
Rise of the Evil Young Master

Jack Turoa, a young man who was a part of a decently powerful, secretive, old money family goes back after 8 long years of being kicked out, to take control and rise to the top. Follow Jack on his journey to reach the absolute peak, as he tries to outsmart his opponents, cultivate a powerful and loyal force, enlope with beautiful women, as well as sacrifice whoever he needs to along the way. *Warning* This story will get quite dark at some points, as Jack eventually develops a personality of willing to kill and torture, as well as not caring about things like consent. whatever Jack wants to do, is what he does.

Claw_Man · Urbano
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 - Mysterious Man; First Encounter with the Mafia!

"I see. Then how about we pay this ToyVentures a little visit?" The woman smirked.


2 days have passed. In this time, Jack has already figured out the mechanics of the Turoa method, and officially became a cultivator.

Name: Jack Turoa

Age: 18

Talent: Below-Average

Cultivation: Mortal Realm (Level 1)

Cultivation Technique: Turoa Cultivation Art

Physique: Mortal Grade

Body Enhancement: 12

Strength: 7

Defense: 6

Dexterity: 4

Agility: 8

Vitality: 10

Stamina: 5

Perception: 9

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 5

Willpower: 9

All of his stats went up along with it.

He got up from his seating position, and stretched his body. Cultivating was quite refreshing to Jack. His body was no longer tired, nor did it seem weak. Instead, his body felt invigorated.

He then sent out a punch. The faint sound of a whistle could be heard as his fist cut the air.

'Not bad.'

Jack left the room to meet Fu Yung.

When he arrived outside the room, his face darkened. He could see Fu Yung sitting on a couch in the corner of the hallway, looking at a lewd magazine with a perverted grin on his face.

'Why do I even bother. This guy is beyond help.' Jack didn't even waste his time scolding the fat man. Instead, he went up to him and asked.

"Fu Yung."

"AHH!" Fu Yung screamed as he tumbled over.

"B-boss! Don't scare me like that! What if I get a heart attack!?" Fu Yung spoke angrily as he got up.

"Yeah, that would be unfortunate." Jack replied with a poker face, completely uncaring.


"Anyway. I want to discuss something important." Seeing his serious expression, Fu Yung got serious as well as he spoke.

"What is it?"

"That warehouse. Where is it?"

"Huh? Boss, your not being serious about that, are you? That's suicide!" Fu Yung was speechless.

"Where is it?" Jack didn't bother with the fat man, and just asked again. Seeing this, Fu Yung sighed and said.

"I'll bring you there. Follow me."

The two men then walked outside, to the back of the store, into the parking lot, to a brand new, expensive looking Mercedes.

"This car...it's like $70k. How the hell could you afford this?"

"Ah! Business expense boss! Business expense!" Fu Yung didn't really want to answer the question, so he tried to act as natural as possible while trying to cover himself.

"Uhh-huh. Sure." Jack sighed.

As the two men were getting inside the car, they did not spot an unassuming mini van parked a little farther away, with 4 people in the car, two men and two women.

"They just left the building." One of the men spoke. "There is also a young man along with Fu Yung. We did not see this man enter the store in the past 2 days, so I believe that he lives inside."

"Tail them." A woman's voice could be heard.

"Yes." The minivan started following Fu Yung's car.

The minivan kept it's distance well, making it so it falls outside of Jack's perception. As for Fu Yung, he was even more clueless. Instead, he was busy singing.

"My heart! Belongs, to youuuuu!" His ear piercing and off-beat voice could be heard even 10 blocks away. Jack covered his face in embarrassment.

"How can you make such a nice car sound so bad. You are ruining Mercedes' name."


The drive in the city was quick, and soon, the two of them reached outside the city, and onto a dirt road.

Inside the minivan.

"He is headed to the warehouse?" The lead policewoman spoke.

"Should we stop them?" One of the men in the minivan asked.

"No. We don't have any evidence they actually did something."

"Then should we follow them?"

"No. There's not enough cars here to mask our presence. They will definitely notice us. Give it some time, then drive to the warehouse. We might be able to arrive as they explore the inside." The lead policewoman analyzed.

The drive to the warehouse was not long, only 10 minutes, and once they arrived there, Jack spoke:

"What's going on? I thought you said this place was controlled by the Mafia now?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"This...it was last time I checked." Fu Yung spoke, a confused expression present on his face.

"Hmm. Doesn't matter. Park the car." Jack spoke. Fu Yung nodded, and parked the car by the warehouse.

"Stay here." Jack spoke before getting out of the car. He then walked towards the warehouse gate.

The warehouse was a large, long building made out of steel. It had one large, main entrance, and 4 garage entrances. It was painted a light blue. Jack opened the large, main gate, to reveal the insides of the warehouse.

When Fu Yung saw the inside, he felt speechless.

"H-how.." Fu Yung didn't finish the sentence as he was left utterly dumbfounded. "Is he even human?" Fu Yung mumbled.

Jack didn't bother hiding or being sneaky, as he realized something was wrong. How could a bunch of Mafia personnel not guard the warehouse? Did they not care about it?

His suspicions only for more intense as he realized that the warehouse was empty. There were still some crates left on shelves, but no people. Instead, there was quite a mess left, as if it was just suddenly all shut down.

'Blood.' As Jack kept on walking, he started seeing some puddles of dried blood, most often behind crates.

'A shootout happened.' The blood was almost always positioned behind the crates, on the side opposite from the doors. As if the gunmen that were shot used the crates as cover to protect themselves from people at the main entrance.

'Bullet casings. Something definitely happened here. A rival gang? This city isn't just controlled by the Mafia after all." Jack thought seriously. He then went up to a crate, after grabbing a crowbar he found in the surrounding area, and pried it open.

'It's all gone.' The dildos stuffed with coke were all gone. He checked another crate, up on the shelf this time. However, the same thing happened. It was all gone.

"Fuck." Jack cursed out loud. He then hurried back to the car.

However, when he got outside, he noticed a white minivan standing behind the car. As for the car, it was surrounded by 4 police officers, all with their guns pointed at the car. Two were pointing at the back wheels, in case Fu Yung attempts to flee, they can quickly pop holes in the tires, making a getaway nearly impossible.

As for the driver side, Fu Yung was being interrogated by a beautiful policewoman. When Jack saw the policewoman, he forgot himself and the situation they were in for a split second. She was truly a beauty! With her beautiful blue hair and her mature face, she seemed as if she was sculpted by the god himself.

'Her butt is great too.' Jack thought.

However, Jack didn't spend too long gazing at her ass. Instead, he started sneaking around, until he reached the back of the minivan. He could also hear their conversation.

"Im telling you the truth! We are just here to sightsee!" Fu Yung's panicked voice could be heard.

"Sightsee? At a warehouse controlled by the mafia? Don't waste my time you piece of shit! Do you have any idea the amount of trouble you're in?!" The beautiful policewoman yelled angrily. Fu Yung was shivering on his seat, as sweat started dripping down his face.

Jack didn't pay them anymore attention, and instead quickly got inside the opened minivan. There, he saw 3 laptops, all connected to some sort of satellite dish on the roof.

"So they tailed us." Jack thought. However, he didn't have the time to think much, and instead quickly unplugged the devices and the cables, then hid behind the seat as he waited.

About a minute later, Jack heard a man yell.

"Sgt. Yang! The other man should be inside the warehouse!"

"Search inside, I will cover the gate." Sgt. Yang, the policewoman, said.

Soon, Jack could see 3 police officers run towards the warehouse, however they soon got startled, and quickly pulled their guns out.

"Who is there?! Identify yourself!" One of them yelled. Jack was hidden from their view, and could only hear them. However, he felt that the cops were not yelling at him, but at someone else.

"Put your weapons down!" However, a third person, seemingly a man yelled back.

"Do it!" Yang could be heard from the car, as she ordered them to put down their guns.

The three police officers complied, and put down their guns on the ground, with their hands up in the air.

Jack could soon see a young man, about 20 walk around the crates and get into their vision. His skin was as white as paper, and his hair was as red as a tomato. Jack immediately identified this person as a foreigner, most likely European. He was about 5.11 ft tall, and wore a black cloak, under which was a white shirt and a pair of jeans.

Jack knew the police was definitely in danger now, so he sneaked up to the man, and from the side, punched him with all his strength.

"Humph!" Jack made a faint noise, as he sent a right hook at the young man's face.

However, just before his punch landed, the young man's gaze quickly switched to Jack. With a frown on his face, he sent a palm at Jack's hand, as if trying to intercept his punch. However, to Jack's surprise, this young man's palm was even stronger, and stopped his punch dead in his tracks.

The man then sent a kick to Jack's shin, breaking his leg in half. Jack screamed in pain, and fell down on the ground. The three police officers didn't let this chance pass, as they quickly jumped at the young man, and attempted to grab a hold of him.

However, before they could lay a finger on him, the young man disappeared from Jack's view, and reappeared between the three of them, sending 3 quick and concise kicks in their solar plexus, sending them flying into the wall, 10 meters away.

Jack couldn't even scream or react. The kick the young man sent broke his leg apart in an instant! He felt the pain, as it felt as if he was electrocuted.

He could not help but look at the young man with fear and shock on his face.

'Damn it, this guy must be at least level 4 of the mortal realm. But what the hell is he doing here. And who does he work for?'

"Fucking police dogs. Didn't you get the memo that you shouldn't snoop around the Mafia's business? This is your last and only warning. Next time, I'll fucking kill all of you." The young man spoke, his expression twisted. The man then vanished as quickly as he appeared.

"Crap!" Jack knew that if Fu Yung sees this, he would get scared out of his mind, and might run. He wanted to call out and stop the fat man from driving off, but he could not move, and could only stay silent.

Luckily, Fu Yung didn't notice anything, and could not see what happened thanks to the crates blocking his view. He only saw the young man appear and walk away. Jack could only silently and painfully crawl towards the car, and get in.

However, Jack didn't see Yang looking at him through the car window. She could clearly see how he crawled out of the warehouse, and saw him break his leg apart. She quickly hid, as Jack didn't know she spotted him.

"Corporal Song." She silently called out.

"Y-yes Sgt." a man's pained voice could be heard, and a police officer with dark hair stumbled out of the warehouse, a pained expression on his face.

"What happened in there? I heard a commotion."

"A member of the Mafia came. He warned us to not swoop around anymore, or..." his words trailed off at the end and didn't finish his sentence.

"Or what?" Sgt. Yang asked, her eyes narrowed.

"Or he will kill us." Corporal Song answered with a pale face.

Yang frowned, and looked at the minivan. She could see Fu Yung sweating in the car, and a young man sitting next to him. He seemed to be about 18 or 19, and had short brown hair. However, he was holding his leg, a pained expression on his face evident. Yang felt as if this young man was looking at her, however it was impossible for him to spot her, as the window was tinted.

Yang sighed, and looked back at Corporal Song.

"Go call an ambulance. Tell them that you were injured on the job. Don't worry, you won't get in trouble for this."

As for Jack. He of course noticed the policewoman thanks to his improved perception.

"Drive." He told Fu Yung.

"B-boss! What happened to you! Did that woman do something to you?! Oh what a beautiful face but an ugly heart! How dare she hurt you!" Fu Yung started panicking, as he looked at Jack's broken leg.

"I said drive. We need to get back to the store, fast." Jack spoke, a pained expression on his face present, yet his eyes remained unwavering.

"Yes. Drive." Suddenly, a raspy voice could be heard from the backseat.

"AH!" Fu Yung jumped, his heart nearly leaving his chest.

"Who are you?!" Jack was also seemingly shocked.

"Your not with the police. Your also a cultivator, though, you are quite weak. Not even a First Star." The voice didn't bother answering Jack, and instead analyzed.

'First star?' Jack was confused.

"We are nobodies Mr...what is your name?" Jack spoke.

"You don't need to know my name.

Fu Yung was confused, but Jack was not, as he could feel an imposing air surrounding the man, or to be exact, his voice. Jack then quickly said.

"Mr...please spare us." Fu Yung spoke pathetically, nearly crying.

"I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to offer you an opportunity. My boss needs more cultivators like you. How about you join him."

'Join him? Cultivators? Boss?' Jack was quite surprised.

"How about this. Give me 2 days, I will think about it."

"I'll give you a day. Meet me tomorrow night at 9, inside the Blue Moon restaurant."

"Yes. Of course sir." Jack spoke.

After the man said that, the two of them did not hear him speak, and instead, a cold wind blew outside. And he vanished.

"Oh my god! That was terrifying!" Fu Yung wiped his snot with his hand as he spoke.

But Jack didn't spare him any attention. Instead, he thought seriously. 'Is he with the Mafia? Or from another cultivation group? But, why did he choose me?' Jack did not know the answer to these questions. He then closed his eyes, and started slowly healing his leg, as the car was on it's way to the store.

Jack decided. 'Tomorrow, I will meet him.'

A bit of a longer chapter today! Hope you all enjoy!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me please :)))

Claw_Mancreators' thoughts