
Chapter 6

God just stared at Ryuu for a bit before clearing his throat "Nice to meet you young Ryuu. Time is rather precious. Therefore I hope you can allow me to explain first and ask questions later."

Ryuu just nodded, he was already confused and a little scared so he might as well wait till the very end with his questions. After once more clearing his throat God began to explain his purpose.

"Many years ago I saw a young devil that came after my time. Said devil would use the most ingenious techniques and methods to climb on the power ladder of the supernatural world.

One of those crazy ideas would be indirectly connecting himself to the mainframe of my system in order to break his bloodline shackels. His tenacity and uncrompomising self-discipline allowed him to grow fast, very fast. So fast infact, that you attracted all kinds of attention around the globe.

The people of the supernatural side kept on bugging him, using both soft and hard methods to get his secrets.

But he persevered, it was if he was moving for a higher purpose and was thus left untouched by the petty squabbles and schemes of the world.

Seeing as though you never took the initiative to bother anyone, even in retaliation, my past self projected himself into the future and approached him to determine his purpose.

What he learned left him with infinite fear and regret for the future of his children. Knowing that there are evil gods beyond Great Red and Ophis on the otherside of the Dimensional Gap as well as Rizevim's madness in unsealing Trihexa, he quickly realized that he needed to prepare new contigency plans."

Thinking about what God just said Ryuu couldn't help but notice the underlying fear and frustration in his voice. God seemed to have picked up on it and his gentle smile turned infinitely bitter.

He then continued, "But time was moving against him and he had to make a decision. He shared his memories across the multiverse giving each one of "us" a chance to react, to make a decision.

My decision was to entrust the future to you. I knew of your upcoming ritual and made preperations to guide that lost sheep to you. I planted a seed into the corpse and now that you devoured it, it has the chance to grow."

God stopped to allow Ryuu some time to progress what he just said. Ryuu himself felt overwhelmed and didn't want to linger on parts of the topic for too long so he just gave God the 'go ahead' nod.

"Very well. The seed you gained will grow alongside you, the higher your level the more authorotiy you'll gain over my system." Now this stunned Ryuu completely. God just told him that he made him, a devil, his successor.

"You needn't worry. Your conjectures about me having a hand in the devil races' creation is correct. You are perfectly attuned to my system, like all my other children making you qualified to be my successor. I know that you are wondering why I chose you and not Michael or any other angel for that matter."

This earned another nod, "the truth is no one has the right mindset and mentality to achieve greatness with the gifts I have left." Now this didn't suprise Ryuu. He could see where God is coming from.

After all unlike him the people of this world are pretty much limit on how to solve problems. They lack the knowledge he has about different worlds and their techniques.

On top of that as a former human he still has the sense of urgency, the drive to better himself as fast as possible. Something that most long live species lack due to their immense life span.

Ryuu saw God nodding approvingly, "you seem to have understood the crux of the matter rather quickly, as expected of you. Yes laziness and a narrow-minded view on the world will be the undoing of my system in anyone else's hands than yours."

As the words left Gods mouth he started dematerializing into golden mist again. It was starting from his feet and was already at his knees.

"It seems like my time is running out. Do you have any last question for me young Ryuu," God asked calmly. Ryuu just looked at him for a good while not bothering with his continues dematerialisation. Once it reached his chest Ryuu asked, "any last message for your children?"

This made God smile a mixture of different emotions marring his face. Love, regret and nostalgia, "Tell them how much I loved them." No words were needed here. Ryuu just nodded with a solemn expression on his face.

"I vow to you, I'll continue as I have befo- nay I'll put even more effort into it. Our home will stand at the end of all of this!"

Those were the last words God's remnant would ever hear, and it was all he would've ever asked for and more.

With the disappearance of God the Mindscape collapesed and threw Ryuu's consciousness back into his own body. After arriving back in his body Ryuu immediately noticed how much lighter he felt.

Trying to stand up he heard a rustle. Looking at the ground he save remnants of what looks like chains. He came to the conclusion that those were the limiters placed upon him, or at the very least the initial ones. It did remind him of Kurogane Ikki and Amagiri Ayato. The first growth being limited by the laws of the very world he lives in and the other one having his abilities sealed by his sister in order to protect him.

Regardless of what actually happened the first order of business was now testing his new limits and capabilities. For Ryuu controling his own powers was always number one priority. Not knowing what damage he could cause leaves him rather uncomfortable.

After a few hours of training and cleaning up the ritual site, Ryuu decided to head into his little hut and call it a day. He received a lot, both physcially and mentally. There was a need for sleep to adjust to everything.

The next few days he'd go through all the new information he has gained and adapt himself accordingly. Upping his training was definitely high up on his priority list.

He also played around with the idea of nurturing allies. He could gather the key figures of the future Hero Faction, before they all go bonkers. Sighing to himself he threw those ideas back into his head and forced himself to sleep.

Not long after closing his eyes he felt the irresistible call of darkness and let go of everything. When he came to himself he found what was looking a lot like a terminal. Ryuu figured this must be a projection of the actual terminal back in heaven.

Filled with curiousity he touched the terminal. What happened next left Ryuu's head rather sore. A lot of information was downloading itself onto his head. He quickly cooperated through the use of his mind arts though the pain wasn't getting much better.

What God left in this projection was all of his knowledge about runes and enchantment. He figured giving Ryuu something he'd enjoy using would motivate him all the more to work hard.

Ryuu kept on rubbing his forehead in front of the terminal. Despite the pain he was grinning from ear to ear. God's info package gave him a lot he could use and would help him tremendously in the years to come.

The very first thing he'd do once he wakes up is working on a super barrel for alcohol. He sorely missed his whiskey and other modern day beverages.

It would also serve as a good negotitation item. After all most Gods and faction leaders in the DxD univerese seem to have a penchant for good alcohol!