
One man's wish

In the year 3015 on a blue planet in milky way galaxy. The technology was at its peak and whatnot, all luxuries are at the fingertip of every being.

In the corner of a shabby abandoned room on the outskirts of the Salmela district, in the corner of the room which looks like it's been abandoned for a long time and dusty all over, there was a Oldman, feeble and almost at the death door was praying to the god. He's been praying to the god his whole life.

The man's whole life is always where someone uses him and leave him after he lived out his usefulness. His parents died when he was very young and he has to take care his only family, his sister. And his sister is suffering from a rare disease and so all the inheritance that was left of his parents was gone to the medical expenses until the day his sister died of illness and all that left for him was the room he was in now.

god appeared in front of a man for his relentless determination and prayer, and asked the man 'I am impressed by your determination and shall grant you one wish'.

so, the man asked 'can i ask for anything?'.

god replied 'There are some limits of the wish i can grant u based on the planet limitations and i can't make you a god yourself'.

rule1: Time cannot be reversed.

rule2: Any dead person cannot be revived.

rule3: Malicious wishes against any living is not allowed.

rule4: obviously u cannot be granted a wish to become the god.

rule5: No wishing for more wishes or any counterpart of it.

'Then i wish for ... and i should be the last person to die in the whole' said the man.

'Your wish is granted' said God to the man.

on that fate full day,

that's when the whole planet shook to its core, all the lives of every being in galaxy are changed.

Many lives are lost that day, many became homeless or orphans. No one on the planet knows the reason for what was happening on the planet.

All government organizations are looking into the reason for the chaos that was happening all across the planet.

It is also on this very fateful day that the humanity development took a drastic turn from the technological development to magic development.

That's when the start of the humanities downfall and rise as well.

In the center of the largest and the most developed city on the planet, where the country's central power lies, many of the countries heads were assembled to decisions on how to proceed forward with the situations that were happening all over the planet. But, what they didn't expect that they will become the first to witness the miraculous and dangerous opportunities that will be provided to the humans going forward.

Directly below the building where the meeting was held a seed was sprouting its very first leaves and it was growing at a rapid pace that can be observed by the naked eye. It was very magical in nature.

'Does anyone have any idea or a inkling of what was happening on the planet' one-man said.

another man 'To think that it happened all over the planet and at the same time'

another 'So, it was not done by any criminal or terrorist organization'

'Then we can safely rule out involvement of any terrorist or criminal organization'

The person who all the countries heads decided as the acting leader for this meeting motioned for his assistant.

The assistant who is standing behind the acting leader leaned forward and said 'Sir'

'Has any report come from the intelligence department?' asked the leader.

assistant hesitantly said 'Yes, but it seems even the intelligence department says that they have no idea about what was happening across the planet and as it was happening across all over all at once and very thorough investigation says that no organisation was involved in the incident.'

leader 'So, what did the report says the reason for the present situation on the planet?'

Assistant 'They says that they need some time to provide any concrete or possible reasons for the situation'

leader to all the countries heads "The results from the intelligence department came and it says no criminal organization was involved."

some country head 'what they the reason for current situation'

leader 'The report states they ne...'

That's when it happened a large tree sprout from the centre of the room destroying everything that was in the way and all the heads of the countries across the planet caught in the destruction made by the tree.

Luckly many made through the incident with minor injuries and not have everlasting injuries.

all the countries heads that survived the incident witnessed the end of their current troubles and the start of the many of the troubles to come.

As they witnessed the tree that caused the destruction of the building of the central power on the continent grow to the sky it appeared as though it has no limit to it's growth, but it's when all the tremors and shakings or quakes all across the planet have stopped.

But that's when they noticed a change in their field of vision.

It just started with the heads of the all the countries but by the end of the day every one that survived the incident all have noticed a change in their vision. As everyone on the planet notice that something was present in their field of vision.

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This is my first of many writings to come please read and comment on your thoughts whether it is positive or negative on my novel.

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