
Rise of a Star

Imagine being born into a fantastical world where magic exists, dragons soar, and one can lift seas and destroy mountains with having the ability to utilize magic. How would you react if you were born into such a world without magic? Amir, a young child, has always wanted to fly among the stars, but he has never had the chance to do so. until a lucky or fated encounter [This photo does not belong to me please make me know if you would like me to remove it who ever created it]

avron · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


"Honestly, I don't understand why she would go to such lengths for me."

As I walked down the hall with Finral I fell into deep thought.

The mere fact that she's doing this for me is crazy, me promising to make top ten doesn't sound as crazy.

It was shocking to learn how weak I was after acquiring my bloodline because I had seen firsthand how many powerful people there were in this city who could kill me with a simple raising of the hand.

Just then we arrived at a white door which Finral opened and told me to get into it.

Entering the room, it was completely white as it had a stand in the middle of the room with a clear orb.

"Okay kid this is where were going to test your element put your hand on this orb."

"What just put my hand on it."

"Yes, the orb will do the rest."


Walking to the orb my eagerness started to grow as I couldn't wait to find out what my element was.

Reaching out I touched the orb as it felt smooth and cold


[Unkown energy entered]

[Would you like to stop this energy?]

"Oh, so it can stop this one."

"No don't stop the energy let it do its thing he voiced in his mind."

The message soon disappeared as I felt the orb start to heat up.

"Okay now let's see what this kid's got."

Finral was holding a tablet in his hand as the device started to light up showing the results

Race: human

Gender: Male

Elemental affinity: Fire {medium grade|

Wind {High grade}

"Well would you look at that he Is a high grade with wind and has two elements that's some A grade talent right there."

"Wonder where she found him this is a kid with such high potential."

Just as Finral was about to stop Amir he quickly stopped his hand as he noticed the orb started to glow slightly.

Then his eyes started open wide as the orb turn pitch black.

"What the hell is this?"

Element darkness {high grade}

"T..this kid has 3 elements, and its high grade as well were in the hell did, he come from only the top prodigies of the entire empire have something like this!

Stopping himself from having a heart attack he calmed himself down.

"Okay kid you can stop."

"Oh, I can stop now."

"Removing his hand from the orb he walked to Finral."

"So how did I do?"

"You did good kid you have 3 elements fire, darkness and wind."

"Oh, just three" a crestfallen look could be seen on Amir's face

Seeing the disappointed look on his face Finral eyebrows started to twitch uncontrollably.

"He is already one in a billion, there is no way this kid would want any more elements."

"What a greedy child."

After telling me about my elements he took me to my room which was on the third floor and told me training was tomorrow.

The room was small, but it included a bed, a dresser, some hanging space, and a window.

"My very own room."

My eyes started to tear up slightly as I glanced around the room it was small, but it was mine.

"This is just the beginning; eventually, I will have far more than I do right now."

Sitting on the bed I started to release the bags I took from the village.

Opening one of the bags I picked up one of the coins as I started to play with it.

"If I remember correctly, I could activate my bloodline with my soul or a catalyst I didn't get to try before because I didn't have money before."

"So how does it work do I just channel my bloodline and the catalyst activates it?"

Just then the coin disappeared and my eyes glowed as I felt my greed increase.

A few seconds later the glow faded.

"Okay so that's how that works but I like the first one better it just feels right."

lying flat on the bed I stared up at the ceiling.

"Okay so she was right this world is too damn big how can I rise to the stars if everyone is so strong."

"Sigh I guess I'm going to have to go to the academy."

"This world has mages, warrior's, bloodlines and even races there is so much to do so much to take."

My eyes glowed slightly as golden glowed filled my eyes.

"I will have so much fun!"

My lips curled upwards as it turned into a maniacal smile that made me look like a crazy person.


"Okay this has got to be crazy being born with 3 elements and both high grade who the hell is this kid only a handful of the new generation has anything close to this and Valerie sent him to train with me what does she even want me to do im no teacher!"

Finral was currently in his office on the 5th floor looking through the file of Amir.

"Why did she drop this shit in my lap now I got to take care of this kid im no teacher what she thinks I am.

Knock, knock

"Who is it" Finral said raising his head

"Sir its Tabatha."

"Oh, come in."

Pulling the door, a middle-aged woman with blonde hair black eyes and glasses walked in.

"Oh, Tabbatha what is it did something happen."

"Yes, multiple noble class beast has been found in the beast tide by the scouts even though no king class has been found yet it's likely that one will be there."

"So, they want me to be there."

"Yes sir."

Sigh standing up Finral walked over to a cabinet were two red gauntlets that like a dragon claw.

Pick up the gauntlets he's eyes darkened as he stared at them.

Putting them on he began walking through the room as he stood at the window.

"That damn bastard Aron using me like I'm his personal guard dog he should kill the damn beast himself it's his own damn city!"

"Sir calm down anger is not good for you."

"Fucking nobles, I hate the lot of them."

Rubbing eyes, he looked out the window were off in the distance hundreds of beasts of many varieties were attacking the city as the mages unleashed many spells killing the beast on the spot.

"Tabatha, I want you to call those dumbasses were going to need their help for this one I don't think the mages will last long against this one seems a like a pretty strong tide a king class is definitely there."

"I'll call them immediately sir."

As he said that he opened the window before jumping out as he flew straight over the city.