
Rise of Demon

Lan Yin born during the red moon also known as cursed child of heaven cause of her crimson red eyes. She has a doting father who protect her and didn't let anyone bully her. Even though she is different from other humans her father alway love her. on the Eve of her fifth birthday her father told her that they are the one remaining demons left in this world of human. She had to protect herself and her secrets from others but they still catch on her little secret and then her little family turn into mess. Fire rise high in the sky lighting up the darken night but her heart was cold her crimson eye were filled with vengeance. she crave... she crave blood of human....

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Devil Lord...

Lan yue didn't look at them she is already having hard time controlling herself any sec she can lose her mind.

If that happen she don't know how many people she will end up killing since no hunters are here to stop her.

She is not even sure if that man called devil lord can stop her or not if that happen then she will be state of fragile.

Where slight smell of blood will make her go crazy this is getting hard and all she want to immediately drink blood.

She didn't look behind as she head upstairs to there room they didn't stop her as soon as she enter the room.

She place them on the bed being strong from childhood forget about two child she can even lift a well builded man.

She immediately took out her food reserve in her space and start golfing down on them after drinking almost one gallon of blood.

Did she calm down her hunger with a sign she look at the child on the bed all of her injuries had been healed already.

But this still made her angry she walk downstairs and found all those people still in the hall kneeling down on the floor.

Only then did she notice the maid who had attend them in night she had her face swollen from slap as she lower her head.

She is standing infront of the man who is called scholar song is talking with her the child who is called seventh prince.

Infrom her that the maid tried to protect the girl but was beaten by the crowd her eyes soften at the girl.

She patted the girl head and stuff some money in her hand making the girl eyes widen in shock.

The girl is only twelve year old but her hand us filled with callous which show the hardwork she do daily.

"What do you want to do with them" she pause and turn around to look at those people they all are sweating in fear.

Her eyes narrowed as a beautiful smile appear on her face these make the people on the ground shiver in terror.

"Let them go"


They all look at her in disbelief for a sec they don't know how to react to the situation infront of them.

One of the man get up from the ground and rush toward the door seeing that the man has successfully leave the hall.

One by one they all start leaving the hall quickly like they are being chased by demons lan yue sneer at them.

"Now little girl mind to tell me about them" the girl thought that this women is soft hearted which make her frown.

But she didn't said anything and start telling her about everything that happen when she was gone.

It's came out that a string wind knock lan yin cloak revealing features to everyone soon everyone start clamoring about her being demon and all.

They start throwing whatevers came in there hand to the kids the more she hear the more her smile brighten.

Which is scaring the little girl she don't understand why she is feeling scared when she is clearly smiling.

"You can go and bring some food in the room" cause of the commotion she don't think that the kids had eaten anything.

After entering her room she found them playing with each other she walk toward them and pull them into hug.

As she spoke "why does my yin-yin don't want to hurt them hmm" she said while adjusting the outer wear of her.

Lan yin blink her eyes and tell her honestly

"If we had kill them infront of everyone then we will be called demon but it's different if they die in accident or someone don't see the killer no one will blame us"

Lan yue start laughing her eyes show amusement as she gentle comb her hair with her finger.

"You are right no one will blame us if they die in an accident that why I give poison to all of them they will die one way or another"

She whisper the last part in her ear making lan yin eyes lit up in joy "then can we have watermelons to eat"

Lan yue chuckle at her question few days ago they sneak inside a farmer house who had watermelon in his garden.

They stole some lan yin love them in this hot summer eating cold and watery watermelon is very nice.

"Okay I will go and find some watermelon for you to eat" with that she get up from the bed and leave the room.

As soon as she leave the room the lively and gentle smile of her vanish as she spoke coldly "came out no need to hide"

Lan yue look at the man infront of her his temperament is something that not everyone can have.

Behind that beautiful butterfly mask held pair of sharp purple eyes which make one to forget about there surrounding.

"Miss lan your niece got hurt when I had asked you to talk with me if you don't mund I can deal with those people for you think it's as my way of Apologizes"

Lan yue look at him with her eyes filled with boredom she was about to ask if he is done talking but he said something surprising.

"If you don't want that then about going to hunt I'm pretty sure you must be more interested in that"

Her eyes lit up as she ask "what we are going to hunt" he look at her excited eyes and spoke in low couce that only she hear.

"Human" her lips curl into beautiful smile as she nodded her head "you are right in really interested in hunting more"

"So when we are going to hunt" she ask him

"What about now" she look at him and smile "lead the way devil lord" he nodded his head and walk ahead of her.

But soon he slow down his phase now they are walking side by side of each other he glancw at her only to find her smiling.