
Rise of The Fallen Hero (Old)

Once hailed as the world's hero, the protagonist sacrificed everything for the sake of humanity—family, friendships, and even love. His relentless training and countless adventures were undertaken without regret, driven solely by the belief that humanity's survival was paramount. But after vanquishing the once-invisible Demon King, betrayal struck. His own allies, driven by jealousy and fear, plunged a blade into their back, revealing the depths of humanity's dread. As their soul dispersed into the void, a desperate roar reached the ears of Satan himself. A pact was struck, and he was granted an opportunity for vengeance. Reborn at the beginning of their hero's journey, his heart harbored no hope for humanity, no reverence for gods. Only the power of darkness remained, coupled with an unquenchable thirst for retribution. Guided by the malevolent Dark System, the fallen hero embarks on a relentless quest for vengeance, and his path marked by shadows and treachery.

Sayyid_Novels · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Guild Escape

I ran and kept running, my heart pounding like a drumbeat in my chest, and even as I outran my fellow guild members, my body refused to stop. The fear that the strange man, or whatever he was, had instilled in us lingered like a haunting specter. We felt relieved to escape the dungeon, but little did we know that our troubles were far from over.

I couldn't forget the dire consequences that awaited us for leaving a dungeon opened by cause. It was a severe punishment, one that involved being randomly teleported to a location anywhere from nearby to 18 kilometers away. Given that the dungeon had opened in the Peakrow Forest, the range of possible teleportation destinations was vast. We knew that it might take hours, if not longer, to make our way back to safety, assuming the gods watched over us and protected us from any dangers that might cross our path.

After what felt like an eternity of fleeing, we finally found ourselves in a dense forest, having emerged from a dark cave that had transported us to a place not far from our original location. The relief that washed over us was palpable, and we shared smiles and sighs of gratitude for our deliverance from that nightmarish dungeon.

As we reached the outskirts of our city, our group naturally dispersed. We were all fatigued and emotionally drained from the harrowing journey, and each of us needed some solitude to process the ordeal we had just experienced. Farewells were exchanged, and I, too, decided to make my way home.

Once inside the familiar confines of my dwelling, I wasted no time. I removed my battle-worn gear, exchanged it for comfortable clothing, and prepared to settle into my own bed. The softness of my mattress was a welcome contrast to the unforgiving terrain of the dungeon, and I couldn't help but appreciate the small comforts of home.

I lay there for a moment, reflecting on the events of the day. The memory of the strange man and the dark, foreboding atmosphere of that dungeon weighed heavily on my mind. Who was he, and what had driven him to such extremes? These questions tugged at my thoughts, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease lingering in the back of my mind.

Despite the physical exhaustion that threatened to pull me into a deep slumber, my mind remained active. I knew that I would need to share our ordeal with my guildmates and report the incident to our guild leader. It was essential to warn others about the dangers that lurked within that particular dungeon.

But for now, as I lay in my own bed, I allowed myself a moment of respite. The journey had been harrowing, and the emotions were still raw. Sleep would come eventually, but for now, I relished the comfort and safety of my own home, grateful to have escaped the clutches of that dreadful dungeon.

(sorry for the very short chapter..triple chapter upload soon no worries :))

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