
Rise of the Reaper

The world changed on a fateful night in the winter of 2010 The night was young, with only the light hue of the moon illuminating the stary sky. "On this fateful night, a large meteor shower is scheduled to appear and dazzle the sky with its majestic sights" A news station tuning into the event reported. Expecting to see the vibrant blue and red-tinged streak that is associated with a meteor, a small voice pierced the entire night. "Mommy, why is the sky yellow?" A young boy expectedly looked toward his mother. Instead of the vibrant blue and red-streaked trail following a meteor, a dull, lackluster yellow could be seen tailing the meteors falling down to Earth

WrathofSwords · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Letting out a long sigh of relief, Hunter leaned his back against the door, sliding down all the way to the floor.

Grabbing his sandwich, Hunter made his way to the kitchen counter. He began to eat his lunch, enjoying the food in his moment of silence.

After finishing, Hunter made his way to the rest of his classes for the day.

Hunter was in his final class for the day, staring at the clock so he could get a headstart back to his dorm.

Before the class had ended for the day, his teacher's watch went off. The teacher put his wrist to his ear before making eye contact with Hunter.

"Yes, I'll tell him right away ma'am" The teacher spoke into his watch.

"Hunter Rowan, please make your way to Headmaster Johnson's office," The teacher said while not even taking a glance in Hunter's direction.

"Ooh, you're in trouble" Ethan whispered to Hunter while giving him a light punch on his arm.

Making his way to the office, Hunter couldn't help but wonder why he was being called in. 'What if there were cameras watching me put on the cloak!' Hunter panicked inwardly at that thought.

Hunter slowed his pace down, slowly moving his eyes upward to check if the hallways had cameras. Luckily for him, it didn't seem like there were any in his field of view.

Arriving at the office, Hunter took note of the grand oak doorway that stood outside of the headmaster's office room.

Engraved on the door were a series of black flames spewing from the mouth of a dragon head, the symbol for the academy.

*Knock* *Knock*

With two curt knocks on the door, a feminine voice responded from within the room.

"Come on in Hunter"

Opening the door, Hunter saw a young woman sitting behind a black stone desk, her hand on the desk, pressed together firmly. To Hunter, the headmaster was stunning, her bright red lips and rosy cheeks would bring any man to his knees.

Keeping his cool, Hunter entered the room and took a seat in the chair in front of the headmaster's desk.

"Hunter, I've asked you in here today to discuss your role in this school. Today's power level test deemed you at level zero once again" the headmaster softly spoke to Hunter.

"At this point in time, it would be best if you reconsider your enrolment in this school" the headmaster's serious gaze locked with Hunters.

"Please just give me another chance!" Hunter raised his voice in shock.

The headmaster let out a long sigh.

"If you manage to increase your class rank by the end of the month then I will allow you to stay at the school. Over the years I've pulled strings to allow you to stay in the academy because I knew your parents. But Hunter, this is your final chance, got it?" Headmaster Johnson sadly said to Hunter.

"I understand," Hunter said while lowering his head to look at his feet.

"In two weeks there will be a competition, you will have a chance to increase your rankings then," she said.

With his head lowered, Hunter left the room, closing the large door behind him. Before he completely closed the door he could have sworn he heard the headmaster utter a few words.

"Good luck Hunter"

Walking back to his dorm, Hunter's thoughts were clouded. He was rapidly thinking, biting his thumb until it was raw.

Unknown to Hunter, a group of boys was quickly approaching him from behind.

Still lost in his thoughts, Hunter felt a pair of hands-on his back, pushing him hard from behind. Falling to the ground, Hunter braced his arms in front of his head.

"I told you that the next time I see you that you're dead Hunter" Bryce chuckled while standing over Hunter.

Bryce and his goons stood over Hunter, all snickering at his pitiful appearance.

Hunter tried to stand up, which was received with a quick kick to his stomach. The hallways were still relatively crowded so some of the surrounding students yelled out for a teacher.

"I get it Bryce, you have to be violent in order to compensate for a small di-"


Hunter was backhanded by Bryce, which sent him spiraling into the wall.

Letting out a gasp, Hunter tried to maintain his consciousness from the impact. Blackness threatened to take over his vision.

Looking up at the sneering Bryce, Hunter split out blood all while glaring at the larger boy.

'What do I do!' Hunter thought to himself before remembering that he still had an ability skill point he hadn't used yet.

'System! Unlock a skill with the point' Hunter quickly thought.

[Unlocking Skill...]

[Shadow Sythe Unlocked]

Regaining his composure, Hunter slowly stood up, using the wall as support.

Bryce was turned to his friends, all of them laughing at Hunter.

"It's about time I finished this up," Bryce said coldly.

"Manifest! Strength!" Bryce shouted as he got into a stance, yellow aura started to surround his fist.

"Goodbye Hunter," Bryce said with bloodlust coating his words.

Bryce swung his fist towards Hunter's face with eagle-like precision.

"Summon! Shadow Sythe!" Hunter yelled out as he reached out his hand.

Black tendrils quickly started to move from Hunter's shoulder to his hand. The tendrils started to solidify into a two-meter long pitch-black staff. At the end of the staff, a crimson red blade grew to form a lengthy, curved point.