
Rimuru in gate with a world traveling system.

Surprise, surprise motherfucker I'm back. I got hit by truck-kun and fucking died the end goodbye. Well shit, met ROB (no fucking idea what it stands for) and now I live in the gate anime at least I get to go back to japan, what do you mean that I'm a decade early, and I have to cultivate to keep my system and get stronger. cover by paint by numbers.

Milimnava74363 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 19: Veiled Longing

Chapter 19: Veiled Longing

The flickering flames of their campfire cast dancing shadows upon the walls of the cave, the crackling of the fire the only sound breaking the heavy silence that hung between them. Seraphina and her companion sat on opposite sides of the fire, the air thick with unspoken tension and desire.

She stole glances at him from across the flames, her heart pounding in her chest as she wrestled with the swirling maelstrom of emotions that threatened to consume her. The longing in his eyes mirrored her own, a silent plea for something more, something deeper than the mere exchange of words.

But still, they remained locked in a delicate dance of restraint, their desires simmering just beneath the surface, waiting for the moment when they could no longer be contained.

As the night wore on, the fire burned low, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch and twist with a life of their own. Seraphina felt the weight of his gaze upon her, a tangible presence that sent shivers racing down her spine.

"Seraphina," he finally spoke, his voice low and husky, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. "I... I can't stop thinking about you."

Her breath caught in her throat at his admission, her pulse quickening with a heady mixture of anticipation and fear. She longed to reach out to him, to bridge the gap between them and lose herself in his embrace, but something held her back, a nagging voice of doubt whispering in the recesses of her mind.

"I feel it too," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper as she met his gaze with a mixture of longing and uncertainty. "But... but we can't..."

He reached out to her then, his hand brushing against hers with a feather-light touch that sent a shockwave of desire coursing through her veins. "I know," he murmured, his voice laced with an ache that mirrored her own. "But I can't deny what I feel for you."

Seraphina's heart threatened to burst from her chest as she gazed into his eyes, seeing in them a reflection of her own deepest desires. And in that moment, she knew that no matter how hard they tried to deny it, their longing for each other could no longer be ignored.

With a silent understanding passing between them, they leaned in towards each other, their lips meeting in a searing kiss that ignited a firestorm of passion between them. In that fleeting moment of connection, they surrendered themselves to the intoxicating rush of desire, knowing that no matter what lay ahead, their love would endure

The kiss deepened, a cascade of sensations washing over them as they lost themselves in each other's embrace. Seraphina felt a surge of heat coursing through her veins, her body responding instinctively to his touch as she melted against him.

Their tongues tangled in a passionate dance, each movement sending sparks flying between them as they surrendered to the wildfire of desire that consumed them both. Time seemed to stand still as they explored each other with a hunger that bordered on desperation, their hearts beating in tandem with the rhythm of their shared passion.

But as the flames of their desire threatened to consume them whole, a voice whispered in the back of Seraphina's mind, a nagging reminder of the consequences that awaited them should they give in to their primal urges.

With a reluctant sigh, she pulled away from him, her chest heaving with the effort to catch her breath as she met his gaze with a mixture of longing and regret.

"We can't," she whispered, her voice barely above a breathy murmur as she reached up to brush a lock of hair from his forehead. "As much as I want to... we can't."

He nodded in understanding, a pained expression flickering across his features as he leaned back, putting some distance between them. "I know," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "But it doesn't make it any easier."

Seraphina's heart ached at the raw vulnerability in his eyes, a silent plea for understanding that tore at her soul. She wanted nothing more than to lose herself in his arms, to forget about the world outside and simply revel in the warmth of their shared connection.

But she knew that they couldn't afford such luxuries, not when their lives were on the line and the fate of the world hung in the balance. With a heavy heart, she forced herself to push aside her desires, to focus on the task at hand and the challenges that lay ahead.

As they settled down for the night, the embers of their passion smoldering just beneath the surface, Seraphina knew that their love would endure, no matter what obstacles they faced. And with that thought lingering in her mind, she drifted off into a restless sleep, her dreams filled with visions of a future where they could be together, free from the shackles of duty and responsibility.