
Time For The Forsaken To Forever Get Forsaken!

Damien knew by now Ruthren must have realized that he must have done something to Yohr no matter how absurd it seemed. At least he would want to investigate things by himself now that he can't even get hold of Yohr.

But what angered him was that this son of a bitch was blackmailing him with his own daughter by saying that he would offer her protection as long as he surrendered to him.

Irene couldn't help but feel worried, wondering whether Damien would fall for this obvious trap, while Reva only looked at him with a soft smile as if she already knew what his answer was.

And as she expected, Damien looked at Ruthren and said, "You are right. I have feelings for your daughter, and I love her more than my own life. But I don't need your permission or favor to live like a prince since I am going to live like an emperor after I get rid of you. Then I will take your daughter along with me anyway as well."
