
Rise to the Top: The Story of Ten Rival Gangs

In a modern world, there are ten rival gangs that constantly battle for dominance. Each gang has its own unique personality and style, but they all share one common goal: to be the number one gang in the country. The story follows Kiyoshi, a high school student who gets caught up in the world of gang warfare. He soon discovers that he is actually the son of a powerful mafia boss, but he doesn't want to follow in his father's footsteps. Kiyoshi's journey begins when he meets Yuna, a girl who is drawn to him despite his dangerous connection to the criminal underworld. Together, they navigate the treacherous world of rival gangs and struggle to find their place in the chaos. As they fight to survive, they encounter a cast of unique characters, including Tekuru, the leader of the Crimson Syndicate; Karin, a snobbish but imaginative member of Tekuru's gang; Foe, Karin's boyfriend and a loyal member of the Syndicate; and Hyosuke, a mercenary who is willing to work for anyone who pays him. As Kiyoshi and Yuna become more involved in the gangs' battles, they begin to unravel a web of secrets and betrayals that threatens to tear everything apart. Will they be able to survive the brutal world of gang warfare and rise to the top of the criminal hierarchy? Only time will tell in "Rise to the Top: The Story of Ten Rival Gangs."

KiyoAsahiKaishi · Ação
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19 Chs

: The Unlikely Protagonist

Kiyoshi had always been an ordinary high school student. He woke up early, went to class, hung out with his friends, and generally tried to keep his head down. He never imagined that he would get caught up in the world of gang warfare.

It all started when Kiyoshi was walking home from school one day. He noticed a group of rough-looking guys hanging out near the train station. They were all wearing matching jackets with a red emblem on the back. Kiyoshi had heard rumors about a gang that operated in the area, but he never thought he would actually run into them.

As he passed by, one of the guys stepped forward and blocked his path. "Hey, kid," he said, sneering. "What are you doing in our territory?"

Kiyoshi didn't know what to do. He tried to back away, but the guy and his friends surrounded him. "I-I'm just trying to get home," Kiyoshi stammered.

"Home, huh?" The guy laughed. "Well, you're gonna have to pay the toll to cross our turf. That's how it works around here."

Kiyoshi didn't have any money on him, and he knew he couldn't outrun them. He was about to give up hope when he heard a voice behind him.

"Hey, leave him alone."

Kiyoshi turned around and saw a girl standing behind him. She was small and petite, but she held herself with a quiet confidence that Kiyoshi found admirable. She had long, black hair and was wearing a leather jacket with a blue insignia on the sleeve.

The gang members didn't seem intimidated by her. "What's it to you?" one of them sneered.

The girl just glared at them. "I said leave him alone. Unless you want to mess with the Crimson Syndicate."

The gang members looked at each other uncertainly. The Crimson Syndicate was one of the most powerful gangs in the area. They didn't want to start a fight they couldn't win.

"Fine," the guy said, shoving Kiyoshi aside. "You're lucky this time, kid."

Kiyoshi stumbled away, feeling shaken and confused. He didn't understand why the girl had helped him, or why the gang members had backed down so easily. All he knew was that his life would never be the same again.