

Socket · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The ring

He sighed, fluffing up his blonde hair in the mirror. Kyle checked his outfit and then placed a singular ring onto his middle finger.

"Can't forget this…" He muttered as he put it on.

It was a peculiar ring, a gift, passed down from his grandmother to him. His mother hadn't wanted it. In her words it was "ugly," and "unstylish," however Kyle liked the design. It was gold coloured, with a large red jewel in the centre.

He smoothed down his outfit again, posed in the mirror, and then left. Kyle locked the door behind him and walked down the street. It was dark out now, and he was going to meet some friends at the club.

"Ahh…I love the cold air." He muttered to himself as a breeze flowed past his face, ruffling his hair.


He glanced at his phone, slightly suprised at the sudden noise. He didn't have many contacts, just some family and a few friends. Kyle looked at the notification as he took it out of his pocket.

"Get here now, you loser." -Amelia

"Kyle your late!!" -Jack

"Your taking the piss Kyle." -Molly

Ah. Kyle had spent so much time posing in the mirror he had forgotten to check the time….35 minutes late!? He hurriedly placed the phone back into his pocket and ran off down the street.

"Dammittt…They're going to shout at me for sure!"

Kyle yelled as he ran, narrowly missing a lamppost that he almost bumped into. He felt bad for making them wait so he picked up the pace and started to sprint as fast as the poor guy possibly could.

(which was not fast whatsoever, since he spent most of his time locked in his room playing video games.)

"Jeez, my hair is gonna be a messss!" He thought to himself.

Just then Kyle turned sharply and ran into the road, forgetting to look both ways.

A truck was hurtling at him, right before his eyes.

And then, you guessed it,

He was hit by a truck.

….And died.


Kyle sat up, gasping for air.

Holy crap, that was a crazy dream!! He rubbed his eyes before slowly sitting up.

The bed was rather comfortable… He blinked a few times and looked around the room.

His mouth fell open in shock.

"What the hell…"

This room…. Where was he!?!? Why was it so….fancy? It looked like a room fit for a prince!

He stepped out of bed and began to wander around the huge room.

It had large, velvet sofas, a huge mirror and tons of space. He glanced towards the back of the room to see a massive window that lead onto a balcony just past the glass. The room was decorated with the main theme being 'go big or go home,' as it looked as if the decorators had spared no expense on the details of it.

"I must still be asleep…"

Then, Kyle noticed something in the mirror. Who was that!? He rushed forwards.

"Is that….me!?"

The reflection showed a handsome man with broad shoulders, green eyes, and glossy jet black hair. He poked his face.

It was almost like he had woken up as someone else! Then, he remembered back to the dream he just had.

"I mean…this is crazy right? No way I've been reincarnated or whatever you call it…"

Then, his heart skipped a beat. Something red was shining in the suns light. It was on his middle finger. He raised his hand up in front of himself.

It was the ring his grandmother gave him.

His eyes widened in shock. How was this possible!? He was in another world, as a completely different person - so how the hell did he still have the same ring!?

Just then, there was a knock at the door.