
Rise of the Evil Young Master

Jack Turoa, a young man who was a part of a decently powerful, secretive, old money family goes back after 8 long years of being kicked out, to take control and rise to the top. Follow Jack on his journey to reach the absolute peak, as he tries to outsmart his opponents, cultivate a powerful and loyal force, enlope with beautiful women, as well as sacrifice whoever he needs to along the way. *Warning* This story will get quite dark at some points, as Jack eventually develops a personality of willing to kill and torture, as well as not caring about things like consent. whatever Jack wants to do, is what he does.

Claw_Man · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 5 - Black Water; Breaking into Police Station

The car ride was silent, and Jack spent his time healing his injured leg.

Suddenly, the car stopped. Furthermore, he could feel Fu Yung staring at him.

"What?" Jack asked, no bothering to open his closed eyes.

"W-We are here." Fu Yung stuttered. The poor guy was still shaken up.

Jack opened his eyes, and saw that the car stopped in front of the store.

"Alright." Jack said, and exited the car. His leg was healed, but his pants were still ripped, exposing his leg.

"I will take my leave. I need to go home." Fu Yung said, looking at his watch. It was 11:30 PM.

"Sure. You can leave." Jack nodded.

As the car drove away, Jack went inside the store. There were 2 more hours till close. Jack decided that he will stay in the store until 12.

After closing, he decided to sleep on the couch upstairs.

At around 6 AM, Jack woke up, and stretched his arms. He then headed downstairs, and started setting up shop. After making sure everything was ready, he sat on a chair, and took out a cigarette.

"Should I go? But if I do, then I might get into trouble with the police. I also don't know if I should trust that man. It could very well be a trap. But...with that man's strength, setting up a trap would be useless, as he could just outright kill Jack. He had the strength.

Jack sighed. He did not expect to meet another cultivator so soon. He knew that there were a lot of them, but he did not think that he would encounter them so early.

Jack then decided. 'I will go, but I will be careful.'

Jack arrived at the Blue Moon Restaurant at around 8 PM. He wore a black suit, a white shirt, and black tie. He didn't want to attract attention to himself. As for how he got there, he took a taxi.

"Do you have a reservation sir?" The lady at the reception asked. The Blue Moon restaurant was a very high class restaurant, which is evident from its luxurious interior made of marble, gold, and silver.

"Yes. The name is Jack. I'm here to meet someone." Jack said.

"May I know who you are looking for?"

'Um.' It was at this moment Jack knew, he never got the mysterious man's name, nor did Jack tell him his name.

"Uhh." However, just as Jack was thinking on how to proceed, a raspy voice interrupted them.

"He's with me." Jack looked towards the location of that voice, and noticed the mysterious man.

"Ah! Mr. Tor, I didn't see you there!" The receptionist apologized.

Jack followed the man inside, and the two sat at a table at the far end of the restaurant. There was no one around them.

"So, Mr. Tor. What do you want?" Jack asked, his face expressionless.

"I'll get straight to the point. My boss wants you to join him. But before that, he wants you to pass a test." The man, known as Mr. Tor, spoke.

"What kind of test?" Jack asked, narrowing his eyes.

He wants you to break into a police station, and steal a USB that has important information about a certain criminal organization.

"And if I refuse?" Jack asked.

"You don't have to worry about that. If you fail, nothing will happen to you. You can just walk away. You have my word." Mr. Tor spoke.

Jack thought. This test seemed simple, however, there were still too many variables. He did not know what he would find inside the police station, and also did not know the identity of the organization, or even it's location.

"What organization is it, and what is it's location?" Jack asked.

"It's located in Hong Kong, and the criminal organization is called the Dragon's Blood Mafia."

'Hong Kong!?' Jack was shocked. 'There are also cultivators here?'

"The USB is inside Sgt. Yang's office." Mr. Tor continued.

"Sgt. Yang? You mean the one with blue hair?" Jack asked.

"That's right." Mr. Tor nodded.

"She's a cultivator, isn't she?" Jack asked.

"Yes, but she is only a First Star. Not as strong as my boss." Mr. Tor said.

'A First Star?' Jack was confused.

"What do you mean by First Star?" Jack asked.

"Oh? I see that you are not very knowledgeable about cultivation, am I right?"

Jack nodded. He was confused as their cultivation systems seemed to differ from his families or the system's.

"there are 5 stars in total. First star, is the weakest. Second is the second weakest, and so on, until 5th star. Those guys? They are the strongest. But they are also extremely rare. They are like unicorns, They might as well be myths and e legends. People say that those who have reached that realm are basically immortal, and not even nukes can kill them. But who knows how true that is. As for 4 stars, they are leaders at the top of the world, all extremely powerful and terrifying. The boss of Black water is one such being. As for three stars? I am one. We are not invincible, but we are extremely strong. Even ripping apart the armour in a tank isn't necessarily impossible." Mr. Tor said.

"What about the Second Stars and below?" Jack asked.

"They are strong, but not that strong. You don't need to worry about them. However, the test is tomorrow night at exactly 9 PM. You have to infiltrate the station, and steal the USB. You have to make sure to not leave any evidence that points towards you. If you do, then you can consider the deal off."

'Tomorrow?' Jack thought. 'That means he has a day.

"Alright. I will do it." Jack nodded.

"Good." Mr. Tor smiled.

"Who is your boss anyway?" Jack asked, out of curiosity.

"That, I cannot tell you yet. But soon enough, you will meet him." Mr. Tor said.

"What will I do with the USB after stealing it?" Jack asked.

"You don't need to worry about that. I will take the USB. So, just focus on infiltrating the police station. Don't worry about the USB after stealing it." Mr. Tor said.

"And final thing. Why me?"

"Because you have some potential. Perhaps, with a bit of nurturing, you can reach second star. And although those at second star aren't particularly that strong, compared to normal people, they are superior in every way, shape or form. We need more cultivators, even if they are weaker." Mr Tor spoke seriously. Then, he stopped and smiled faintly. "Also. Depending on how you do, I might get a nice bonus." Mr. Tor chuckled.

'So that's it huh?' Jack thought.

Jack took out a cigarette, and lit it up. He inhaled the smoke, and then breathed it out. He didn't seem to be bothered by Mr. Tor's words.

"Sir you are not allowed to smoke in here." A young waitress suddenly spoke.

"Oh. Sorry." Jack said, and put out the cigarette. He then got up, and walked away.

Mr. Tor watched him leave, then he too left.

Jack got inside a taxi and ordered the driver to drive. He did not want to go home, as he needed to clear his mind.

As Jack was sitting, he closed his eyes, and thought about the mission. He needed a plan, but he also needed to gather intel. He decided that tomorrow, he will spend the day observing the police station.

After arriving at a park, Jack went inside. He was planning on doing some push ups and sit ups, as he felt that he was too weak, and that he needed to train.

As he was doing sit ups, he noticed something. The sun was going down.

Jack quickly got up, and paid for the cab, then got inside and drove to the store. After arriving, he parked the car, and then entered the store.

After a few hours, it was 11 PM. Jack decided to close shop early, and take a nap. He needed to rest before tomorrow's operation.

Jack slept until 7 PM, then he got up and ate a granola bar.

After eating, he wore the suit, and took a taxi. The taxi stopped at a park across from the police station. Jack sat on a bench, and waited.

He waited for an hour, when suddenly, a woman with blue hair appeared. She looked very pretty, and was wearing a police uniform. She got inside a minivan, and drove away.

Jack followed her. Thankfully, Las Vegas traffic was awful, and despite only running, he was able to keep up with the Van. After a while, he saw that she stopped at a fancy looking restaurant, which was the Blue Moon restaurant.

Jack got close, and watched through the window. Sgt. Yang ordered some food.

Another hour passed, and Jack observed the entire time, and made sure to not lose sight of her. He then watched her leave, and enter the police station.

'So she eats at Blue Moon Restaurant. She must be quite wealthy to afford that. A second generation heir by any chance? That guy did say she is a cultivator. Now I know the route she takes. However, there are still many unknowns.'

Jack then watched as the night shift police officers arrived. One of them was a big burly man, with a shaved head and beard. He had a beer belly. The other was a woman, with black hair tied in a ponytail.

The two then entered the station, and after a while, they came out again. They seemed to be patrolling the streets.

Jack followed them.

Suddenly, Jack saw the burly man walking towards a dark alley.

'This is my chance!' Jack thought. He then quickly ran towards the alley.

The burly man heard footsteps, so he looked back.

"Hey! What are you doing!" The burly man shouted.

However, Jack ignored him, and rushed forward. He then jumped on the burly man's back, and grabbed him by the neck.

"What the f**k!" The burly man screamed.

'Sorry.' Jack thought, then kicked the back of the man's knees. The man fell on his knees, and Jack pushed him on the floor.

The man hit his head, and passed out.

Jack then dragged him towards a garbage container, and hid him behind it.

'Alright. Now onto the second one.' Jack then ran back.

The woman was nowhere to be found.

'Dammit!' Jack cursed. He knew he couldn't search everywhere, and he did not want to leave any evidence.

Jack then looked around, and found a fire escape ladder. It was not too far away from the police station, but not too close either.

'I should be able to make it.' Jack said, then ran towards it.

After reaching the top of the building, Jack looked around, and noticed that the building was connected to another one.

'Perfect.' Jack then ran and jumped across the gap between the buildings. He landed on the roof, and nearly fell, but managed to maintain balance.

He then continued to run, and jumped onto the next building.

He did this for 3 more buildings, until he was above the police station.

Jack looked around, and noticed a skylight. He then jumped down, and crashed into the glass. However, this seemed to trigger an alarm.

Jack quickly got up, and started looking around.

'The USB must be here somewhere. But where?' Jack thought.

He then saw a door, so he ran towards it. He then entered the hallway. There were rooms on both sides.

'It must be in one of these.' Jack thought, and opened the first door.

It was an interrogation room.

He then opened the second, and found an office. It seemed to belong to a captain, as there were many decorations, and photos of the captain and his friends.

'Not here.' Jack then moved on to the next room, then the next.

He opened the 6th door, and noticed that it was Sgt. Yang's office.

'Found it.' Jack smiled. He then walked inside, and noticed a USB on the desk. He picked it up, and looked around.

'Now I need to get out.' Jack then walked towards the window. It was a 4 story drop.

'Shit. I will have to jump.' Jack then opened the window, and prepared to jump.

Just then, Jack heard footsteps.

'Someone is coming!' Jack panicked. He then looked around, and noticed a closet. He quickly opened it, and got inside, making sure to close the door behind him.

He then peeked through the small slit in the door, and saw someone enter the office.

"I swear, if it's another false alarm, I'll..." Sgt. Yang mumbled.

Jack watched as she searched around for a bit, then she walked towards the door.

However, as she was walking, her foot got caught on something.

"Ah!" Sgt. Yang tripped, and fell. She then hit her head on the desk.

'Oh shit.' Jack thought. He knew that she was going to investigate the closet.

He then watched as she got up, and walked towards the closet.

She then opened the door.

Jack grabbed her neck with both hands, and slammed her onto the floor, catching her by surprise

"Gah!" Sgt. Yang let out a muffled scream as she fell.

Jack then got on top of her, and covered her mouth.

"Sorry." Jack said.

Sgt. Yang struggled, but to no avail. Jack was stronger than her, so she could not break free.

"Don't struggle, or I'll have to hurt you." Jack said, his eyes cold, as he pulled out her gun, removing the safety as he aimed it at her head.

Sgt. Yang was scared, so she stopped struggling.

"I'm going to release my hand, but you must promise me that you won't scream. Okay?" Jack asked.

Sgt. Yang nodded, so Jack removed his hand from her mouth.

"Who are you? Why did you do this?" Sgt. Yang asked, her voice trembling.

"I can't say. I am sorry, but this is a mission." Jack apologized.

"What mission?" Sgt. Yang asked.

Jack then took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and stuffed it into her mouth.

"I can't tell you." Jack said, then tied her hands behind her back. After making sure she was completely tied up, Jack got up, and started running. He jumped out the window, and landed on the ground.

'Dammit! Good thing I covered my face.' Jack then ran away. He couldn't afford to get caught.

Jack returned home at around 3 AM, and went to sleep.

The next morning, he woke up at around 10 AM.

After eating breakfast, Jack started thinking about the test.

'I passed the test, so now what?' Jack wondered.

He then remembered what Mr. Tor said. That after he stole the USB, he just needed to give it to him. So Jack put the USB in a bag, and drove to the Blue Moon restaurant.

He parked the car, then entered.

"Hello sir, do you have a reservation?" The receptionist asked politely.

"Um, no." Just as Jack was wondering what to do, he got a call. "Excuse me."

"I see you completed the assignment. Good. Now just wait inside for a bit, I will be there soon." Mr. Tor said, then hung up.

Jack then sat down on the sofa, and waited.

A few minutes later, he saw Mr. Tor enter.

"Ah! You are here already." Mr. Tor smiled at Jack's exclamation.

Jack got up, and walked towards him. He then took out the USB from the bag.

"Is this it?" Jack asked.

"Yes. Good job." Mr. Tor took it from Jack's hand, and placed it in his pocket.

"So, what happens now?" Jack asked.

"I will give this to my boss, and if he approves, then we will meet again. This time, in person." Mr. Tor smiled.

"I see." Jack nodded.

"Now, go home, and wait. I will contact you soon." Mr. Tor then left, leaving Jack alone.

'So I am done?' Jack thought. 'Hopefully I will get something good.'

Jack then took a taxi, and returned home. He then went to the store. He was bored, so he decided to read some books, and watch some movies. While Jack was busy eating a bowl of cereal, he got a call. when he answered, he heard a raspy voice.

"Meet me at the Blue Moon restaurant."

"Huh? Oh ok. Wait when?"
