
Rise Of The Zodiac King


aoiYuki · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
123 Chs


But a sudden wave of realization had hit him right there and then straight on his face. "Wait. This could actually work." He said to himself afterwards. Eisen Evans activated Frost Half by coating his body with full iced up armor while Blizz was getting his enormous claymore ready.

The creature jumped up and set his sights right on Eisen. Eisen Evans tried to maintain his composure all throughout this. But his frost blast missed mid air as the creature was looking to put his entire weight down on him. Eisen side stepped it masterfully while stepping out of the lime light in order to let Blizz himself have a crack at it.

His flamed up claymore hit one of the tentacles and actually cut it pretty cleanly, sending the creature into a bit of a state of pain. "Hm. I-I have been injured?" the creature asked himself as he looked at the decapitated mechanical wire from his back. "Just tell us why you have to eat other players!" Eisen screamed at him.