, some short some long.

And last there are the anomilies, anomilies are those who dont fit the norm of society they are unpridictable in their abilities and their traits might wont line up but the probability of being an anomily is 1/100 across all races."

Any questions?

One kid speaks.

"What about cross breeding between races."

"Eventhough most keep to their race, Cross breeding is normal between races, thats only because that child can only pocess one trait from that race. For example. If an elf and a demi human made a child. The child can only be either be a demi human or elf. If they have more children it will be the same. So a brother can be a demi-human but the sister could be an elf"

"Does anyone have more questions?... No, so I would assume everyone will complete my assignment at the end of the week alright."

"Yeeeeesssssss. Miss Darter" The whole class is gloomy after hearing assignments. "Come on, the assignments aren't bad at all if you are having trouble you know who to call"

Miss Darter gives her most lovely smile, and rises her cleavage all the boys paid attention because she is a top ranking teacher in terms of beauty. However alot of girls were angry that they might have competition resulting in jealosy.

*RING**RING* The bell rings meaning the end of class. All the students pack their books in their bags and take off out of class.

Eventhough its the lowest class of the history subject all of the kids are either muscular or powerful in their magic there not interrsted in education but now they seem to have slight interest. However one kid stands out the most he has no powers but his eyes are cold as North pole. He looks he has no interest in anything and he gets picked on. His name his Tyson. Just as Tyson was about to leave Miss Darter stops him for a second. "Tyson dont forget to come revision today" for a second Tyson just stared Miss Darter put her beautiful smile "Ok miss" he then goes to his next class. The smile becomes more of a malicious smile once Tyson leaves.

While travelling through the hallways Tyson was behind his classmates.

"Tyson Amora, Anomaly, No magic, No superpowers"

Tyson POV


(In the mind) FOR FUCKS SAKES why must I go to her revision. That Two faced whore wants to do fuck all to me. and all these drama queens in front of me all they want is to flex their power, stir shit and look good, idiots, all of you are supressed by the school so how can you flex power. But all of them want a piece of me, Im just their punching bag, or power measure for them. I think now is the time."


The group stops and look back at Tyson. The devilish smiles coming from them feels comfortable for Tyson's cold eyes. "Hey Trash I hope you're not tryin to get Miss Darter now if you know what I mean" Dario a guy who possess one of the strongest super strength in the school, He is a top performing athlete and a lot of people are scared of his presence but that sort of fear is numb to Tyson. "Dont worry I not talking to Miss Dar-"

Before Tyson can finish his sentence he is punched to the floor. Bleeding through his nose struggling to breath. "Dont lie to me you piece of shit I will kill you." He grabs Tysons hand and holds his finger. "Ple..ase dont" Tyson struggles to plea but. "I cant hear you. Are you telling me your below trash and that you shouldnt be near to Miss Darter then kneel in 10 seconds and beg for your forgiveness"

Dario starts counting but. Tyson refuses to respond as he believes he doesnt have to do that. "Ten seconds are up looks like you are disrespectful." "He is very disrespectful I think he needs punishment." A elf girl by the name of Selina , She is the metallic queen of the school, she uses magic to manipulate metal objects to her will. She has pink hair and a fantastic body making her very popular however she does have a sadistic side to her.

"Seli..na" " Dont talk on my name as if you know me trash." Tyson keeps looking at her, she becomes disturbed by it. "Oh, you like to see me this much but I dont like perverts like you"

Tyson briefly remembers the time Selina defending him when he was bullied but they targeted her for it so she turned on him.

Dario breaks his finger resulting in Tyson screaming in pain however Selina whips his mouth in order to shut him up. She then orders the others to pick up Tyson to there next class as Damon a human who has super sight could see staff coming their area. They fix him up and force him to pretend he is okay.

Once the next class which was mathematics finished. The group continued to torment Tyson in the hallways.

" I have a good technique I want to try, hehehe" "Nathan" "Shush, Punching bag I need to test this out for battle"

Nathan a human with Electric magic begins to electricute Tyson's body in split seconds that paralyses and leaves burns. "ztztztztttztttzz---"

Again Tysons mouth is whipped by selina and and wrapped around hia body to shut him up.

He applys it to Selinas metal whip to cause more damage. Tyson is screaming but no can hear it him. "That should do, It looks like it improved, haha" Tyson can only bear it as he can do nothing about it.

Two classes have passed between them more of Tysons classmates torment him using their abilities. "Hey Damon you guys havent had your turn." Dario says. " My ability isnt really for combat" Dario puts his arm on Damons shoulder "Who says, you need to do get stronger so you can defend yourself right!?" " To get... stronger"

" Yes, you dont want to be lacking behind others now do you, To improve yourself why dont you use him to experiment. Haha"

Damon was timid only because he had no confidence in himself, but for what Dario told him he needs to find ways to improve himself, when he is not at school he expiriments on his eyes and one of his experiments lead a combat skill.

He looks at Tyson as nothing but to be used. He approaches, Tysons laying body after getting pummled by others. "Lay him up" "Da..mon wha..t.. ever you are doing, please.. dont.. do it" "Do you think a test dummy would be talking back" Tysons just looks at the ground almost looking defeated by all the broken bones, burns and bruises he attained.

Damon gives a smirk. He activates super sight to his fullest content, his eyes change colour from brown to yellow, he can see weakness after weakness. But he only wants know how powerful his new combat skill is. He concentrates all the magic in the eyes, then he fires it directly at tyson. Damon has created the skill 'Lazer beam',

" WOAH" Dario is shocked to see this skill

"OOOOOHH" Selina is also impressed

This continues to burn Tyson as selina is covering his mouth his screams are barely audable.

*Ring**Ring* Lunch has started

"Hey guys some people coming over" One classmate says.

"Lets book it" Dario says.

The whole group leaves without a second notice. Only Tyson is on the floor cold with a tear running down his face.

"Tyson!!" A girl screams rushing towards him to aid him. "Alaine wait" the group says