
Rise of the Campus King

Damien, A young man who got expelled, cheated on, and almost been beaten to death by some goons. But in unexpected moment, just he was about to die, an mysterious voice sounded on his head. Do you want to live? He been saved by a mysterious person, and given a gift. An giift that change his life. And that would enable him to take revenge. But was he capable of controlling that gift that was given to him? A Life-Changing Gift. [No Naive, Clown, Simp Mc] [Chapter Length: 1000-2000] [Weekly Upload: 7-10 Chapters]

IamyourKing · Urbano
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12 Chs

Battlefield [Part 1]

Damien returned home, "Welcome Back, Brother." Selena called. "Where had you been?" Micaela asked. "We had an party, Since were about to become college." Damien calmy said. "Okay, Sleep early and rest." Micaela said. "Okay, Mom." Damien just nod and gone upstair, He was mentally tired that happened, Even though, he was not tired physically he was tired mentally.

Damien start to think everything had happened up until now. The mock test, When Mr Brown accuse him for cheating, SAT Exam, The Party, The Fight. If weren't for his transformation, He might just watch his parents despair because of his ruined future and crying in the corner. But everything is different now, as he start thinking about it, He fell asleep.

An moments ago, After Damien left. The 2 officer looked at the young woman, While she looked blankly at dark alley where Damien gone to."Did you see where did he gone to?" The middle aged officer asked, when she heard the officer voice, she regain her senses and answer. "Uhmm, when you to taken care of those 3, he said he had to go now and run." She answer and pouted, while she thought. 'He even didn't left his name behind'

"Do you know him? Or where is his house, his name?" The young female officer asked, "No." She answered then silently pouted. 'I wan't to know his name too.' She thought "Then can you come with us to station, your the victim here." The girl nodded. After that they gone to the station to complete the case.

A week later, While Damien was having his breakfast that someone called him, It's Terence. "What was it man." Damien said on the phone "come to my place Brian and I." Terence replied "I was having my breakfast, I go later." Damien replied back "Eat your breakfast faster, There is a Newly Release Game, It was quite popular recently." Terence said explaining the reason he called "Oh, What's Game is it?" Damien ask "It was called Battlefield." Terence replied and added up "I explain it later Brian and I was about to play" Then he hang up.

'Battlefield? I heard it a quite times recently as far as i heard, It was a PvP Game. I go to Terence's place after this.

Battlefield is PvP Game, It was a game created by a company called WarField Studio's It created quite few good game like War Strike, Strikeouts. Everything they had created so far is FPS Game.

After Breakfast, Damien arrive in Terence's place and saw Terence and Brian playing on their phone in living room. They're too busy to notice him, They was too focus at their game. Damien silently walk behind them and look at the game they are playing, It was 5v5 game.

Damien saw they're controlling a character with a gun and some control knife, Brian and Terence both control a character with a gun. Brian controlled a girl with a sniper and pistol, While Terence controlled a boy with rifle and Military knife, Beside those there is health bar on top of the character in head and number. Brian is at number 5, While Terence is 4. It represent the level of the character your using is

Brian was talking to his enemy, he could see both of them was about to lose and they keep dying, sometimes they got stab kill, bomb to death and even snipe without them knowing.

After being beaten up, A few times their base was attacked by a tank. It was claimed by their enemy, they couldn't stop them and their base completely destroy. "Fk those arrogant bastard and the team is not even that good." Brian shouted in anger "our team is stf and those enemy is fking arrogant, They keep taunting us." Just as Brian turned around, He saw Damien curious and interested gaze "What's that game?" Damien asked "Damien, You finally arrive were waiting for you. Quickly Download Battlefield." Brian hurriedly said "I already downloaded it." Damien replied "Great, Let me explain the game to you quickly create a account." Brian said as he start helping Damien create an account in Battlefield.

A Few minutes Later. Damien had successfully created an account, Quickly log in already and add me. Just before he added Damien played the tutorial first, While playing Damien slowly starting to understand the game. He learned that they could obtain a Tank once they had defeated the tank squad, it consist with a 1 tank and 2 military truck with atleast 8 soldier inside.

Other than that there is also dozens character that could be chosen, but you need to bought it first with battle coins. Battle coins could be obtain by playing, completing task/mission and there's also a skin for character that could only be obtain by diamonds and events. Diamond could be only obtain by a real money, It could be used to price a character, character skins, etc. Almost everything could be bought with diamonds.

Each character had different skills, weapons, specialty. This adjust their use difficulty, Like the one Brian and Terence use before their character called Jace and Ben. There's also different kind of weapons, For Short-range/Melee weapons. there is knife, katana, sword, lance, spear, dagger, etc. It was different kind. For long-ranged weapon, There is Gun, crossbow, bow, javalin, dart, etc. There is different kind of weapon.

There is also different kind of abilities and specialty, like jace and ben. Jace is specialty is sniping, it increase her accuracy. And her ability is called blind shot, could increase his hitrate without looking at her sniper scope. While Ben had a knife specialty, it was helping him to increase his sheate release, and for his ability is something called fast strike, it strike extremely fast. The other character also had good abilities, the harder one, the better their abilities. It was an equal character just depend on the player.

Battlefield had just been release a few months ago and it reach terrifying 250 millions download.