
Chapter 6

After that, there have been no achievements higher than Aoki, but through Aoki's skills, many people have learned to use them, and their relative scores have improved a lot.

The most disdainful of the whole process is Kyuga because he did not use any skills, and the results were real, so in his opinion, everyone in the room is rubbish, even if it is lower than him, Aoki is the same. But it is a good luck ghost that's a little trick that's all.

So the final results are as follows:

First place, number 99, attack value: 98,

Second place, number 234, attack value 97,

Third place, number 67, attack value 95,

Fourth place, number 156, attack value 93,

Fifth place, number 279, attack value 90,

According to Viper, the top ten can get a hundred Integral Points, and you won't have different rewards because you are the first and second.

After the ranking, everyone received a belt with the Team Rocket r logo, which has an ID card with the number of each person, and Integral Points is also accessed. One of the most practical features of the Team Rocket belt is that it has a cubic storage space.

Ignoring all the people who wanted to keep him, Aoki took Murkrow and went straight to the Integral Points exchange office. People who have been members of Team Rocket, of course, know how wide Integral Points can change. He now has a lot of things to redeem, only Integral Points can get it. But because there aren't many Integral Points, and the things that are most needed now are not those.

Aoki has already planned what to redeem.

Looking at the Integral Points list, even if you know the price, Aoki unconsciously rolls the eyes, the quasi-Dratini cubs, the 10 million Integral Points, the quasi-God Larvitar cubs, and the 10 million Integral Points. It is indeed possible to exchange from the rarest quasi-god, but this exchange price, Aoki past life did not make enough.

He now has only one hundred Integral Points, skipping directly on the hopeless redemption item in front of him, and directly turning to the one he can redeem. From the back, I turned to the Items category, took the Berry redemption list, and redeemed all the Berry ones in the eyes of the redemption staff. These Berries are very common, and the average person will not be redeemed, but for Aoki, these Berry is too valuable, not only can save a lot of time to find Berry but also can make a variety of Pokéblock, better Breeder Murkrow, make it Achieve perfect growth.

Berry is filled with a cubic space in the Team Rocket belt. Each Berry is redeemed once, and Aoki 80 Integral Points are consumed. Then I spent 5 Integral Points and exchanged some daily necessities and wild essentials.

Brushing the Integral Points card, when Aoki was ready to turn around, he saw a man walking into the exchange with an Ekans. Kyuga!

Aoki silently launched Microchip's scanning capabilities as he passed by.

Pokémon: Ekans (green )

Gender: Male


Attribute: poison

Characteristic Trait: Intimidation

Holding items: None

Hereditary Ability: Pursuit, Poison Fang, Scary Face

Basic Abilities: Wrap, Leer, Poison Sting, Bite, Glare

Instructed Abilities: Snatch

Ability Learner: None

Aoki's eyes suddenly shrank, Green Aptitude's Ekans, no wonder Kyuga was able to win first place. Aoki also scanned the ranking test in this ranking test. There are no more than five Pokemons in green Aptitude, and there is no more Aptitude in green. But other green Aptitude Pokemons are super-sound bats and one Oddish. Ekans only has Kyuga for green Aptitude.

To know that Ekans is inherently untamed, not to mention that this green Aptitude threatens Ekans of Characteristic Trait, who can tame him, certainly not an average person. So past life can be the first place, and there is no reason.

"Hey, you are the second place!" Kyuga suddenly stopped and said.

Aoki didn't go back, and he continued to go out from his own. In the last world, he might be able to breathe himself, but now he is only a small child that's all in Aoki's eyes.

Looking at his ignoring Aoki, Kyuga's face instantly darkened, and Rage's him directly ordered the attack, "Ekans, Go! Poison Sting!".

Ekans hearing this, the bloody mouth slammed open, and a few small long needles with purple light flew out of Ekans' mouth, aiming at Aoki facing them.

Aoki didn't look back but kept paying attention to Kyuga's movements.

"courting death! Murkrow, increase Tailwind, shoot Poison Sting!" When Ekans launched the attack, Aoki, who had already prepared, issued the order in time.

Proficient in the Murakrow of Tailwind Ability, instantly increase the wind, and quickly catch up with Gust Ability's formidable power. The two wings were forced to form two small cyclones by Tailwind's Flying Type energy, which directly flew several Poison Stings.

Aoki looked back at Kyuga, flashing dangerous rays of light in his eyes, waiting for his next move, but did not expect Kyuga to grin and say, "Not bad, better than I thought." After that, I stopped paying attention to Aoki and went straight to the exchange counter.

Aoki frowned, looking at the back of Kyuga, pressing the strong hands, after a moment, indicating that Murkrow can come down. Then he walked out of the exchange with Murkrow and then walked straight to the forest without going back.

In the huge house in the middle of the base, in the office of Team Rocket Chief Military Instructor, Viper sat at his desk, sitting in front of him a mysterious person wrapped in a black robe, two cups of tea between the two. The hot air that haunts the smoke slowly rises between the two and eventually dissipates in the air.

After a quiet silence, Viper took the lead in opening the mouth and said, "Why, what happened to me? What's the matter?" Viper's tone was a little ridiculous and questionable.

The black robe showed a pair of weather-beaten eyes and adjusted the sitting position slightly. "The mission failed. I need a few people to add my team." The hoarse voice came from the black robe, and only the sound could not tell the age.

After licking his mouth, Viper took a sip of tea slowly and slowly, "Oh? The mission failed?" The banter in the eyes and the words can't be concealed. "I didn't expect that you will have a mission failure when you are famous. Now Actually, I fell to meet my people. Isn't there anyone in Team Rocket that you see?"

Ignore Viper's banter tone, the hoarse voice once again sounded from the black robe. "Inadvertently caught the league's trap, two Elite-class powerhouses, almost left." For the Alliance's Elite-class powerhouse, it seems It is as calm as the average person.

"Oh?" Viper's expression was serious and he sat down. "Is it on the bright side? Or is it secret? How did you escape?" A series of questions were asked by Viper.

The Elite-class powerhouse is also a very good master in his eyes, not to mention the direct Rival Pokemon Alliance, which sent two Elite-level powerhouses at a time, ready to act on Team Rocket or just for one action. The behaviour of the alliance means a lot of things.

In the darkroom, a little candlelight flutters without wind, causing the two shadows on the wall to move with the candlelight.

After a slight silence, the black-clothed person raised one hand, and under the black robe slowly revealed a wrinkled dry left hand.

Viper sees the black-robed man's dry left hand, his eyes suddenly shrink, the two are familiar, black-robed man's situation he also understands, although the age is not small, this dry hand certainly does not meet his age, more important The dry left hand, the three fingers are gone, and now only one thumb and index finger are left.

"Poison Type Elite?" Viper speaks of interrogative sentences but uses a positive tone. The only thing that can cause this kind of damage is the Poison Type Ability, and the person who can hurt the black-clothed person who is also Elite's strength is probably not the Normal Elite level master.

The head of the black-robed man was unknowingly spotted, and the hoarse voice that had been indifferent to the original, with a hint of coldness, "Poison Type Elite of Elite Top Rank, Psychic Elite of Elite intermediate rank. The strength on the surface."

"If it is not because I am moving fast, I have cut off three fingers in time, I am afraid that the whole hand does not exist." Took a deep breath, suppressing his own heart, "Fortunately, I used three Pokemon to drag them in time." Otherwise, I am afraid that even I will confess there, but the task can only fail."