

"Whho arre youu?" the now terrified an wimpers as he shuffles backwards while gripping on to his bleeding arm. " I am Calisto, THE PHOENIX DRAGON" the voice responds laced with power as she steps towards her prey with a menacing look. She stares down at the frightened man with a glint of mischief flicker in her eyes and a matching smirk. "Run" she simply whispers and without a second thought the man scampers as far as he can before he is pinned down once more by the fiery beast. " I did tell you to run" she smiles, and soon the birds fly away from the screams of the now deceased werewolf man. WARNING:may contain some triggering scenes so for your own safety do not engage.

girl_inspace18 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter Five

Third Person's POV

The kings memorized state is stripped away as his large Dragon form is pinned down by the fiery beast."Stand down" Calisto powerfully bellows out as she stares down at the king with equal dominance radiating off of the two.

The king begins to growl loudly trying his best to free himself. With much more force Calisto pins him down and begins to chant out a spell with the help of Kyra inside of her.The kings hazy eyes begin to slowly fade back to its natural colour.Still unsure of how to transform back to her human form she quickly grabs the now unconscious king with her mouth and rushes him to his chambers with much struggle for it was quite difficult to move through the narrow hallways and stairs of the palace in such a large form.

"How do I transform back" Kyra asks her new accomplice.

"Just breathe, close your eyes and imagine your human form" Calisto responds.Following the instructions laid out to her she is now back to her normal self.

She silently celebrates too soon for she is met with the floor and a heavy and not too mention unconscious king. She hoists his lifeless arm over her shoulder as she kicks the doors to his chambers open. Trying not to fall for the both of them she finally succeeds.

Placing the king in his bed, Kyra wastes no time in transforming into an eagle where she soars back to the ballroom where the guests were still shocked at what had just occurred not too long ago.

She flies on to the platform where the throne is placed and stares down at the chattering room of people. "Silence" she booms out ever so loudly all thanks to Calisto and soon everyone has stopped their panic chatters and have turned to face their Queen Luna who is still unaware of her status.

"There is nothing that I can say or do to erase all that has happened not too long ago, but all I can say is the King was drugged thus leading to his strange behaviour" once she announces the once quiet room is filled with gasps and chatters.

"And I apologise for the cause of your worries and fears. We have everything under control now I would like for you all to leave calmly through the doors and travel safely back home" she addresses the crowd there were a lot of disappointed faces in the crowd, some seemed quite content with leaving the palace.

Once the ballroom is empty General Kyra begins her walk back to the King's chambers. On her way there she notices the same doctors and nurses that were tending to the King were making their way out of his room once they notice Kyra's confident figure they bow Imediately out of respect for their Queen who is still so clueless.

She acknowledges them with a simple nod and makes her way into his room where the whole family is seated around his bed all staring at him as they are unaware of the new presence that has just joined them.

The queen mother is first to notice her and smiles in admiration of her soon to be daughter in law for a brave and courageous acts even if she was unaware of her new status she was still eager to help those in need.

She ushers Kyra over to where the now attentive family is. Making her way to the very large king sized bed she is soon met with one of the Queen mother's bone crushing hugs. "Thank you for helping my son" queen mother states as she wiped away a stray tear.

"It was my pleasure It is my duty to serve his royal highness and his family" Kyra respectfully responds as she bows her head.

"No need for any formalities, you're family now so you can call me Mom or Christine if you'd like" she cheerfully exclaims. Hearing that she was apart of the family really did stir something inside of Kyra something so foreign.

"I'm honoured your maj- I mean Christine" she meekly responds as the Queen gives her one final squeeze and escorts the rest of the family out and to their designated rooms. Kyra stands in the middle of the giant room as she states at the once strong and healthy king.

Seeing him look so sickly really hurt her deep inside but thanks to her spell she quickly tucked away the horrendous emotion trying to invade her mind and heart. Making her way to his bed she quietly sits beside him careful not to wake him up from his sleep.

As she sits there Kyra can not help but be intrigued by the man rested before her. Never in her life would she have seen someone with such rugged beauty and grace all fit in to one person. To be honest it fascinated her so much she stretched her small fingers and rested them upon his giant warm hands.

The king purs with delight and that leaves general Kyra stunned at the fact that the most powerful person in the world has just made the sound of a baby kitten. She smiles in awe at this, but quickly realises her crazed situation and departs her hands from his grasp.

She begins to walk out the room really slow but is quickly stopped by Calisto.

"You should stop trapping your emotions like that you'll really get hurt"

"I can't have any weaknesses"

"But everyone deserves happiness in their lives"

"Not me" she angrily yet softly replies and shuts of communication with her new and powerful ally.

Once she reaches the door handle she turns to look at the King one last time before exiting the room.

On her way to her room she couldn't help but dwell back to what Calisto said. Everyone did deserve happiness including her right?

She continues to surface out her troubles as she walks alone through the never ending hallways, fnally arriving to get destination and quickly heading over to her sectry stash of magic potions all having one purpose. Stuffing all her emotions away along with hiding her scent.

Rummaging through the uniquely designed chest she discovers a horrific find. All her potions were empty.

"I have to get more" she says to herself as she clears the center of the room and places vanilla scented lit candles in a circle formation ready to chant out the spell of teleportation.

"Why do you need more emotion and scent blockers?" Calisto questions with curiosity.

"To keep me safe" Kyra bluntly responds.

"But being in love is not dangerous at all in fact it's a beautiful thing, I was once in love many years ago and I never regretted a single thing" Calisto answers as she sighs dreamingly lost in thought of remembrance to her past life.

"Well I'm glad you were in love and happy, it worked out for you but not for me" she once again bluntly states as a stray tear drops down her face.

"Oh you wanna talk about it I'm here to talk if you want to, I may be badass and confident but I'm an amazing listener"

"I have a spell to chant out and need complete silence of you don't mind" Kyra rudely quickly states as she ignores the Phoenix completely.

When Calisto remains silent she takes it as her cue to go in with the spell. Her hands wave around magically, the room begins to illuminate colours of blue and red. Her eyes are now adorned with colour of indigo, she thinks of the destination she wishes to go to. Wizard and Witches Coven Kingdom.

With one final whisper "Telaportius" the witch now finds herself in her designated destination.

Instead of finding her fellow people walking around town happily she is faced with pure disaster. The kingdom is under attack.

And the people leading the attack were vampires and werewolves? Working side by side??? What the hell

In that flight and fight moment she chose the latter for she was already in battle with the nearest vampire. With the help of her speed and magic she was able to kill a dozen werewolves and twenty vampires. And with the help of the many witches and wizards fighting by her side they were actually going to win this one.

But alas for her victory is short lived as more of their accomplices had joined in and she was cornered.

"Let me help" the all too familiar voice urges. A fiery woman was now replaced with a fiery dragon. Fighting off the unwanted guests effortlessly that most of them had already ran away too afraid to face such a gruesome death such as the ones they had witnessed. They were certainly eager to spread the news about their new fiery discovery to one angry leader.

Luckily for her she was able to catch one of the vampires trying to escape. Knowing the history of vampires well known arrogance Calisto gladly volunteers herself to question the vampire.

"What are you doing here?!" She booms out as she holds the vampire by his neck.

"I do not answer to you" he says as he attempts to break himself free.

"Well in this situation where I'm the one that calls the shots you sure as hell do" she yells out along with pushing more pressure to his pale coloured neck.

"You all must watch out, he is coming" he states as he rolls his eyes at her. That already seemed to anger Kyra her being the impatient one she takes control and effortlessly rips the vampire's neck off his body with one of her giant Dragon fiery claws and happily watches the blood ooze out and burning away in the flames.

"So the bloodsuckers have blood too, who would have known" she answers and shifts back to her human form not before getting an ear-piercing headache, a sign that Calisto was mad.

Really mad.

"I had it under control you know that right!!"

"He clearly was not going to give us the answers we needed so yeah you definitely had it in the bag" Kyra sarcastically responds as she makes her way through market place to survey through the damage and assist the injured.

Once Kyra arrives at the Palace the sight before her is truly saddening. The great wizard leader is craddled in the arms of his sobbing wife who grips onto his bloodied chest and on the floor besides the dead body is his lifeless heart that's been ripped out of his chest.

No magic could be able to save him at all. All they could do was circulate around the sobbing family as they stood in saddening silence.