
Rise of the Limitless Unchained: Rebirth of the heavens nemesis

A young boy in his teens suddenly gets reincarnated into a magical world. There he grows and rises to power, strong and worthy friends join him on his adventures. The boy chases after the truth of this word and how to get back to his orignal world. He ends up discovering that he has to rebel against the heavens and get the grail to get back to his world, a little baffeld he stats to prepare. Wating and evading god's watchful eye, once he feels his strength hit its max he blows the horns of war and transends to heaven to take what was rightfully his. The battle goes on for a long time, finally the grail inches away from his grasp... The next a tragedy befalls him, falling down to his knees, his eyesight blurry he says his last words. The next moment he jolts awake in his old body, a wave of emotins flooding, his eyes filled with ambition he sets out on a new journey unknow of the terrors that will befall him

wH0amI · Urbano
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3 Chs

The story of Morgwrath

A boy with a pale complexion is sitting on his sofa dreaming of otherworldly things.

The boy's eyes remain fixated on the blank TV screen as he lets his mind wander. His thoughts drift to far-off lands and impossible adventures, yearning for the day when he can escape his mundane existence. He absentmindedly brushes his fingers through his unkempt hair, lost in his own reverie.

The silence of the room is only interrupted by the occasional creak of the old sofa or the distant hum of a passing car. The boy lives alone, with no one to share his dreams or his reality with. His solitude is both a blessing and a curse, allowing him the freedom to think and explore, yet leaving him feeling isolated and disconnected from the world around him.

Despite his yearning for adventure and excitement, he can't help but feel a sense of comfort in the familiarity of his surroundings. The cozy living room, cluttered with books and trinkets, feels like a safe haven where he can escape from the chaos of the outside world. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and imagines himself in a far-off place, surrounded by the wonders he has always longed for.

Suddenly he feels a sharp pain in his chest and blacks out. The next moment he starts hearing some muffled noises, and they start to get clear, "Congratulations! It's a boy! Wealth and prosperity are going to befall this family."

The boy tries to open his eyes and sees a beautiful woman huffing and drenched in sweat. A breeze of air grazes him as he is handed to a study-looking young man in his mid-20s. The man gently holds him, shaking with excitement and happiness. He says, "My firstborn, I name you Morgwrath in hopes that you live a long and wise life."

Many years go by. Morgwrath takes his first step, starts talking, learns how to wield a sword from his father and a little bit of magic from his mother. He grows up to be a fine gentleman who takes care of his siblings and family, he goes through many trials but once he feels that all of the ones he cares for are safe, he sets on his own journey, to pursue his own purpose and return to his original world.

On his journey, he meets new allies and loved ones. Discovering the secrets of this world and the truth behind the realms. After years of research, he finally has the truth in his grasp, a path of bloodshed and chaos awaited him, telling him to go against the heavens and conquer it.

Morgwrath bides his time, creating godly weapons and growing his strength, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

After devising countless plans he finally decides to blow the trumpets of war and rebel against the heavens.


A man in godly black armor rushes down a humongous and majestic hallway, in front of him is a giant divine cup, radiating an ominous aura. Just as the man's fingers are about to touch it, chains emerge pulling his hand back and tying all four of his limbs.

The chains turn around, after seeing the one that trapped him, his mind goes blank not being able to process anything. A great figure emerges from behind the person, his eyes widening from anger!

"Balor! What have you done to Elara?! Unhand her now!", the man burst into fury. The god of lies and treachery, Balor, let out a sinister chuckle. "Ah, I see my reputation precedes me. But I'm afraid you're mistaken, mortal. I have done nothing to Elara. She has willingly pledged her allegiance to me."

The man's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "That can't be true. Elara would never betray us!"

"Ah, but you see, mortal, love can be a powerful motivator," Balor replied, his voice dripping with venom. "And Elara loves me. Even if it means betraying and killing her former love, she would do it, for me." a nasty smile appears on his face, he adds, "That was quite the plan you came up with, if I didn't have Ealar to warn me, it would have been really dirty, we wouldn't have even stood a chance against you. I commend you for your wit and courage mortal"

As he was about to continue with the revolting smile on his face he notices something strange, his smile drops and turns into a rage! He sees that the puny mortal was laughing with his head hung low.

"What do you think is so amusing mortal?", Balor asks in frustration, in response the laughter only gets louder. A lot of veins bulge on the deity's head. The man answers as he cools down a little, "Do you really think you've caught me?! I Morgwrath have long since transcended the realm of causality! How could I have not noticed the heavy layer of aura around her, I was just waiting to see who had done this to her."

As soon as Morg finishes speaking, the chain around his hand breaks, and a beam shoots out of it, piercing straight through the evil god's head.

The chains binding Morg become undone and Elara falls to her knees as she bursts into tears. Morg approaches her and holds her in a tight embrace, he says, "Sorry for shunning your sincere feelings Elara, but I had to do so, My goal is to return to my original world. It didn't feel right to Love you and then leave you behind, I also like you but that won't change my goal. I just didn't want you to get hurt, I didn't want things to end like this."

Elara say, her voice shaky, "I-I I just couldn't resist it, the dreams he showed... the person he imitated, they were all irresistible." Morg pats her head and says, "If I am able to make it back, let us get married." Elara's eyes widen when she hears this, it feels like she is in a dream.

Their happiness is cut short as Balor's dead body gets up and merges with Morgwrath's.