
Rise of Power: Journey of Kingdoms

In a world where the strength of a knight is determined by their mastery of unique breathing techniques, transmigrator Ethan finds himself inhabiting the body of Ethan Darkwood, a newly crowned king of a weak kingdom. With memories of his previous life, Ethan must learn to navigate this strange medieval world while trying to understand his new identity. The kingdom of Verdant Vale is on the brink of collapse, plagued by internal conflicts, external threats. As the young king, Ethan is initially overwhelmed by the enormity of his responsibilities and the intricacies of the medieval political landscape. His saving grace is the discovery of a mystical system that would help him and his kingdom grow stronger and become more powerful. As he grows stronger, he begins to turn the tides for his kingdom. He introduces revolutionary laws, leads his knights to victories in battles, and fosters alliances with neighboring kingdoms. The once crumbling kingdom of Verdant Vale starts to flourish under his rule. As Ethan Darkwood charts his journey from a transmigrator to a beloved and powerful king, he redefines the concept of strength and leadership in the vast medieval world. With his kingdom building system, he not only saves his kingdom from ruin but also leaves an indelible mark on the annals of its and the world's history. ------------- My 2nd book: Legacy of Eldric.

Warrior_Blade · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
165 Chs

Chapter 11: Poor

"William who is the finance minister?"

"Leo Carter, Your Majesty" William replied.

"Summon him!"


After William left the room Ethan turned to Asher." Uncle, I am afraid the finances are too little to rebuild everything for the time being. I want to know if you have any ideas on how to increase our military strength? now were vulnerable and at our weakest point if not for the blackthorn kingdom being weaker, I am afraid we would be attacked" he asked

"The kingdom is nestled between the towering Elvenwood forest and the mighty Ebonflow river. These natural barriers provided an excellent defensive advantage, but it also isolates us from potential allies. To overcome this, I propose to build bridges over the river and clear a path through the forest. This would enable us to establish trade routes and alliances with neighboring kingdoms, and in turn, strengthen our own."

"And I think we should recruit more soldiers. Our military strength now is not even able to let us keep our kingdom ranking. If we do not recruit immediately, I am afraid we will soon become an unranked kingdom and be at the mercy of others." Asher replied wisely after some deliberation.

Ethan calmly listened to Asher, although he had his ideas on how to increase the military, he was still new at this and to listen to a wise general would be helpful." Great, then I would like Uncle to be responsible for recruitment. Take 15 gold with you, I realize none of the soldiers gets paid, from now on every soldier will get 5 silver a month. And Knights will get a salary of 1 gold a month. This may be expensive now Uncle, but it would enable us to recruit more people as they could get a good salary, bringing in more soldiers. With that our military would grow faster."

As Asher listened his eyes could not help but brighten, the more he listened the more his eyes shone. "Magnificent idea, Your Majesty"

"Uncle, for us to strengthen our soldiers I ask that we could begin with physical exercise each morning which I will lead, and every soldier is ordered to be there" Ethan said thinking about how he could use his previous life's memory of how the U.S army trained to his advantage. As Ethan thought of training, he could not help but wonder if the system had some methods to strengthen his soldiers.


System Mall

Breath Techniques:

Inferno Ascendance: This technique involves controlling one's breath to mimic the intensity of a flame. By inhaling slowly and deeply, then exhaling rapidly, the practitioner can increase their body's heat and energy, resulting in enhanced strength and agility. 100 Gold

Aqueous Harmony: This method requires the practitioner to breathe in a fluid, rhythmic pattern, like the ebb and flow of water. This technique enhances the user's flexibility and adaptability, allowing them to respond to attacks with grace and fluidity. 100 Gold

Granite Endurance: By breathing deeply and steadily, practitioners can emulate the steadfastness of the earth. This technique enhances their endurance and physical strength, making them able to withstand powerful blows. 100 Gold

Zephyr Alacrity: This technique involves taking quick, shallow breaths to increase the body's oxygen supply. This results in heightened alertness and speed, allowing the practitioner to react swiftly to threats. 100 Gold

Alloyed Mastery: This method requires the practitioner to breathe in a measured, rhythmic pattern, akin to the methodical hammering of a blacksmith shaping metal. This technique enhances the user's precision and control, increasing their effectiveness in combat. 100 Gold

Tempest Sonata: This technique requires the practitioner to breathe in a rhythm that mimics the rumbling of thunder. By inhaling deeply and releasing their breath in a powerful, controlled burst, practitioners can channel the raw energy of a thunderclap. This method results in an explosive increase in strength and speed, making their attacks as formidable as a thunder strike. 200 Gold

Void Transcendence: This technique involves the manipulation of one's breath without aligning to any specific element or attribute. The practitioners breathe in a pattern that allows them to tap into their inherent power, devoid of any elemental influence. This technique heightens the user's senses, enhances their agility, and grants them a unique, unpredictable combat style that transcends traditional elemental boundaries. 300 Gold


Ethan went through every technique and found exactly what he needed to strengthen his kingdom. Ethan bought 2 techniques, one for Asher, for it suited him perfectly and would be able to boost Ashers strength to a large degree, and now to ensure safety Asher should reach apprentice stage 5, only then will he feel a little safer. As for the other technique, Ethan bought it to distribute it among his soldiers so they could be able to increase their strength faster.

As Ethan bought the techniques, he was on the verge of crying, he was only able to restrain himself after telling himself It was an investment. 500 Gold vanished into smoke; they went as quickly s it came. The reason for the price was that on was attribute less and anyone could use it causing its higher price and that lightning element is said to be the most destructive element known to man. Not to mention its top-inferior ranked techniques and not the unranked trash that the small kingdoms practice.

Breathing techniques are divided into 7 stages, each stage refers to the 6 realms of knights. Beginning from unranked, inferior, low, middle, high, top, superior and celestial ranked techniques. And they could be further divided from low, middle and top.

The techniques Ethan could be cultivated to the peak of apprentice realm, corresponding to 10th-stage Apprentice knights. Ethan didn't even look for the higher ranked techniques as he wouldn't even be able to afford it.

"Sigh, 1000 gold spent, and I only have 23 gold remaining. I really am poor." he sighed

Ethan handed the techniques to his uncle and said, Uncle we do not have the money to establish the trade route now, so that could be put off to a later date. In the meantime, I have 2 techniques here with me I'd like uncle to see. One is for uncle and the other will be spread among the army."

Asher took the techniques not even looking at them, thinking that they would be unranked techniques, but curiosity got the better of him and he glanced at them. He lost his composure and almost dropped the techniques, with a look of shock he shouted," Inferior grade!!", they are even top rank!" with utter disbelief he looks up at the young man looking straight into the man's emerald, green eyes before being able to say anything.

"Y-Your Majesty, t-this is too precious, I can't-" Ethan interrupted him," nothing is too precious if it can't be used. Uncle, I expect great results from the military. Your dismissed" Asher, seeing Ethan's resolute answer could only swallow his words and retreat from the throne room.