
Rise from bottom

Chapter 1 : Loser

My name is Sung(19). Now let me tell you what's happening why I am getting beaten by these guys. When my started my colleage this girl name Quxie helped me when I was picked by some thug 2nd years. And that's when I fall for her at first sight. Now it's been 2 months.she used to talk to me time to time and used to smile back at me. Now I think about it I think she was pitying me. Cause I was not able make any friend I was a loner and a loser.now today after gathering all of my courage I asked her out but what happened after is the result why I'm getting beaten to pulp by her admirers and she is laughing standing in front of me. I think it was my mistake from start to misunderstanding the kindness she showed me was out of pitying. After confessing to her she told me how can a low life like you with no money no looks even think about dating me. And after that I got beaten to pulp. I losed my consciousness.... After that I found my self lying in Inframry bed..... Who?... Who is this beautiful girl standing in front of me?

Find out in next chapter first incounter.

Chapter 2 : Incounter

As it's my first time writing a novel well I can that I'm a manga guy, so i don't have that much knowledge how to write a novel I hope it will not come out as bad as think.

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