
Book of Characters

In this page, you can find a brief list of all the characters that have been introduced so far in Rise of the Serpent.

Book First: Ghost Pond

Darkscale: MC, a simple black collar snake that survived the contact with Evil King's blood and subsequentially gained a conscience.

The Evil King: Powerful Beast Cultivator, and origin of the Cursed Blood that changed Darkscale.

Yun Sutao: a member of the Forest Will Tribe that had some great conflict with the tribe. He was the owner of the Blue Cave, before it was stolen by Darkscale.

Crow: a bird with a strange way of flying that helped Darkscale understand how to use the Pretorian's Breath. He was then scared almost to death by the latter.

Green haired, Sun Leaf: the son of the Forest Will Tribe's leader. He wanted to capture Darkscale after seeing him maim a young hunter.

Winter Leaf: a member of the Forest Will Tribe. She led the group that pursued Darkscale under the order of her Young Chief. She then becomes a servant of Darkscale, when he put the Slave Mark Seal on her.

Ironboar: a member of the Forest Will Tribe. He was in the group led by Winter Leaf that pursued Darkscale under the orders of their Young Chief. He's very protective towards the people of the Tribe and dislikes both Yun Sutao and the green haired Young Chief.

Pinochio: a member of the Forest Will Tribe. He was in the group led by Winter Leaf that pursued Darkscale under the orders of their Young Chief. He's a good friend of Yun Sutao.

Third: a member of the Forest Will Tribe that was gravely maimed by Darkscale, who took away his left eye in a sneak attack.