
Rise to Greatness

The human being is a selfish creature by nature. Always dreaming of ambition and power, but what happens to those that are at the bottom for their whole lives? What happens to those who are not as lucky as the rest? What happens to the people that are not the protagonist of their story? This is the situation of a particular woman. At her early 20's, she has not realized her purpose in her life. With not enough qualification for a good job, she decides to throw away her dreams of greatness and settle down for part-time work. Such is her bad luck, that on her first day at the store, she is assaulted by two men wielding firearms. She freezes and is shot due to the bandit's nervousness and adrenaline rush. There she falls, closing her eyes into the darkness and pain......Until she opens them again, to find herself on a place she does not recognizes, surrounded by people she doesn't know.....Just what is the meaning of this?! Notes: Since this is my first story, I decided to start with something simple. Hopefully, with this common genre I will be able to bring you, the reader, some sort of entertainment. Hope you like it.

ACertainSomeone13 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 3: A Dream

I made my way out through the front door. Cain came into sight before I had realized it and just stood by my side to make sure I don't get lost. He's being very nice with me, so I don't mind him coming along. We walked in silence on a dirt road. The surroundings were that of woods and plains, in the distance I noticed a city.

Now, let's explain a little bit of geography here. Currently I am residing at House Sokolov, the lands of Sir Heinrich Sokolov. The city I noticed is called Honorguard, and it is the capital of the realm to which we reside at: The Swadian Empire. Many important families form the noble ranks, and at the top is the Royal Family, the heirs to the throne and the future rulers of the empire.

Currently, we are the lowest amongst the nobility, and the highest amongst the commoners. Our situation is neither bad or perfect, but it is decent at that. The commoners treat us with respect and we speak to them as equals, while the nobles don't tolerate us and usually treat us like we were nothing else than stray dogs.

With the end of this class about social standards of this world, me and Cain arrived at the small farm that was located a few hundred meters away from the house. It was around 6 pm, so the farmers were not on the field but at home taking rest from a long day of work. We made our way straight to the barn, and then to the stables.

There, we could see four horses on their respective little rest rooms. Out of all of them, the fourth one took my attention, as it looked straight towards me. Asking Cain about that specific horse, a small smirk appeared on his face as he told me that the horse was my own to mount.

I am starting to think that this is getting better and better! I had my own horse, and that was great! But there was a single problem....I didn't knew how to mount it. With the help of Cain, we took "Crow" out of the stables after we put the saddle on him. He was a big horse....If I had to guess its specific breed I would say he was one of those that were used for farm work, a shire if I remember correctly.

Cain helped me get atop of it. It was a bit hard since it was so big and I had no idea how to do this, but after a few tries, I managed to do it. Crow was being very gentle and patient, almost as if he had noticed I was not in a good condition at the moment. But then I heard a faint slap and when I realized it, Crow was running away with me on top of him!

When I looked back, I saw Cain chuckling to himself due to the small joke he played on me. I rolled my eyes and tried to keep the balance on top of the saddle....And it seemed familiar.....This feeling of relief and freedom.....Before I realized it, I was already taking charge of the direction with ease.

I decided to calm down Crow and then take a small walk around the farm before driving him back to the stables where Cain was waiting for me.

"My apologies, Young Miss. But I believe you feel better now, am I right?"

"Yes.....But I would preffer if you don't surprise me like that again, Cain. That was really scary and a bit dangerous."

"Of course, Young Miss. I think it's time for dinner, should we make our way back?"

"Oh, yes! I'm quite hungry to be honest."

So I guided Crow to his little room and gave him some pets before heading back with Cain to the house. My legs were quite a bit sore since I was not used to mounting a horse, but it was fun as hell so I didn't care!

After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the house and headed towards the dinning room. There, I sat down with my two new parents and had a nice dinner while they talked and teached me all the things that I should know about the house and what to do.

It appears that the owner of this body was a young girl who happened to like the art of combat more than any other activity, and that I was already registered in a very expensive academy for future knights, where I got into thanks to my abilities with the sword.


"Language, dear."

"Oops, sorry mother!"

Fuck. It seems that even in this life I won't be able to enjoy the pleasures of a relaxing life huh? I just accepted it at this point since I knew around nothing about this world or its costumes, but I'm pretty sure that if I dropout from this knight academy I'm just going to cause a huge load of problems.

So, I decided to follow this dream. It's better than nothing I guess, so from the next day onwards I would have to re-learn every single thing that Aela knew before the incident.....This was going to hurt really bad and I already knew it.

Anyways, I had absolutely no idea what was about to happen to me. And I think now that the decision I took was the correct one. This moment right here, is where everything starts getting interesting.