
Rise of Civilization I

Unidentified cosmic disturbances compelled Gadud and its crew to venture into an unknown universe, resulting in the spacecraft's crash. These enigmatic disruptions in the cosmos also raised alarms within the Council of Heaven Sects, the governing body overseeing all planets. Acknowledging both risks and opportunities associated with this unforeseen event, they deemed it fate's design for Chosen Livia to extend an invitation to the unknown guests who had visited their planet.

axonrope · Fantasia
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13 Chs

Shadows of Discord

Ivia, known as the special guardian, felt a heavy responsibility on her shoulders as she thought about the big journey ahead. She really wanted to understand the mystery in the sky, so she decided to gather a team of skilled friends from different groups to help her.

Her team included Seraphina, a fast and quiet archer from the Tree Sect, and Thorne, a big and gentle giant with super strength from the Mountain Forge Sect. Together, they formed an unlikely trio, each using their special skills to learn more about the mystery.

As Ivia and her friends got ready for the journey, some people who were jealous and mean spread bad rumors. They doubted Ivia's ability to lead and made her feel unsure. One of them was Gideon, a strong warrior who was jealous of Ivia's success.

One night, while the team was getting supplies, Gideon confronted Ivia and said mean things. "Ivia, you're not a good leader. Why do you think you can lead us on this silly adventure? The leaders made a mistake choosing you."

Ivia, feeling sad but determined, said, "Gideon, this mission is not about titles or chosen ones. It's about understanding the mystery and keeping our world safe. I believe in our team, and I hope you can too."

But Gideon didn't stop. He kept being mean and said, "You believe in fairy tales, Ivia. Your leadership will ruin us, and the leaders will regret their decision."

Things got worse, and they started fighting. The leaders stepped in and said they would have a big fight to decide who was right, a fight that could be deadly.

As the fight got closer, Ivia felt torn. She didn't want to fight her friend, but she had to because of the trial. She told Seraphina and Thorne, "I never wanted this. To fight, to hurt someone who should be a friend. But we have to do it, and I can't let our mission fail."

Seraphina understood and said, "We're with you, Ivia. But remember, fights aren't always with swords. Stay true to what you believe in."

The day of the fight came, and Ivia tried to talk to Gideon one last time. "Gideon, we were supposed to be friends. Let's not let this fight tear us apart. There's a bigger problem we should be focusing on."

But Gideon didn't listen. He was too jealous and proud. "I won't let you make me look bad, Ivia. This is the only way to see who really deserves to be in charge."

The fight started, and swords clashed. Ivia tried not to hurt Gideon, but he kept attacking. The battle was tough, showing the struggle in Ivia's heart.

When it was over, Gideon was defeated. Ivia, standing over her friend, felt both sad and relieved. The leaders were serious but understood why the fight happened. Ivia, hurt but still determined, went back to her friends. The journey now felt heavy, a mix of a win and a loss, with the fight leaving a bad feeling among them.