
Rise of The Strongest Harem King(DXD)

What happen when a shut-in otaku and womanizer who is unexpectedly killed and granted a second chance at life. Meeting a powerful energy being, he is reincarnated in the world of *High School DxD* as a devil with immense untapped potential, belonging to the noble Asmodeus family. With the assistance of a sentient system that grants him quests and rewards, Kazuki embarks on a path to becoming one of the most powerful beings in the underworld. Through rigorous training, Kazuki grows rapidly, unlocking not only the typical seductive powers of the Asmodeus line but also a rare and mysterious ability to manipulate the abyss. He soon learns that he is the true heir to the Asmodeus family, a secret that places him in a unique position of influence and power. However, his ambitions don’t stop there. Kazuki is determined to seize control of his destiny and carve out his place in a world filled with supernatural threats, powerful enemies, and alluring heroines. With his system guiding him, he tackles quests, grows stronger, and navigates his relationships with the many women drawn to his charm and power, all while uncovering the mysteries surrounding his family’s downfall and the greater conflicts that threaten the world. Armed with his knowledge as an otaku and his growing strength, Kazuki's journey to the top is just beginning, but he is prepared to face any challenge that comes his way—whether it be love, war, or the abyss itself. This story is inspired by the universe created by Ichiei Ishibumi in High School DxD. ----- Support my Other Novel: Descent of the Supreme Being.

Dark_king0921 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 5: The Start of Story

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Kazuki Raiden woke up with a sense of excitement and purpose. Today marked the first day of his school life at Kuoh Academy, a crucial step in the world he had once only known as fiction. After a month of intense training, his strength had soared to Peak High Devil, and now, it was time to test his wits and charm in the real world.

He stood before the large mirror in his massive, elegantly furnished bedroom, admiring his reflection. His perfectly chiseled features and dark, unruly hair framed his intense eyes. He couldn't help but grin as he thought, 'I look like the very definition of perfection.'

[Host, you're being narcissistic again,] the system chimed in cheekily, its feminine voice playful yet slightly annoyed.

'Come on, you know I'm just stating facts,' Kazuki thought, chuckling to himself as he left his room. He made his way to the garage, where a collection of high-end vehicles greeted him—everything from sleek hypercars to luxurious sedans. But today, Kazuki had something different in mind. He wanted to make an impression. He walked past the cars and stopped in front of his prized possession: a sleek, black motorcycle.

'Why not teleport?' Kazuki thought with a grin. 'But that wouldn't be fun.'

The system, clearly exasperated, sighed. [Host, you love making things complicated.]

With a smirk, Kazuki swung his leg over the motorcycle, revved the engine, and took off, the wind rushing against his face. As he approached Kuoh Academy, the sight of the large, grand school filled him with excitement. The grounds were already packed with students, and the moment he arrived, all eyes were on him.


As Kazuki parked his bike and removed his helmet, he noticed the stares of the girls gathering at the school gate. They were whispering among themselves, clearly enthralled by his striking appearance. He couldn't help but smirk as he overheard bits of their conversation.

"Who is that?" one girl gasped.

"He's so handsome!" another exclaimed.

'Exactly the reaction I was hoping for,' he thought.

Kazuki was about to head inside when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he found himself face-to-face with a girl who radiated an air of authority. Sharp eyes behind glasses, short black hair, and an aura of calm dominance. She was familiar. Of course she was—it was Sona Shitori, the president of Kuoh Academy's student council. Or, as Kazuki knew her true identity, Sona Sitri.

"You're blocking the entrance," she said with a slight edge in her voice, though it remained polite.

Kazuki smiled and stepped aside. "Ah, my apologies."

Sona studied him for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly in a way that told Kazuki she was analyzing him, but she quickly hid any further reaction. "I'm Sona Shitori, the student council president. Are you new here?"

"Yes, I'm Kazuki Raiden. A transfer student," he said smoothly, flashing her a charming smile. He activated his passive charm ability, just to see if it would have any effect on her.

Sona's expression remained neutral, though Kazuki didn't miss the faint twitch of her brow. "Do you know where your classroom is, Mr. Raiden?"

Kazuki scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I'm afraid I don't."

Sona sighed softly but nodded. "Follow me. I'll show you."

As they walked through the halls of Kuoh Academy, Kazuki couldn't help but admire how poised Sona was. She exuded confidence and intelligence, just like in the original series. But more than that, he felt a challenge—Sona wasn't someone who would easily fall for charms or games. She would require something more.

'System, show me her stats,' he thought, curious about how she measured up.


**Name:** Sona Shitori (Sitri)

**Race:** Devil (High-Class)

**Power Level:** High-Class Devil

**Abilities:** Water Manipulation, Strategic Genius

**Affection Level:** 1/100

**Likes:** Strategy games, discipline, order, honest

**Dislikes:** Recklessness, dishonesty, perverts


'1 affection, huh? Well, that's expected,' Kazuki mused. 'She's going to be a tough one.'

[Indeed, Host. She's not easily swayed. You'll need to work for her affection.]

'I wouldn't want it any other way,' Kazuki replied, his smirk growing wider.

When they finally reached his classroom, Sona stopped and gestured toward the door. "This is your class. Good luck."

Kazuki turned to her, his smile softening. "Thank you, Kaicho. I appreciate the help."

Sona gave a curt nod, her face unreadable. "You're welcome," she said before turning to leave, her posture as rigid and perfect as ever. As she walked away, Kazuki thought, 'She's definitely not someone you can rush with. But that's fine by me.'

[You seem confident,] the system teased.

'Confidence is key,' Kazuki replied, pushing open the door to his classroom.


Inside, the moment Kazuki entered, the room fell into silence. Every pair of eyes turned toward him, curious and, in some cases, envious. The girls looked particularly excited, while the boys seemed less than thrilled about his presence.

The teacher looked up from her desk and smiled. "Ah, you must be the new transfer student. Please, introduce yourself."

Kazuki stepped forward, his eyes scanning the room, and his gaze landed on one particular student—Issei Hyoudou. The protagonist of the story was sitting near the back, laughing with his friends, completely oblivious to Kazuki's entrance.

'There he is,' Kazuki thought, his smile widening. 'The hero of this story.'

"My name is Kazuki Raiden," he said aloud, his voice clear and confident. "I'm a transfer student, and I look forward to getting to know everyone."

The girls were practically swooning at his words, while the boys exchanged uneasy glances. Kazuki could feel the tension in the air, but he thrived on it. He glanced back at Issei, the clueless protagonist, and couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation.

'System, show me his stats,' he thought.


**Name:** Issei Hyoudou

**Race:** Human

**Power Level:** Human (Low)

**Abilities:** Protagonist Halo

**Sacred Gear** Boosted Gear(Dormant)


'Protagonist Halo? What the hell is that?' Kazuki thought, intrigued.

[The "Protagonist Halo" is a unique trait that gives him extreme plot armor, host. It's what ensures that the story revolves around him, and why he'll always end up victorious in key moments. However, it can be diminished,] the system explained.

'Of course he has something like that,' Kazuki thought with a grin. 'But I'll dismantle it piece by piece.'

Kazuki found a seat near the back, his eyes still locked on Issei. The protagonist was weak now—just a regular human. But soon, the canon events would begin, and Issei would reincarnated as a devil. Kazuki knew he had to act before then, weaken the Protagonist Halo, and prevent Issei from gaining too much power.

'This is going to be fun,' he thought, sitting down and leaning back in his chair. 'I'm going to make sure this story doesn't go the way it was supposed to.'

As the class settled into its routine, Kazuki's mind was already whirling with plans. His first mission had yet to be given by the system, but he knew it would be soon. For now, he would play his part and wait for the right moment to strike.

**To be continued...**


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