
Rise Of The Forgotten Gods

A world on the brink of destruction, Man’s treachery knows no bounds and the planet was spiralling towards its end, but he couldn’t stand it anymore, should he just end it all and start over again? Wipe out the very vermin that plagued his world or destroy the world itself. But would that make him a saviour or a plague, the very thing he was against. So he decided to give his world one last chance, to determine their fate with their hands. A lost soul wanders the face of Kreatia, trying to find his purpose, but fate has thrown him into the eye of the storm alongside a regressor, a dimensional traveller, a reincarnator, the will of the world, and one normal lad. A weird combination but their actions on the world might decide its end. Survival or Destruction, watch kreatia’s last struggle. You can join me on discord and be a part of the creation process via https://discord.gg/9mQNYY6aNX

Daarcsign_07 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
150 Chs

Chapter 127: Disjointed


The little bit of rest he had was the time he spent in the casino and the time in the bar, while both were refreshing, it wasn't the same as the peace and comfort one had in their own abode, especially when you factored in the attack he got in between both places.


He still sent a silent thanks towards the masked assailant for they had provided him two gifts, the first one he was sure he'd receive in a few days and the second being the chance to experience a superior energy manipulation technique.


The main point of his meditation that morning was to recreate what he had briefly experienced and incorporate it into his route art. He had made some progress and he could feel the barrier that was obstructing his path to the 3rd stage was loosening bit by bit. It was only a matter of time before he stepped into it.