
The End of the Guardian Race

Sounds of the war echoed throughout space endlessly

As the Guardian's pushed the front lines forward regaining lost ground, they began to push back the unending numbers of abominations that were once the Race that rivaled them for eons.

The Gods a Race that did anything and everything for the sake for their goal, once cruel next a Divine Blessing to the mortals that were desperate enough to be fooled by their sweet words. Death being the only thing brought upon by them, but who can blame those who saw their friends, wives, daughters, sons entire families their very worlds being eaten for seeking this salvation.

'Gods' the given name to the Divine Beings that invaded from beyond the Void, But they were not the only Race with the power to Destroy and Create.

Travelling across the Void to bring about the peace they deemed to be the only way to bring about true balance. By eating everything that lives and breathes whether it is organic or inorganic. Young or old, be they sick or dying even the diseased, no life was spared in this peace they sought.

Their once divine forms now twisted from the many things they have consumed, eaten and merged with. Becoming the monstrosity now called the Creed, as they now resemble the first Race they tried to extinguished.

We or should I say they, who are my people the 'Guardians' keepers of peace. At-least that is what is known to the mortals who have not lived long enough to see their true faces.

A bloodthirsty Race, we are and if not bringing death and destruction we drown ourselves in our lust. The only reason we took up the role of protector is to destroy all that stand in the way of Balance. Guardians are strong willed warriors that lose themselves to the rage within their bloodlines.

Searching everywhere they can to bring about balance, by fighting the other Immortal races or by destroying mortals creating weapons that can destroy this small galaxy as well as enslaving other races and most of all those that can kill them.

Unaging Gods of Destruction that is the real name our enemies have given us, and I agree it is far more suited for all we bring is destruction. One seeks assimilation the other domination, This is how it begins for these two sides fighting for the balance they see as their ideal form of 'True Balance.

Gods are the Immortal Race that have the gift of Creation and can bring about new life, but enough power even if meant to create can be used to destroy.

Guardians never hid their love to bring about utter destruction, as it was shown in their wars to put down any race mortal or Immortal. Submit, Surrender or Die, and when the Gods crossed the Void they finally met the opponent they wished for.

Each race had long since completely ruled their respective Universes, the last remaining being less than 10%. As for the Gods Side they assimilated everything and if they were left alone it just meant that they were the 'Zealots'.

Left alive for the war they intended to win after crossing the void, Zealots were the first wave of invaders that were sent by the Gods, to spread their way to achieve Balance.

This caused a revolt in the domain controlled by the Guardians, but why would they care it just meant the start of a new war. As the war started the Guardians raced to the battlefields of their choice, some chose planets close to the void while others stationed on world they favored.

Watching the Zealots preach of salvation from all forms of disaster through the means of assimilation, caused the few who first joined to rebel to reconsider this new foreign ally. As they began to investigate them all they found was brainwashed trash that crossed the void due to commands of a Genocidal Immortal Race Called the Gods.

Raised to think that being eaten by their love ones, is a blessing these Gods of creation gifted them.

Once there turn comes to join the ranks of the Creed, what sane thoughts they possessed will have been destroyed as the hive mind they join wipes out these emotions they deem as unneeded.


At the edge of the Void the noise of a starved beast could be heard, even the nearby planets that border this forbidden realm heard the sounds. This was the end of the Guardians, this is where I was left behind as my kind sealed me away in hope of remedying the decision they made underestimating the Gods long ago.

The Council was the alliance made from all the beings who joined the war on the side of the Guardians, comprised of Immortal races on par with both the Guardians and the Gods, and mortals whose advanced Tech pushed them to surpass the Immortals who always looked down on them. Of the Immortals the Titans, Draconians, Creed, Observers and the Ancient's, while the Mortals consist of the Fallen, Tensai and Bisar's.

These few Represented the masses who wanted to repel this invasion, thanks to the few surviving members of the Creed, Most now know of the horror this war is to bring. At First the Guardians wanted this but as it went on trillions died all across the Teress Realm. Hundreds of Trillions of Years in this never ending war put to rest so many, extinction being a way out that many found no matter how hard they resisted.

As the rest began to flee those who stayed to fight only saw their loved ones become twisted monsters, of what they once were trying to devour even more life. The Guardians with the use of their Bloodline as Gods of Destruction pushed the monstrosities back into the Void, were this war went on for eons. The ability to cause death to an enemy who seemed to never die became their biggest advantage, but this meant they were never allowed to retreat.

On the verge of losing a war they were sure they won the Gods retreated deeper into the Void, returning to their homeland of Vas never did they think they could lose when all their forces could create a never ending army through assimilation.

But that did not mean they have lost, after pulling back into Vas they set up a barrier blocking all entry into the Void from either side. They then started to pump a toxin into the Void that would only infect the Guardians.

Reducing the lifespans of this Immortal Race that ruled through bloodshed, all that was need to win this war now was to let the poison kill them no matter how many years it might take.

This poison evolved and became more threatening to them as the days past, it adapted to each cure they made, evolved with each immunity they developed. They locked me away as to not infect me but this Poison still made its way to me, with this all seemed lost.