
Rise Of The Curse Lord

Finding the Truth about the calamity from a prophecy the entire world was shaken with fear. It said the one who will be born with the power of Calamity will be born as the youngest son of the Augustine family, he will receive the power on the day of the red sky and start wreaking havoc in the world. The entire world fought against the Augustine family and ended up erasing them from history. However, does it mean that they won't have to face any calamity, Many questioned this? Everything was answered on the day when the sky became red, the one they thought to be dead remains alive and gains the power that will make the world feel fear once again and pray for their lives.

Zayir_DM · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

The Warriors Of Light

" Sir, It's no way your fault. Some dangerous people have come and they want us to make accommodation available for them, that is why we request you to leave." The lady bowed even deeply.

' Why did I think Conan did something?' Ben clicked his tongue. From Inside, Yelena had also heard this and took out Tsurugi which she had received from Conan as a gift.

" Yelena, we should–" Ben tried to talk to Yelena but saw her taking out the sword so he stopped. " Wait, are you going to fight them over this?"

" Well, I will just take a look at how dangerous those guys are." She walked passed Ben and the Owner and went down the stairs.

Knox and others were watching the customers of the inn leave quietly with their luggage.

" This is not the right way to do things," Zosia said, she hesitated to do things like this, however, she also knew that no matter what she did, there will be no difference with Knox's attitude.

" I am the captain, you are not." He was a stubborn man who didn't listen to anyone, knowing that Zosia could only follow his orders, he didn't listen to her.

" It's alright Zosia, it's not like it's your fault." The blonde girl tried to comfort her.

" I know, Vena," Zosia said and looked at the other members of her team, no one except her said anything to Knox, because they were getting what they want.

Soon she sensed someone coming from above, and the way they were walking down fast didn't sound friendly.

" Yelena, will you please stop?" Ben Shouted but his words did not affect Yelena.

She finally reached the ground floor and looked at who were the people trying to disrupt her rest.

' Should I wait for Conan? These guys are not normal?' She could easily tell that these weren't normal people so she stopped herself from directly attacking.

" Are you the people who are telling us to leave?" She said in a rude tone, it was clear that she was trying to pick a fight.

" Looks like someone dared to protest, who the hell are you?" Knox stood up from his seat and walked up to her.

" Yelena, don't pick a fight, now of all times, Conan is not here?" Ben said from behind. She glared at Ben for not siding with him.

" I asked who the hell are you shitface," She said making Knox angrier.

" You foul mouth commoner," Knox said as he swung his hand to slap Yelena however his hand was grabbed by her and the grip tightened.

" Leave My Hand, you bitch!" He cursed as a blue light came out of his entire body and freed himself from Yelena's grip.

" Knox what are you doing, Using your light like that," Zosia said from behind, trying to stop the fight.

Knox clenched his fist and was ready to punch but before he could do that, Yelena grabbed him by the collar and then proceeded to do an inside elbow throw.

" She is using the light as well," Zosia said as she saw the glow of blue light on Yelena, " ...and, it's so strong."

Before Knox could get it, she wrung his hand and completely overpowered him on the ground. Being unable to move Knox tried to wriggle like a fish to get out of her hold.

" Please stop, We don't want to fight another Warrior of Light," Zosia spoke.

" Hmm, If I let him go then you would act," Yelena replied, " I better kill this man."

The other team members wanted to attack her but she was holding their captain, very cruelly, not even allowing Knox to breathe properly.

" Please, let him go, I will not attack you, we will stop this fight here."

" Listen to her, Yelena," Ben said, After Ben's request she finally allowed him to speak but still had him pinned on the ground.

" What the hell are you all doing? Attack her!" He commanded.

Suddenly one of the members picked up his sword and went to attack her, it was sudden but Yelena dodged it. However, in the process, Knox freed himself.

" We will kill you, attacks her!" Knox said loudly.

The one who attacked her first was the first one to go and attack her but his attack was stopped by Yelena's blade.

' I should try this," She said and focused her energy and tried to mix up with the light.

Suddenly a green aura surrounded her, mixing with the blue aura she glowed more fiercely and her strength increased several times. With a swing of her hand, the man attacking Yelena lost his grip on the sword and it flew out of his hand. She quickly kicked him, the others also came to attack from different sides, she blocked one attack and then moved out from among the crowd and used her sword to cut through the armour of the warrior of lights were wearing.

She had very agile moves and jumped from one place to another meanwhile she also stopped others from approaching Ben. It was still proving a little difficult for her as the fight was one versus eight. She was just cautious that Zosia who was holding the sword would also get involved.

" She is skilled, Knox we need help." One of the men said before getting a cut from Yelena's blade. She didn't chop their limbs but gave them seriously injures, three of them were already down with serious injuries.

" Zosia, Attack her," Knox yelled, she didn't respond and stood silently with her friend.

" Stop the fight, please you are breaking everything." Ben didn't like that they were fighting indoors, he had worked with his uncle's store and knew people had to work hard to manage these things. Knowing the state of this city he was worried about the damages might be much bigger.

Ben stepped in front of the owner and Kenny to protect them from the fight, and continuously tried to stop the fight.

Just then they heard someone, come inside the Inn.

" What the hell is happening here?"