
Rise of the Eromancer

Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and many others—every human has the blood of gods running through their veins, it decides their fate. But Rhys, ever since he was born, showed absolutely no abilities. But at the age of 18, when his world had given up on him, the blood that remained dormant in his veins finally awakened… …The Blood of Eros, the God of Love, Desire…and Coitus.

Romeru · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
339 Chs

Chapter 57: Threat Level: 10

"Psst, No. 6."


Somewhere in the Underworld filled with rocks and steam, No. 1 and No. 5 were gesturing to Rhys to come to them. Rhys wasn't really doing anything but just cleaning his clothes in a stream of clear water, and so he just put his clothes to the side and approached the two… who were suspiciously whispering to each other beside a large piece of boulder.

"What is—" And as soon as Rhys got even an arm's reach near them, the two quickly lifted him up — locking all of his limbs before they proceeded to carry him somewhere, "What are you guys doing!?"

"You wanted to find out if No. 2 is really a man, right!?" No. 1 let out a menacing laugh as he nodded several times, "Then find out now!"

And without even any sort of warning, No. 1 and No. 5 suddenly threw Rhys into a deep stream. The water was cold, very much so — but what he saw deep in the water perhaps was the reason he almost drowned.