
Rise of the Eromancer

Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and many others—every human has the blood of gods running through their veins, it decides their fate. But Rhys, ever since he was born, showed absolutely no abilities. But at the age of 18, when his world had given up on him, the blood that remained dormant in his veins finally awakened… …The Blood of Eros, the God of Love, Desire…and Coitus.

Romeru · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
338 Chs

Chapter 126: Rhys the Colonizer

[Have you heard of the Wilder's Harem?]

[A guild filled with, you guessed it, Lowborns. They…]

[4 months ago now, Wilder's Harem was created…]

[...More than 200 members, some say amassing soldiers…]

From all over the world, Rhys has been making his name known just by simply existing. A lot of people are wondering why he grew to fame almost overnight, but that was easily answered by one simple fact — there is no one else like him in the world, past or present, and he may even be that last.

A being that defies all logic, that defies everything the world has ever known.

Daily, perhaps even hourly, one would not be able to check their socials without encountering a single post about Rhys Wilder — one could not even escape him even if they were watching a movie, as he had recently done a cameo and was in talks of actually fully committing to a minor role.

Rhys, by all definitions of the word, was the man of the hour.