
Rise from the Ashes : Burn Girl

My boyfriend dumped me after he got accepted to Tsinghua University with a beautiful straight-A student. However, after the college entrance exam, I was the only one who got accepted to Tsinghua, and was invited to give a speech on stage as the representative of the successful students. They could only watch from below.

Hayden_Y_ · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


Today's first class is history.

I'm actually equally bad at both liberal arts and science subjects, but at the time Jiang Shu Hua chose history, politics, and biology, so I randomly chose the same subjects.

That way, we could sit together during class.

But now I know why Jiang Shu Hua chose those three subjects.

I looked at Qiu Ting, who was sitting in the front row, as the teacher leaned down to talk to her.

It's because Qiu Ting chose those three subjects, so he chose the same subjects.

Maybe he had already liked Qiu Ting in his heart.

I didn't say anything, and opened the textbook I looked at yesterday.

Coincidentally, we are currently reviewing high school history, and the section we are currently discussing is the one I read last night.

Before, I completely didn't listen to the teacher during class, I played with my phone, read novels, passed notes, chatted...

In short, I didn't do any real work.

However, today, as I watch Jiang Shu Hua and Qiu Ting lower their heads to study, I can't seem to pull my phone out of my pocket.

I open my textbook and force myself to focus.

Yesterday, I briefly looked through it, but strangely, it was completely different this time when the teacher was teaching. I was actually able to listen to him.

Before, his words were like a prayer and I would only listen with one ear and then fall asleep.

Now, I can actually understand what he is saying and my mind is working along with the teacher's lecture.

I'm even surprised to find that after he finishes this small point, I can actually recite all of these points from memory!

I gradually become excited and stare intensely at this page of the textbook, even forgetting about Jiang Shu Hua and Qiu Ting.

Could I be a genius?

"This column, from the beginning, recite the measures taken by Emperor Qin Shi Huang to consolidate and unify."

Just as I was focusing on memorizing, the history teacher suddenly pointed at Qiu Ting: "Starting from you."

Qiu Ting stood up confidently and fluently recited the entire passage.

"Politically, the central government implements the Three Publics and Nine Ministers system, abolishes the feudal system at the local level, and implements the county system to strengthen control over the local area and maintain central authority.

"Economically...unify the measurement system, unify currency..."


Her voice was crisp and pleasant, and she recited the entire passage without stumbling, very fluently.

The teacher pushed his glasses and smiled satisfied: "Very good, next."

The students who came after were not as smooth in their recitation, many forgot two out of three sentences, and the teacher was not very happy.

"Not fluent enough! Go back and recite ten more times, if you can't remember tomorrow then stand during class!"


I slowly stood up.

The whole class suddenly became quiet.

Jiang Shu Hua turned to look at me, his face slightly sinking.

Qiu Ting also glanced at me, a hint of ridicule flashing in her eyes.

I know why they have this reaction.

As the oldest and most stable underachiever in the class, I have never studied.

Usually at this time, I would pretend not to hear and the teacher, who has gotten used to it, would just move on to the next person.

"Qiao Ru, you..." The teacher frowned slightly.

I took a deep breath, ignoring the curious or amused glances from my classmates, and recited the points I had just memorized.

Although I hesitated a bit due to nerves, it was already very fluent.

The history teacher was surprised and his tightly furrowed brow gradually relaxed.

After a moment, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Very good, very good, you can tell that you seriously memorized it.

"From now on, be like this, not bad, not bad, sit down."

The classmates around me exclaimed quietly and the ridicule on Qiu Ting's face stiffened a bit as she glanced at me sideways before turning her head away.

I feel my face getting hot and a little flustered as I sit down.

I think my ears must be red.

But there is a strange happiness in my heart.

This is the first time a teacher has praised me, the first time in my life.

This feeling is really wonderful, completely different from when I go to a bar and see a handsome guy, or when my parents give me a large amount of pocket money, or when I buy an expensive bag.

This is a happiness that comes from the heart.

It's as if a flower has bloomed in my heart and I feel a little shy because of the teacher's approval.

Almost in an instant, I fell in love with history class.

I don't want to be an underachiever anymore, at least for history I want to score a little higher!