
Rise Of The Broken Sun

“Dada, the sun is rising again,” “Uh? Oh, it always rises,” “Won’t it get weak and broken?” “I don’t think so,” “I wonder what happens if it gets broken?” “Well, I think it’s going to rise,” “What?” … Hiro wakes up on a battlefield with no memory of anything. He manages to survive but ends up extremely wounded. Adopted by the Lu family’s patriarch, Hiro gets to have a family. A father, a mother, a sister and a grandfather. When he meets Seraphina, a phoenix that takes him as her parent, he becomes a father. Her growth surpassed that of any phoenix. “Wasn’t she just a four year old? When did she…?” He became friends with Tanji, who unknown to him was living his second life after dying years into the future. Shin, a talented boy in the way of the sword and Mia, a member of Tanji’s household. Somehow she has a relation to Hiro’s past and it is by no means in a simple way. “Long time no see, hus…” His origin beckons him and with that comes a threat to his life and that of his new family and friends. As time goes on Hiro’s memories slowly returns and he realizes his origin isn’t as simple as he thinks. Was it possible to be born twice? It wasn’t, right? “It means none of these were placed in here by someone else. These two set of memories belonged to the owner of this soul space, you.” Several great evils seek his life for reasons unknown to him. “Find Me, Before They Find You!” When, faced with both old and new threats to his life, Hiro is determined not to let them prevent him from achieving his goals. He seeks immortality, total strength and honor to his family. He was going to get them no matter what, those were his goals. Well, it was easier said than done.

_King_Ace · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

27. I Love You


"Just kidding, you didn't say please senior sister," Hiro says as he wiped her tears.

She looks at her him with a complicated expression on her face. Her eyes overflowed and tears came running down her cheek.

"Why are you still crying?"

"Sorry… I'm just so happy," she says as she wipes her tears. "This elder sister is going to take care of you, I promise,"

She stretches her arms and wraps Hiro, pulling him close and burying his head in her shoulder. Hiro smiles a bit and hugs her back.

~Old Ancestor's Residence~

"Are you sure that's everything?"

"Yes old ancestor," Silmi replied.

"Okay, you may leave," he waved his hand and the barrier disappeared. "Escort her out,"

"Yes sir," the maid bowed and led the way.

"Good night old ancestor, and thank you very much," Silmi bows and follows the maid away.

The old ancestor watched as they left before disappearing. When he came through he was in Hiro's courtyard.

"What's going on? I heard a commotion a while back," he asks Ming Lu and Enji, who were seated in front of a table.

"Nothing big, just Elta throwing a tantrum," Ming Lu replies.

"What's it about this time?"

"Having a younger one, I guess, but Hiro has calmed her down,"

"That's good,"

"How is father's healing going?" Enji asks.

"The main body is healing at a steady but slow speed,"

"I have sent trusted people to the Ancient ruins with the compass, they are searching for an ancestor grade pill,"

"I hope they find it quickly,"

"When is father returning?"

"I plan on having a training session with Elta, so after that,"

"Haha, I don't think Elta would want that," Ming Lu says. "I still remember her reaction the last time after coming back,"

"She complained to the main body, giving him an earful for two days. Haha, since then she avoids me,"

"Pfft, she still resents you," Enji said.

"She can all she wants, my training helped her and that is a fact," old ancestor turns to the room. "Hmm? It seems Hiro has fallen asleep,"

"Oh, you really worked him," Ming Lu pinches the old ancestor.

"Hehe, by the way I heard this generation's ranking war will be held in five months,"


"That is nonsensical. Summon all the elders at once,"

"Yes father," Enji says.

~Enji's Office~

After being summoned by Enji, all the elders arrived as soon as they could. They were shocked to see the old ancestor in the meeting.

"As always, the first elder is late," Enji sighs.

"He is at the door," the old ancestor says and immediately, the door opens. "You are late first elder,"

The first elder frowns, he had not expected him to be here. "Why are you here, Izu?"

"Mind yourself Lu Ang, I am not the main body I would not tolerate disrespect like he does. I may not have his strength, but that doesn't make you a match for me,"


"Whose idea was it to have the ranking war last for five months?"

"It was mine,"

"And may I ask why?"

"The earlier they learn how to manage the house the better,"

"And you all supported this?" the old ancestor asks and the other elders nods. "How long have the previous ranking wars lasted?"

"Thirteen months, fifteen months…"

"So why is this one so short? I know it is not in my place to talk in your family matters, but this is wrong so I would intrude," the old ancestor cuts the fourth elder's words. "The ranking war will last for thirteen months and that's final,"

"You!" the first elder gritted his teeth.

"You are all dismissed,"

The sun stood in the bright blue sky, amidst the white clouds. It shone its light over a green field. The insects went by their daily business, while hiding from the birds that flew by.

The only thing out of place here was Hiro who stood amidst the grasses.

"Where am I?" he asks looking around.

To every direction he turned to was a vast green land that stretched to the horizon. The only things he saw were the green grasses and the birds that flew by in every direction. From time to time some dived into to the grasses and flew back into the sky.

"Find Me!"

A familiar voice sounded and Hiro opens his eyes. He was on his bed in his bedroom. His chest heaved rapidly as he stared at the ceiling.

He quickly sat up, only to find Elta sitting beside him. She was sleeping with her back against the wall. It seemed he had used her laps as a pillow.

His breathing slows down and he quickly got down from the bed. Unintentionally, his movements woke Elta up.

"Hmm, you are awake?"

Hiro turns to her and nods. "I'm a bit hungry, let's go eat,"

"Are you alright? You seemed scared,"

His hands twitched at her words. She was right, he didn't know why but the voice he had heard previously had caused chill to run down his bones. Whoever had that voice was angry and that anger caused his body to shiver.

"I'm just hungry, so my body is shaking,"

"You are lying but okay, let's go eat,"

Elta jumps down from the bed and lands in front Hiro. Patting him on the head she says with a big smile on her face.

"Good morning little brother!"

Hiro blinks at her and couldn't help but smile back. Somehow her actions had made him forget about the voice.

"Good morning elder sister,"


She yells and wraps her hands around him, giving him a big hug. "Alright, let's go eat," she says as she breaks free. Grabbing his hand, she pulls him out of the room, while she shouts. "Xue Li! Please prepare something for us to eat,"

Hiro squints his eyes at the bright sun that greets them.

"Hush! Who yells first thing when they wake," the old ancestor's voice sounded as he appears out of thin air.

"Hmph, greetings grandfather," Elta snorts and bows.

"Haha, you are still mad?"

"Very much,"

"Greetings grandfather," Hiro bows.

"Did you rest well?"


"Good, we are heading out again today,"

"No way, I don't agree," Elta pulls Hiro behind him.

"Haha, relax, it's a picnic this time. You and your parents are coming too,"

"Oh! Let's go then,"

"You two should get a bath first. Izuhi will lead you guys over,"

"Oh! Hiro bye then. I'll be back as soon as I'm finished bathing," Elta says and rushes to the gate. "Xue Li let's go,"

Hiro watches her leave with a blank expression on his face. Aki walks up to him and says.

"This way young master,"

"Grandfather, are you really not going to tell me what those lights you sent to my body are for?"

"You are still asking that?"


"I'm not going to tell you, so forget about it and focus on cultivating,"

"Alright," Hiro turns and walks away.

"Finally back," Tanji mutters as he opens a gate to a small compound.

"Who is there?" a voice asked as a figure steps out of a room. She had black long hair, a small round face and a petit stature, though she wasn't short.


"Elder brother, where have you been? Why are your clothes tattered?"

Tanji rushes to her and embraces her tight. He couldn't help it, tears rushed down his cheek onto her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Mia. If I was stronger I could have protected you…"

"Are you alright, elder brother?"

He sniffles. "Sorry, I had a bad dream. A very bad dream,"

"I understand but where have you been?"

"The beast mountain, I went to train,"

"You went to the second layer, didn't you? Do you want to kill yourself?"

"I didn't go to the second layer, I was outnumbered by the beast,"

"Oh, I'm sorry. How come you aren't wounded?"

"I'll tell you later, I need to go get something,"


"I'll be right back,"

"You just got back and you are leaving?" Mia asks as he steps into the room.

"Why don't you follow me?" his voice sounds from inside. "I'm going to the market,"

"Why are you going there?"

"There's something I want to buy before it's too late,"

"Isn't it too early to head to the market?"

"The earlier the better,"

"Hmph, fine I'll go with you,"

"Give me a sec, I'm almost done. By the way how's your body?"

"It's alright, I'm all good,"

"Liar, I'm sure it hurts a lot right now,"

"It doesn't, elder brother, I'm not lying,"

"I know you are worried about our expenses, so I'm assuring you, starting today you don't have to worry about it. Things are going to change, big time,"

Tanji steps out of the room, dressed in new clothing: a red garment-like shirt and a black trouser. He held two pouch bags in his left hand. With his right hand, he pats her head and said.

"I'm going to take care of you properly from now on. I want you to know I love you and I'm going to marry you someday,"

"Huh?" Mia's face turns hot red. "What are you saying elder brother?"

"I said I'm going to marry you someday,"

"You are teasing me, right? I know we joked about it before but we were little kids then…"

"I'm dead serious. Let's go, I really need to buy those things," Tanji says taking her hand and leading the way. He kept the two pouch bags in his pocket as he did.

The duo arrived at the market in no time. It was a large area with rolls and rolls of stalls and shops. Still holding Mia, who had remained quiet along the way here, Tanji takes in deep breaths and smiles wholeheartedly.

Some shops were just opening, others were opened or were still locked. While some stalls were empty, others were filled. A few people moved around, looking for what to buy.

"First let's get that thing. Was it the eastern wing? Or was it the southern?"

He mutters as he continues to lead the way with Mia's hand in his own. As they went on, Mia stole a few glances at him. She was yet to wrap her head over the words he had told her.

"Was elder brother serious? Does he really want to marry me? No, no, he must be joking, he has always fawned over elder sister," she thought. "There's no way he likes…"

"Stop thinking too much, you'll trip if you don't focus," Tanji's voice pulls her back to reality.


"If you are still thinking about what I said, then I'll say it again. I, Tanji loves you and will marry you someday,"

Her cheeks were dyed red by his words and they ran up to her ears. Her cherry-like lips curls up into a smile and her eyes glistens. Unknowingly to her, Tanji stole glances at her and smiled.

After walking for a while, Tanji stops in front of a stall. It was a table filled sparsely with ores and herbs. A man sat on a tool behind the table and smiled at him.

"What can I help you with?"

"I want to buy Sun-fire stone, how much is it?"

"Six hundred gold for one,"

"Isn't that too high?"

"They may not have much uses, but they are not easy to find,"

"They have only one use, and that's storing heat over time. But you are right, they are hard to find. I'll give you three hundred gold, each for the four you have,"

"Elder brother, that's…"

"Relax, I have my reasons for buying it,"

Tanji interrupts Mia and turns to the man. "Are you selling?"

"Five hundred gold,"

"Never mind. I'm not buying anymore, I change my mind,"

"Huh? Wait! Wait, I'll sell,"

"Please wrap it up,"

The man nods and takes out a box as Tanji asks. "How much is ginseng?"

"Someone already paid for them," the man replied as he placed the stones in the box. "Be sure to protect your hand before touching them,"

"Thank you sir,"

Tanji took out one of his pouch. "Elder brother, that's for…" Mia bits her lower lips as he pays the man.

"Mia, relax. Don't you trust me?"

"I do but…"

"Excuse me please," a voice interrupts Mia. At the sound of this voice, Tanji turns around with a bright smile on his face.

"Who would have thought I'll meet you here," Tanji says in his head. "What a coincidence!"


