
Rise of the Limitless Unchained: Rebirth of the heavens nemesis

A young boy in his teens suddenly gets reincarnated into a magical world. There he grows and rises to power, strong and worthy friends join him on his adventures. The boy chases after the truth of this word and how to get back to his orignal world. He ends up discovering that he has to rebel against the heavens and get the grail to get back to his world, a little baffeld he stats to prepare. Wating and evading god's watchful eye, once he feels his strength hit its max he blows the horns of war and transends to heaven to take what was rightfully his. The battle goes on for a long time, finally the grail inches away from his grasp... The next a tragedy befalls him, falling down to his knees, his eyesight blurry he says his last words. The next moment he jolts awake in his old body, a wave of emotins flooding, his eyes filled with ambition he sets out on a new journey unknow of the terrors that will befall him

wH0amI · Urbano
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3 Chs

His return

Morgwrath lets out an ear-piercing scream, just barely able to hold onto his consciousness. He falls to his knees, his eyesight blurry. Elara panics, "Morg! No, no, you cannot be harmed, you are almighty! I'll heal you" She starts chanting as hundreds of circles appear behind her.

Morg says, "It's no use, who knew that Balor had a trump card like this." a faint smile appears on his face. He tries to get up, one step at a time, his vitality rapidly leaving his body. Elara gasps as she sees Morg's jet-black hair slowly turn white, Morg slowly makes his way toward the cup. By the time he reaches it, his hair turns cotton white, and his physique becomes as weak as a rotten stick.

Elara once again gets flooded with tears as she sees the love of her life turn pale, Morg touches the cup and says, "Elara, don't cry, I won't be gone for long." as he finishes, he closes his eyes and a glow fills the hall. When Morg opens his eyes again, he sees the same old blank TV screen in front of him, in the room with nothing but silence to accompany him.

He gets up and stretches a bit, allowing some energy to flow back into him. He then goes to his kitchen to see if there is some food left for him, as he anticipated there was non.

Taking a deep breath Morg starts planning his next moves. First, he goes around his house and takes out all the trash, then he picks up the clothes scattered across his room and puts them in a basket. He then makes his bed and starts sorting through the pile of books on his nightstand, putting them back on the bookshelf.

As he moves on to the living room, Morg sees a pile of dishes stacked up in the sink. He decides to tackle them first, washing and drying them one by one. Once the dishes are clean, he wipes down the counters, the table, and the dirty sink until they gleam.

Next, Morg picks up the basket of clothes and heads to the bathroom. He manually cleans them one by one until they look brand new, hanging them to dry Morg then scrubs the tub and toilet until they're spotless, and mops the floor until it's free of any dirt or dust.

After several hours of cleaning, Morg feels a sense of satisfaction as he looks around his tidy home. He decides to treat himself to a nice long and warm bath. He heads to the bathroom and turns on the water heater, to his dismay it doesn't turn on. Morg thinks, "Crap! Looks like I forgot to pay the electricity bill."

Morg then sighs and goes to his bedroom, suddenly he hears a ringtone coming from the living room. He rushes to get the call, picking up the tiny button Nokia phone he picks up the call. A voice asks, "Tarun, you didn't come to shop today, are you feeling alright? Do you have a fever?" Morg replies, "No no uncle, I am fine, I don't have a fever, I am just feeling a bit uneasy today that's all."

The voice replies, "Beta Tarun, did you eat well last night? It's not good if you skip meals, I am outside your apartment come quickly."

[*Beta is a Hindi term that means- son, or referred to a person who is way younger than the speaker.]

Morg quickly rushes outdoors. As he opens the door and turns a tiny hallway is seen with a few wooden doors to the right and a small worn wooden railing on the left, at the end of the hallway there was a small uneven, crooked, and poorly made staircase.

Morg runs down the staircase and gets to the ground floor. A tar road of the length so that only a car could barely fit on it, with its broken and weathered edges seen, and an old man with a big belly and a half-bald head is seen standing near an old moped with a bad in his hands.

Morg goes near him and says, "Uncle, you didn't need to come all the way here, if you had called me to the shop I would have been there immediately." The person raises his hand and says while shaking his head, "Yes, I know, I know, but I came to give you this."

The person hands him the bag and says, "While shopping for vegetables, I ended up buying a little extra, the old age must be getting me, I am giving this to you so that it can be finished before it goes rotten." Morg receives the bag and then bows politely, he starts fidgeting with the bag and acts a little flustered as if he wanted to ask something shameless.

Seeing Morgs behavior the person asks, "Speak, what do you want?" Morg answers while stuttering, "That-that, can I get this month's pay early, the electricity has been cut, and I had to pay the bill."

The person says, "Go, get the electricity bill." Morg quickly runs back and comes with the bill in hand, the person takes it and looks at it, he mutters, "Five hundred fifteen rupees huh"

He then folds the bill and sits on the moped, he says to Morg, "Come on sit, let's go pay the bill" Morg refutes, "Arre, arre, how can I you came so far to give me the vegetables, how can I trouble you more? Just give me the money I will go and pay on my own."

The person says, "Sit fast, I don't have all of the time in the world, I have to go home or aunt will shout at me." Morg hesitantly sits behind him and the person starts driving.