
Rise of The Undead Legion

Three years ago Conquest was released, redefining virtual reality and gaming. ‘An entire world on a server. Dive in and play the RPG to end all others; explore, create, conquer. LIVE!’ It became an overnight phenomena worldwide. Dave Ruster grew up without a family to speak of, he had few friends and fewer prospects. He lives in the same small town where he graduated from high school, and works long hours at a low-paying job that barely pays for rent and the food on his table. He can’t afford college, but at least he is not out on the streets. His life is going nowhere, stuck on a treadmill. Until chance, karma, or providence, call it whatever you believe in, intervenes. Suddenly, David’s circumstances change. Injured and unable to work, he’s about to lose what little he has. His fate balances where crisis and opportunity go hand in hand. He can risk it all, seizing the opportunity to make circumstances work for him, potentially going further and higher than he ever dreamed. Or he can accept his fate and watch life from the sidelines Join Dave as he puts all his aspirations and hopes, all that he is, into the game he always wanted to play, Conquest! It will be a journey of adventure and discovery, victory and loss, as he strives to create a new future for himself, in-the-game and In Real Life. **** Story is currently being proofed by our Lord Sambraga! (chapters 54+) so please bear with the mediocre quality of writing in the first chaps, it gets much better later on!****

Biako · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
564 Chs

The benevolent duo


Destructive Smash reached Amateur level (2)

Finally, after two hours of smashing around, the skill managed to level up!


Destructive Smash

Skill Level Amateur (2)

Damage / Effects 55% Weapon damage

Stuns target for 1 second

Rarity Common (E)

Cost 45 stamina 10 Rage points

Cool down 55 Seconds

"Well, the only difference is the slight increase in damage and the cooldown reduction by 5 seconds. Also, stamina cost had decreased by a slight bit" said Dave to himself.

He turned back to see the instructor that has just "conveniently" come back.

"Mr. Juda, I have leveled up the skill to level two." Dave said. This was the requirement for him to have the chance to go to the church so that he would start his planning class questline.

"Oh, that was rather fast! You sure are hardworking. Here you go!" Juda said as he handed Dave a sealed Letter. Quest item

Sealed letter.

"Hand this over to the Bishop in the church. It's at the northern side of town, I marked it on your map so you don't get lost." Juda said and the exclamation mark on his head vanished. It seems that he no longer has anything to say to Dave so he dismissed himself.

Dave knew very well that if he wanted to be a solo player, the paladin class was not the best it heavily relied on tanking damage. But it was one of the best starter classes because it gave its wielder many buffs and heals and could be well used to do some solo play early in the game.

But the reason for Dave's choice of class was that at a certain level, he could switch from a paladin to a Holy Knight. This was a common class, and it had a lot of DPS and could take some serious hits.

It was not that rare of a class but it was one of the best for solo players who enjoyed taking monsters head on.

Dave took a look at his map and found out that the church was not that far from where he was. He headed north of the town and managed to find a small church that had a couple of guards on its front door.

"Halt, where are you headed young man?" said one of the guards. The both of them had Green names so they were friendly but it seems to Dave that they were programmed to do their job properly as guards. Looking at Dave who didn't have the attire of a church's believer they had to ask questions.

"I need to meet with the Bishop, I have a sealed Letter from Master Juda that I need to hand it to him personally." Dave calmly spoke.

"Ah, a letter from Master Juda. So, you are one of the new recruits. Alright, you may get in." When Dave was inside the church, he saw that it was similar to the orthodox churches of the Christian religion.

There was a man wearing red ceremonial gowns. A look of piety on his face and a blue exclamation mark was over his head.

When Dave got in range, the man looked up and with a pious look he opened both his arms and spoke in a manner worthy of a saint.

"Welcome young one to the church of the God of Justice!" spoke the priest.

"Thank you for receiving me your Excellency, I have been sent by Master Juda and I wish to serve the church in becoming one of its shields," Dave said. This was the required dialogue needed for him to say I initiate the quest he had already done research on the whole paladin quest.

"Oh, a young man like you wishes to serve the holy church, you have the heart of a good and benevolent person, but just the heat cannot defend the people you need to prove your strength first to make people follow the teachings of gods." Said the man.

"This is a letter from master Juda, he asked me to deliver it to you as proof of my strength." Dave handed the letter.

The old man took the letter and began to read it.

His expressions changed a bit then he smiled before saying

"Master Juda is a powerful warrior, and in this letter, he praised your hardworking ability.

Indeed, if this is true then you are worthy of joining the church's ranks.

But before that, you will need to prove your worth. This is your first task. Deep within the wilderness that is positioned at the southern part of town, you will find an ancient tomb. It is filled with powerful creatures of the dead.

Your task is to reduce the numbers of the less powerful creatures to help the civilians and aid the church," Class quest!

Defeat 25 skeleton soldiers.

Quest difficulty A

Dave was surprised to discover that the difficulty of his first-class quest is so high. Why would this be the case?

"Looking at your current level, this place is a bit too powerful for you. You should probably gain more strength and level up before you could start this task." Said the Bishop confirming Dave's worries.

What Dave didn't account for was that his position as close to the eastern kingdom, this kingdom had barred many of the powerful guilds from ever breaking. And it was to be understood. This place is mainly a high-level area. While Dave is only Level 1.

"I will do my best," said Dave then right before he could leave two guys suddenly entered the church.

Once Dave turned around, he noticed that they are players.

One had the name

Bone Breaker

The other was named Stainless Steel.

This was the first time Dave met players in this game. Mainly due to the town where he was 'Moria' was an empty and vacant town. People rarely chose this place as their spawning point. It is too far from any of the more popular cities and has low recourses, plus the monsters around it are too high leveled from new players. High-level players would pass by here from time to time to do some quests, and this was the same reason these guys were here.

"Oh look!" said Bone Breaker. There is a player here! Ah, look at his clothes! He must be a newbie."

Said Bone Breaker addressing his friend.

"Hey bro," said the guy named Stainless Steel. "Why did you start your character here? Don't you know it is too tough for you to even level up here? Any monster here will kill you a hundred time over before you could even land a hit with that low level of yours and without any proper equipment."

"Thanks, I just started the game and just randomly picked a spawning point." Dave shrugged. "Wait a moment here I need to submit a quest." Said Bone Breaker and then spoke to the bishop.

The conversation between NPC and the players is muted for everyone else besides the concerned party. So, Dave couldn't hear the conversation, but looking at a glowing light that shone from Bone Breaker he understood that the man just leveled up and he must have finished a quest.

"Alright, my quest is over.""Hey dude" said Bone Breaker addressing Dave.


"You must have just started your class quest, right? You want to be a paladin?" asked Bone Breaker.

"Uh, yes" answered Dave

"Alright, listen up, am going to do you a favor, I am currently doing a quest that is related to killing the undead. You can accompany us; join our party and we can help you with your quest. It's just killing some skeletons, right? I am a paladin too, and I have been in your place once," said Bone Breaker.

Stainless Steel looked at his friend in a questioning look, but then he smirked and smiled. That smile was a bit sinister but Dave noticed it and became on guard.

"Yes," said Dave

"Then join our party. We can Power level you a bit" he said as he sent a party invitation.

You have been invited to a party!

Accept Y/N?

Dave then accepted and was shocked to see the two guy's level.

Stainless Steel was level 322, while Bone Breaker was level 351!

The interface would also show the party member's HP and mana points which were stunning to look at from Dave's point of view.

Stainless Steel was a priest of sorts while his hp was about 225 000, his Mp was more than 400 000!

While Bone Breaker was a paladin who had more than 450 000 hp! That was a monstrous amount of Hp! But what about their defense Value? Dave couldn't fathom it!

Dave couldn't understand why they would help him, but it didn't feel right. Something was amiss…

"I think that I will just slow you down, guys. I should probably focus on my own thing here" said Dave

"Ah, don't worry, we are all brothers here. Listen to up, we need at least three people to finish a quest, there is a secret quest that we have initiated and the door to that quest needs three people to operate. Here, you can take these for yourself. You are about to become a Paladin you might use them." Said Bone Breaker as he initiated an exchange.

He placed some equipment in the exchange panel, a potion and a shield with a hammer. And gave them to Dave.

Dave rarely believed in free things, though he gave some of his money and didn't wait for a return he didn't think that many people would do so without an objective. Especially these two guys, they could have picked anyone else, why Dave?

What Dave didn't know that many people would instantly reject their offer once they know where they were heading.

Death in this game is no simple. Once a person dies, they lose all their XP and will be reset to 0 XP on their level.

If a person was level 100 for example and with 99% XP to level up if they die their XP meter will reset, they will still be level 100 but they will have 0% XP

However, for Dave, he was just level 1 so even if he dies, he won't be losing anything. And for these two guys, it was much better than to hope for someone else to accompany them. People would be worried about strangers coming with them too unknown places, but Dave thought that this was just a game, what is the worse that could happen?