

Altair's response troubled Gideon to say the least. She said that he didn't dream, yet what he saw last night was engrained in his memory.

The neverending sea of blood red threads and the voice as well as her words. Gideon knew what he saw.

He explained the situation to her and she seemed to be at a loss as much as he was. She truly didn't see anything strange in him throughout the night.

They didn't have much to go on, but Altair came up with a theory, one that he didn't exactly find pleasant.

[It's possible that your soul might have been projected into wherever that was.] Her words both unnerved and confused Gideon.

'But that makes no sense, if my soul left my body then surely you would notice.' He said.

[I didn't say taken away, I said projected, like the person that did this almost displayed your soul into their area to see.] Now Gideon was really troubled.