
Too late

Year 2045

A night in the Blackmoon city.

In a street where numerous people are walking.

Laying lifelessly there is a young man in his mid-20. With dirty and torn clothes, dirt on his face and whole body. He was your typical beggar.

With this number of people walking, there should be still someone who would help this man yet they only give him some pitying glance and go back in minding their own business.

Other beggar with the same situation as him is eyeing him greedily. If one look carefully they look at him like a delicious food, which any normal people will creep into.

That beggar man that is just waiting on his death is called Ren Garcia.

10 years ago he was a teen with countless of money, girls will be dying to warm his bed and any other will fawning on him. Everyone is trying to get his attention.

He eats priceless delicacy everyday, wear clothes personally designed for him by famous designers.

But even with this kind of luxury life,though he was arrogant he never do something bad like bullying instead he was a kindhearted person and likes to help those he think that deserve it.

When he was 8 years old he started to donated to orphanage every month, helps poor country when they suffer calamities. At first it was only based on his spare money but it grow to the point that he overdraw his monthly 10 million dollar allowance. It go to the point that it get his father attention, but instead of stopping him, his father instead increase his allowance into 100 million and even encourage him to continue his good deeds.

But then year 2035 February 24

11:20 when mutated animals and plants from top secret research facility escaped and infected other beings.

Same year March 30

They were not able to capture or kill the escapees.

And 20% of animals in the world mutated.

The public are alarmed from videos and photos of mutated creatures.

April 05

Mutated creatures from the wild start to attack human settlements.

Pets also started to mutate.

April 07

Government order to kill pets and start military campaign toward mutated creatures.

May 24

40% of human are killed.

Hundreds of nations are destroyed.

June 02

Only 10% of human population remain or estimated more or less 2 billion.

And this when the apocalypse era finally started while the peaceful and modern life is now a part of history. Laws and orders are removed and the new world follow the jungle rule "survival of the fittest". Dollar has loss its value while a biscuit will cause bloody battle.

Actually even though money has lost its value, Ren could still live a normal life where he wont worry about foods . Sadly when the apocalypse happen though he have many supplies in the mansion, people working in the mansion such as the maids,drivers or gardeners start bringing their families.

And because of how kindhearted he was, even though his personal butler advice against it. He help them all until it get to the point that people in the surrounding area start going into the mansion for food and protection.

The supplies are quickly decreasing until nothing are left. The people start rioting and instead of thanking for his help, they instead demand him to order his bodyguards to go look for food

As time pass by, one by one he suffer from betrayal. Because of his foolish decision he caused the death of those loyal to him and even his personal butler Ryan was killed by the people he helped.

As death quickly approach him. He started to think about his life. Memories started to appear in his mind. One by one he watch his life being played like a movie, it look like long but only seconds pass in the real world.

But then he realize he never regret helping people. What he regret is he fail to recognize people he should help and those he should not. Like when before the apocalypse happen

Sadly people became more amazing in hiding their true self and his skills before are completely impossible to work against the apocalypse survivor.

Before he completly loss conciousness

He hear a unisex voice

"Because of your enormous good karma... I part of Karmic River consciousness decide to give you a reward to offset some of your good karma to prevent any unbalance in this world such as-

But he died before the voice finish its sentence


Just 1 seconds after he died. Two human from the sky descend. It was a woman in her late 20 and a 60 year old white haired old man.

Seeing the corpse of Ren. They are totally shocked. The woman walk toward the corpse and kneel. Grabbing the body into his bosom. Tears swelled in her eyes

The old man then muttered" we are late... too late"

Then several more people descent from the sky. From young age of 3 to the oldest that is more than 90 years old. Some riding powerful demonic beast some riding some sword,carriage or carpet

People in the surrounding are already shock when they see the two earlier descent earlier and when they see this next batch they totally stupefied.

Some inform people recognize few of this people. They are famous because of their strength. Then another one came its a man in his 30's

"Blackmoon city lords greet the masters" the city lord bow and continued" i wonder what bussness you have here"

Yet this people ignore him. One of them, a young man 17 years old walk towards ren and took a golden pill. The famous masters are shocked.

"Nirvana pill!!!!!" One of them exclaimed.

Though it was valuable and in normal circumstance even them will fight to death to obtain this item yet not a least greed are seen in their eyes but instead a hopeful look are shown in their face.

Before the young man even feed the pill to Ren

A woman with alluring figure and black veil covering her face said" It wont work,,, his soul already left"

This caused the young man to stop in his track.

Then the woman said again with almost sobbing tone" I could get,,,,,,get his soul ba-back but ..... unfortunately he al-already entered that........that place" tears are already raining down from her face to the ground.

All people in the surrounding are swept by mix emotion. They thought that he could be finally save.

Some women and weak men already started crying.

As time pass more people came. This place soon look like gathering place

Not even the famous world auction last year able to attract this many famous human masters.

Hello guys

I'm Chained_Soul 16 years old and an Asian boy. So please understand that i'm not that fluent in english. I just want to try writing a apocalypse type novel

well this is not a zombie type but instead only mutation of animals, plants,human and (some kind of fantasy idea). Of course later his golden finger will be revealed (aside from his 1st life knowledge)

Bye bye

Chained_Soulcreators' thoughts