
Rise of Uzumaki

In a world of shinobi, a young boy named Akira Reincarnated as an Uzumaki, he possesses immense potential due to his lineage and his talent in sealing techniques. However, he is burdened with the knowledge that his clan is destined to be destroyed. Despite his desire to save his clan, Akira realizes his current strength is insufficient to prevent their tragic fate. Will he able to save himself or his clan from destruction? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As some of you may already know, this is my second novel, and I am still relatively new to the writing process. In regards to this particular novel, it will not revolve around the idea of rebuilding Uzushiogakure or making it the most powerful village. However, please don't misunderstand me. This story will indeed involve kingdom-building, but with a unique twist. The main focus will be on the Uzumaki clan, as the title suggests. Therefore, readers can anticipate the introduction of fresh fuinjutsu techniques, innovative sealing devices, and more. support me on - p@treon.com/Kaiszer (replace ' @ ' with ' a ' for the link)

Kaiszer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

CH- 10 Enhanced Explosive Tag

In the lush forests of Uzushiogakure, numerous shinobi teams from the Uzumaki Clan, easily identified by their vibrant red hair, moved with remarkable grace through the dense foliage. Swiftly leaping from branch to branch, they navigated the terrain with ease.

Abruptly, one of the ninjas at the forefront signaled his companions to stop. With a series of hand gestures and a pointed motion forward, the other ninjas swiftly dispersed, assuming hidden positions as they awaited the signal.


Elsewhere in the forest, a group of ninjas from Kirigakure traveled swiftly through the dense undergrowth. Suddenly, a shinobi with distinct shark-like features halted abruptly, alerting his comrades. "Stop!" he commanded.

Raising his head, he calmly surveyed the surroundings, his senses keenly attuned. His fellow shinobi, understanding the gravity of the situation, cautiously readied their shurikens, assuming a defensive stance. They attentively scanned their surroundings, forming a tight circle and straining their ears for any sounds. The only audible noise was the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze. Something felt amiss—the forest was eerily silent.

"Ninjas of Uzushiogakure, reveal yourselves!" declared Vanguard Captain Hizume Hoshigake, his brows furrowing as he directed his words toward the forest.

The clash of kunai and swords reverberated through the air as the two groups locked eyes, taking a step back simultaneously. The Uzumaki captain, Yoshino, revealed himself and spoke with an undercurrent of anger, "Kiri-nin, leave! You are not welcome here. We are a peace-loving nation and have no desire for war."

"Heh, peace-loving?" retorted the Kiri-nin with a sneer. "Then why did your clan participate in the previous war?" He couldn't help but question the sincerity of the Uzumaki clan's proclaimed love for peace, considering their involvement in past conflicts.

With a swift motion, Uzumaki ninjas with their distinctive foreguard symbols emerged from the surrounding trees and grass, encircling the outnumbered Kiri ninjas.

Frowning, the Kiri ninjas surveyed their surroundings, their vigilance mounting with each passing moment. They realized they were trapped, surrounded by an increasing number of Uzumaki ninjas.

Nevertheless, Hizume remained unfazed. Being an experienced Jonin with numerous battles under his belt, the overwhelming numbers didn't intimidate him. He discerned that only the Uzumaki ninja directly before him posed a genuine threat. Yet, he glanced back at his fellow shinobi, who seemed somewhat tense.

"We are here solely to deliver a message from our commander," Hizume stated calmly, his face devoid of fear. "He is offering you a final chance to hand over what we seek. If you comply, we will leave peacefully, and no bloodshed will occur."

Yoshino snorted in disdain. "Do you take us for fools? There's no way we will surrender our legacy. Even if we did, there's no guarantee that you would keep your word and depart peacefully."

"Oh, so you're willing to risk the extermination of your clan for the sake of your so-called legacy?" Hizume raised an eyebrow, attempting to instill fear in their hearts. However, the Uzumaki shinobi showed no signs of intimidation.

"There's no need for pretenses anymore. We all know that conflict is inevitable," Yoshino declared, assuming a battle-ready stance, followed by the other shinobi.

Hizume sighed, also adopting a defensive stance. Under his breath, he muttered, "I knew from the beginning that this was a suicide mission."

"Captain, are you sure about this?" Takumi questioned Ryugetsu, who was gazing toward Uzushiogakure. "Sending them on a reconnaissance mission is essentially sending them to their deaths."

Hizume and the others were dispatched by Ryugetsu to gather information and assess the attitude of Uzushiogakure.

"Sometimes the enemy's confidence reveals their situation. Their attitude can determine whether it will be an easy mission for us or a difficult one," Ryugetsu explained, outlining the strategy behind their actions.

Takumi remained hesitant. "But what if they get killed?"

"Some sacrifices are necessary," Ryugetsu responded without a hint of emotion. After a moment, he smirked and added, "And you're overestimating the Uzumaki clan. Apart from their fuinjutsu tricks, they don't possess any formidable ninjutsu. Their only advantage is their high chakra reserves."

Though Ryugetsu expressed this indifference, deep down, he truly didn't care. He had sent Hizume and the others on the mission almost whimsically, with little regard for their lives. In fact, he would consider it advantageous if Hizume were to die.

Takumi was taken aback and voiced the question that had been lingering in his mind. "Then why are we attacking them if they aren't much of a threat?"

Ryugetsu glared at Takumi, initially ready to scold him, but then reconsidered. "Well, they interfered in the previous war, and their knowledge of fuinjutsu is valuable to other nations. They refuse to share it with anyone."

"I see, I understand now," Takumi nodded, outwardly accepting the explanation. However, internally, he suspected there must be more to the story. While other villages often wage wars shamelessly on flimsy pretexts, it seemed peculiar for all the villages to simultaneously target Uzushiogakure.

Ryugetsu continued to observe Takumi, appreciating his ability to recognize the limits of questioning. However, his curiosity about the Uzumaki Clan lingered. While the intelligence regarding their irritable temperament and chakra control challenges might not be entirely accurate, Ryugetsu couldn't help but wonder about the true reason behind the villages' desire to eliminate the Uzumaki Clan.

He believed that the main factor driving this collective decision was the Uzumaki Clan's untapped potential. With their immense chakra reserves and exceptional sealing jutsu, they had the capability to pose a significant threat to every village if they were able to harness their full power.

The question of "why now?" had plagued Ryugetsu's mind, just as it had troubled Takumi. Seeking answers, Ryugetsu had approached the higher-ranking officials, eager to uncover the truth. What he was told left him deeply unsettled. The officials revealed the existence of a peculiar rumor circulating within the ninja world, a rumor that lacked substantial evidence but carried enough weight to stir fear and prompt every village to take immediate action: "The next Senju Hashirama will emerge within the Uzumaki Clan."

This rumor had sent shockwaves throughout the ninja world, igniting fears and aspirations. The prospect of a new individual rising with the same level of power as the legendary Senju Hashirama was enough to stir up a frenzy among the villages, each hoping to eliminate such a potential threat. It was this rumor that had led to the coordinated attack on Uzushiogakure, driven by the desire to neutralize the perceived danger before it could fully manifest.

As Ryugetsu thought of this, Pure fear washed over him. The mere mention of the legendary Senju Hashirama, renowned for his extraordinary skills and unmatched power, sent a shiver down his spine. If there was even a sliver of truth to this rumor, it would explain the urgency behind the simultaneous attack on the Uzumaki Clan. The potential emergence of a figure of Hashirama's caliber within the clan would undoubtedly tip the scales of power in unimaginable ways, posing a threat that no village could afford to ignore.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as the clash between Uzumaki and Kirigakure shinobi escalated. Led by Yoshino, the Uzumaki ninjas displayed their agility and skill, their movements swift and precise. Yoshino's eyes darted across the battlefield, assessing the situation and seeking any advantageous openings.

In the midst of the chaos, Yoshino found himself locked in a fierce one-on-one duel with Hizume, the leader of the Kirigakure shinobi. Their swords clashed with a resounding clang, each combatant strategizing and maneuvering to gain the upper hand. Hizume, known for his mastery of water-based jutsu, conjured a powerful shark shape water attack using his Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique, aiming to overwhelm Yoshino.

Yet, Yoshino proved to be a formidable opponent. With quick reflexes and an abundance of chakra, he countered Hizume's attack with his own Water Release: Water Bullet Technique. Though he managed to defend himself unscathed, the disparity in their water manipulation abilities was evident.

Hizume's eyes widened in surprise, realizing that Yoshino possessed a level of skill and power he hadn't anticipated. Although it wasn't enough to defeat him outright, Yoshino's resourcefulness and ability to amplify his techniques with increased chakra impressed even his adversary.

Undeterred, Hizume wore a smirk and swiftly formed hand seals, employing the Mist Transformation Jutsu. As a dense mist blanketed the battlefield, obscuring visibility and disorienting the Uzumaki ninjas, Hizume took advantage of the situation, signaling his companions.

Aware of the danger, Yoshino warned his fellow Uzumaki shinobi to exercise caution. He honed his senses, relying on his intuition to navigate through the enveloping mist. Swiftly and silently, he moved with purpose, guided by his heightened perception.

"Lost in the mist, eh, Uzumaki? How would you..." Hizume's voice cut through the haze, taunting him, but before the words could fully leave his mouth, a chakra-infused fist materialized in front of him.

Instinctively, Hizume attempted to defend himself by crossing his arms, but the force behind Yoshino's attack sent him hurtling backward. Struggling to regain his footing, Hizume abruptly halted as he sensed the cold touch of a sharp weapon against his neck.

"Did you forget about 'Kagura's Eye'?" Yoshino's voice resonated with a hint of triumph as he revealed himself, standing behind Hizume with a kunai pressed against his throat. "You still underestimate my sensory abilities, despite all this mist?"

"No, I know" A voice sounded behind Yoshino and a sharp pointed thing rested on his neck, Hizume's body which was in front of as his body melted into the water "That's why I know how to confuse it"

"No, I know," a voice resounded behind Yoshino, causing him to freeze. A sharp object pressed against his neck, and Hizume's body, which Yoshino had believed to be in front of him, melted into water. It was a Water Clone.

Yoshino's eyes widened in realization. "The mist isn't normal," he muttered, finally understanding that he had been deceived all along, unable to discern the real Hizume amidst the mist.

The revelation of Hizume's water clone and his clever manipulation of the mist left Yoshino stunned. He realized that the mist surrounding them was not ordinary, it had been infused with chakra, making it difficult to discern between real and fake. Uzumaki's renowned sensory abilities were rendered ineffective against such a technique.

Hizume's smile widened as he explained the purpose of their mist assassination technique. "Why do you think we are famous for our mist assassination technique? It can easily confuse even those with renowned sensory abilities like Kagura's Eye unless they possess the Byakugan."

As the mist dispersed, revealing some Uzumaki ninjas in the same subdued position as Yoshino, a tense silence fell upon the battlefield. The Uzumaki shinobi looked at each other, their expressions a mix of frustration and determination.

The remaining Uzumaki shinobi halted their attacks as they witnessed their captain and fellow comrades being taken captive by the Kirigakure shinobi. They realized that further resistance would be futile and only result in more casualties among their ranks. Reluctantly, they lowered their weapons and allowed themselves to be subdued, joining their captured comrades.

Yoshino's expression hardened as he observed his fellow Uzumaki shinobi being subdued and taken captive. He directed a questioning gaze towards Hizume, his captor. "So, this was your plan, huh?" Yoshino's voice carried a mixture of anger and disappointment. "I thought you weren't the type to care about companions."

Hizume remained silent, his mind racing with various thoughts. In truth, he had considered the option of killing as many Uzumaki shinobi as possible before making his escape. However, abandoning his comrades was not an option for him. He had a hunch that Ryugetsu, his superior, desired his death. If he were to return to the Kirigakure camp alone and unscathed, he could face severe punishment for abandoning his teammates.

Furthermore, Hizume was aware of the rumors circulating about a new department being established, one that held greater importance than even the ANBU. He desired to be selected for this department, as it would elevate his status and grant him further opportunities to prove himself. Perhaps Ryugetsu himself wanted Hizume dead because his own brother was also a candidate for this position, and eliminating Hizume would eliminate competition.

Hizume's gaze shifted from Yoshino to the other subdued Uzumaki shinobi, his expression revealing a hint of satisfaction. He had accomplished his objective of neutralizing the Uzumaki forces without excessive bloodshed. With the Uzumaki shinobi now captured and under his control, he believed he had secured a significant accomplishment for Kirigakure.

"It doesn't matter," Hizume sneered as he lightly stabbed Yoshino, his eyes shifting towards the remaining Uzumaki clan members. His creepy smile sent shivers down their spines. "Now you are coming with..."

"Are you sure about that?" Yoshino interrupted him, a hint of amusement in his voice. He looked towards the sky and simply said, "Do it."

Confusion clouded Hizume's face as he tried to ask Yoshino what he meant, but before he could utter a word, a sudden movement caught his attention.

In an instant, several shinobi appeared, surrounding them. Rather than attacking, they swiftly performed hand seals, causing a purple barrier to materialize around the Kirigakure ninjas. The Kirigakure shinobi were perplexed by these unexpected turn of events.

"Is this a... barrier?" Hizume muttered, stunned by the Uzumaki shinobi's disregard for their captive comrades, effectively trapping Kirigakure Ninjas along with the captives.

"Yes, it's called the Four Violet Flames Formation. Impressive, isn't it?" Yoshino, still held at knifepoint, replied without a hint of fear. He looked at Hizume with a sinister smile as blood trickled from his neck. "Sorry, but you won't be leaving here alive."

"Y-You..." Hizume was flustered, his confidence wavering as he faced Yoshino's unwavering smile, akin to a devil reveling in its prey's impending demise. Yoshino's attention shifted toward the Uzumaki clan members within the barrier, and he continued speaking, his tone dripping with menace.

"Speaking of which, if you are thinking about them..." Unbeknownst to Hizume, Yoshino had secretly gathered chakra in his hand, taking advantage of Hizume's distraction caused by his words. He added, "Well, it looks like we weren't the only ones affected by the mist."

As Yoshino finished speaking, a cacophony of "bangs" reverberated as the Uzumaki clan members within the barrier dispersed into smoke, revealing themselves to be shadow clones. The Kirigakure shinobi were taken aback, realizing that the Uzumaki members were nothing more than shadow clones.

Hizume remained stunned by the rapid turn of events, his heartbeat quickening. It was too late for him to react as the word "Rasengan" reached his ears, followed by a powerful impact that sent him hurtling toward the barrier. He collided with the barrier, rebounding and crashing to the ground, coughing up blood as he struggled to stand. while the other Kirigakure shinobi finally reacted, surrounding Yoshino.

Panting heavily, Yoshino found himself surrounded by the Kirigakure shinobi, realizing that his chakra was depleted. He muttered to himself, "Even in my current state, it's a shame for the Uzumaki name."

He looked at the Kirigakure ninjas closing in on him, and at Hizume, who was in a pitiful state as he tried to rise. In a serious tone, Yoshino declared, "It looks like it's time to stop playing."

He reached into his pocket and retrieved what appeared to be a small spherical object like a ball. Fear filled the hearts of the Kirigakure shinobi as they tightened their grip on their weapons, still struggling to comprehend the rapidly unfolding events. As they watched Yoshino reveal the mysterious object, their fear grew.

"You know, someone once questioned since it was possible to create lethal explosive tags only on a thin piece of paper," Yoshino paused, gazing outside the barrier.

Hizume, who had managed to regain his footing with the assistance of the Kirigakure shinobi, realized the gravity of the situation and shouted in desperation, "You bast—"

"—then is it possible to create something even more lethal, a hundred or a thousand times the power of an explosive tag, using something else?" Another voice sounded from outside the barrier, cutting off Hizume's words.

Hizume's gaze shifted, widening with disbelief, as he beheld another Yoshino standing outside the barrier. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt. He attempted to utter a word, his voice trembling, "...bloo..." But his sentence remained unfinished, drowned out by the deafening roar of a thunderous explosion that reverberated through the air.



p@treon.com/Kaiszer (Replace '@' with 'a')

Before anyone joins my Patreon for this story. I write this fanfic very slowly, So keep that in mind. I will upload here more chapters when I will 5 chapters ahead from here.

It was my first writing a fight scene is it passable? I will try to improve in the future. Speaking of which, you have to wait for the next chapters for a bit of time because I usually write this fanfic slowly. Hopefully, that changes from now on. (2740 words btw this chapter)

Kaiszercreators' thoughts