
Rise My Elementals!

All the Humans from Earth were suddenly transported into a new world called Celestial World. No one knew the reason why nor what the purpose was all about. They were suddenly transported without any warnings or signs and were forced to live in a mysterious and unfamiliar new world. For 50 years, Humans lived in endless suffering and torment. They were all forced to run from one place to another or else they would be enslaved by other Foreign races that had long been living in the Celestial World. Fortunately, the Human race was finally able to slowly develop its strength and power in the Celestial World through the sacrifice of countless Humans after 50 years. However, it was mysteriously Fated not to last long as an unknown power suddenly started doing everything to destroy Humanity's Kingdoms and Empires. A young man by the name of Leo Heart had his Fate suddenly rewritten by some unknown power to stop this unprecedented doom of the Humans after a Red Cube, that the Heart Noble Household had been keeping as a Family Heirloom from the very start of the Human Race existence in the Celestial World, suddenly jumped up and embedded itself into his right palm. A world full of Mystery in which Magic and Mana had become every race's foundation of existence. A young man who had lost his family for the Human Race's existence has his Fate unexpectedly rewritten after such an encounter. But, would it be enough to stop this so-called unprecedented doom? Would the Human Race's existence be saved by Leo from the unknown yet powerful existence? Or would the Humans sadly become nothing but a mere history in this new world? Note: The art of the book cover is not mine. All the credits go to its rightful owner... --------------------------------- If you find the story interesting and want to know how to support the Author and the Work (Rise my Elementals), you can just simply send a gift through that gift icon below or just buy access to Privileged Chapters, which is 1 coin to access 2 chapters in advance. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND HAVE A HAPPY READING! --------------------------------- I am back! 4/22/2024

M_W · Fantasia
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794 Chs

The Mysterious Cubes Power

Chapter 12 The Mysterious Cubes Power

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

Leo quickly noticed that his right palm was suddenly absorbing something, though it was slow, it was still something that he could clearly feel.

Observing closely at what it was absorbing, Leo then became astonished as he realized that it was absorbing the Mana around his surroundings.

The Mana within the wind!

Wind Mana!

It wasn't only that!

As Leo's palm continued to absorb the Wind Mana around his surroundings, something was also slowly forming inside his consciousness!

It started from its feet, legs, waist, body, and arm until its head was finally formed.

After finally finishing forming, Leo started observing it.

He soon shockingly discovered that it was some kind of entity made of wind.

Its entire body was covered in wind that somewhat looked like a Human.

Realization soon downed Leo immediately, Wind Elemental!

It was an Elemental, a type of Magical Creature!

Elementals are also called Magical Entity. Their bodies were made of a specific element from which they were born. The most important thing of all about Elementals is that it won't die as long as it has enough stable supply of the specific Mana it's made of.

A Fire Elemental would never die as long as it has a stable source of Fire Mana.

Wind Elemental would never die with Wind Mana in the air, etc...

However, this type of Magical Entity is super rare in the Silver Kingdom simply because these entities were the epitome of Disaster!

Specifically, a Natural Disaster!

It has another name;

Nature's Wrath!

Elementals are Entities formed when the Mana around a certain environment continues to merge because some kind of magical or natural phenomenon is gathering them into a single place. This phenomenon specifically only happened when there was currently a natural disaster happening in an area, hence it was called Nature's Wrath.

Leo became dumbfounded, "Why the heck is this thing formed inside my consciousness?!"

While Leo was questioning the reason behind its mysterious formation, the Wind Elemental, on the other hand, suddenly disappeared from his consciousness and has then appeared out of thin air in front of him.

Leo became panicked when the Wind Elemental appeared in front of him.

It was a two-meter-tall Wind Elemental. Its entire body was made out of the wind, while some wisp of wind was continuously circling its whole body. It had formed like that of a Human being, and it even had a head that somewhat resembled a face.

Yes, it has a freaking face!

Though the face was hard to distinguish, it was still like a Human face, more or less.

The Elemental was just standing in front of him, doing nothing aside from staring at him. It was just staring, nothing more, nothing less. It wasn't wrecking any kind of havoc such as what he had heard about them; it wasn't even affecting anything in his room. It was just staring at him silently with its hollow eyes and releasing refreshing wind around his room.

Since it wasn't doing anything Leo suddenly thought, "Since it was formed inside my mind, then maybe I could control it!"

Leo's eyes lit up with such a thought. He said to it, "Pick up that vase!" He pointed towards the vase on the top of his study table.

Just like what Leo had thought...

The Wind Elemental soon after started moving towards the vase.

When it arrived in front of the vase, it also followed what Leo had instructed it to do as it slowly and carefully picked up the vase until it reached its elbow's height.

Leo instantly became overjoyed while looking at the Wind Elemental!

He had unexpectedly gained such a powerful ability!

With this, he could create disasters for himself!

However, he still needed to check its power, though...

No pie would suddenly fall out from the sky unless someone threw it at that person on purpose. Hence, Leo is very suspicious about his new ability.

He ordered the Wind Elemental to follow him outside to test its power and confirm whether what he had received was a delicious pie or was just a pie made out of plastic. Since the Elemental was born from his consciousness, then it should not be as powerful as those born from natural disasters called Nature's Wrath!

It was a good thing that there was currently no one in the Heart Manor at this moment when he got outside.

Because he changed plans yesterday, Butler Xiao and the others have left early to adapt to their new duties. The Heart Manor also doesn't have any maids because Leo doesn't have enough money to pay for hiring them. 

Also, Cassandra was still nowhere to be found at this moment. Maybe she was still sleeping in her room or had gone out to tour around Heart City. No one knows, and he is also not interested in knowing such details since he is now preoccupied with his new ability.

And just like that, he can freely test his new given ability now, unhindered and without anyone around.

Arriving in the Heart Manor's backyard, Leo immediately spotted some barbells that he had always used. It was a group of barbells in a wooden rack with each having different weights ranging from 10kg, 20kg, 30kg, 40kg, and 50kg.

Spotting those barbells, Leo immediately ordered the Wind Elemental to carry the 10kg weight first.

Just like what he had expected, the Wind Elemental carried the barbell effortlessly.

Next, the 20kg.

To his disappointment, he could see that it was already putting in a considerable amount of strength when lifting the barbell.

Next, the 30kg.

The Elemental could still lift it but with half or more of its total full strength.

Lastly, the 40kg.

The Elemental could still lift it. But this time, Leo could see clearly that it was at its limit.

"So 40kg is its limit in carrying an object. Next, explosive strength!" Leo said as he ordered the Elemental to punch a punching bag.

The same as the barbells, each punching bag has different weights ranging from 50kg, 75kg, and 100kg.

When the Elemental punched the 50kg punching bag, it could only make it move forward for a little more than half a step.

So, Leo immediately determined that its explosive strength was maybe just around 30-40kg.

He wasn't a professional at determining such a matter, hence he was only making logical and reasonable guesses based on the result.

"Next, its defensive capability,"

"Move over there, my Elemental!" Leo ordered the Wind Elemental to move in front of a sack with a target logo drawn in its middle. The target sack was specifically 10 meters away from Leo.

While the Wind Elemental was moving in front of the shooting sack, Leo, on the other hand, went to grab a bow and arrow on a wooden rack behind him. 

After pulling the bow's string, he slowly nocked an arrow on it and shot it towards the Wind Elemental soon after.

As soon as the arrow hit the Wind Elemental, it easily went through its body while leaving a gaping hole in where the arrow passed through.

"Oh, it doesn't have any?" Leo said in disappointment. Such a powerful Magical Entity actually can't defend itself?

Based on the result, any weapons that were thrown at it could easily damage it no matter how hard it tries to defend itself.

Leo looked at the Wind Elemental again.

While staring at the hole that isn't regenerating itself at this moment, he suddenly fell into deep thought.

Elementals are undying beings as they would never die as long as it has a stable source of Mana with the same element as what they were made of.

However, he can't help but notice that the Wind Elemental wasn't actually regenerating itself to repair the damaged part despite having Wind Mana around its surroundings.

"Stable source..."

"The Elemental was formed due to my right palm absorbing the Wind Mana around the air, so..." Leo realized something. He raised his right pam and just like before he started absorbing the Wind Mana around the surroundings. 

At first, he was having a hard time trying to absorb the Mana since in the first place it was his first time, hence he didn't know how. But soon, he discovered that it was actually like absorbing the Mana in the Mana Stone before.

"As expected"

The moment his right palm started absorbing Wind Mana, the hole that the Wind Elemental received from the arrow also started regenerating.

"Since I can regenerate the Elemental, can I also create more Elementals?" Leo thought while feeling excited about his idea.

Without any hesitation, Leo made his right palm absorb Wind Mana, again.

Regretfully, nothing had happened this time. In addition to that, nothing had happened to the Wind Elemental that he had summoned, and neither did something happen in his consciousness.

He could not create another Wind Elemental in his consciousness, nor could he affect his existing Wind Elemental after fully healing the hole.

"Maybe it's because I'm still weak?" Leo said as he stopped absorbing the Wind Mana around his surroundings.

Leo finds it reasonable that he could not summon more Elementals at the moment since if he can indeed summon more he would be destroying the balance of the Celestial World.

Imagine, despite only being a Mage for around 2 days, he could somewhat summon unlimited numbers of Elementals already. Though they would definitely be weaker and aren't comparable to those Elementals formed by Natural Disasters, they should still be a force to be recognized. After all, there are a lot of strategies to use when someone possesses the numerical advantage, such as Zerg tactics, slowly chipping the enemy forces, etc...

It would destroy the rules and balance of the Celestial World!

Leo could only shake his head in regret.

Nevertheless, since he simply needed to become strong, then he would just become strong.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Think about it, even if he could summon an unlimited number of Elementals, powerful Mages or individuals would just target him directly instead of killing his weak Elementals.

"I need to become stronger!" Leo said before he unsummoned the Wind Elemental.

Edited! 4/24/2024

M_Wcreators' thoughts