
Treyni date

After esdeath and Alanaka and rimuru finish their breakfast

Rimuru: what do you two want to do to day

Esdeath: darling I go to the training area to train are army for war

Alanaka: I will lazing in your bed watching some anime

Rimuru give Alanaka and esdeath a good bye kiss in the lips

Esdeath goes to the training area for Alanaka is lazing in the bed

Rimuru goes to treyni for their date

Treyni see rimuru goes to her location

Treyni mind: finally it time for are date in this date I make you mine and love me so much you do whatever I want

Rimuru see treyni sadistic smile on her face

Rimuru mind: look like I will have another sadistic girl in my harem

Rimuru: lets have are date my lovely lady

Treyni blush at rimuru words because her man give her compliments

Treyni: you know how to make a woman blush

Rimuru: not any woman but you my love

Treyni blush even more

Everyone seeing their king flirting with treyni all of them were shock to know their king will have a girlfriend or queen in the future

Rimuru and treyni have a wander full date around tempest

After the date they go in the restaurant to eat

Rimuru: i have a question for you do you want to answer my questions

Treyni: sure

Rimuru: what do you safe me or the forest that make you

Treyni: that a stupid question I safe you I didn't care about the forest I only care about you and you alone

Rimuru: you really love me so much so I give you ten times the love you give me my lovely wife

Treyni blush red with a big smile on her face

Rimuru and treyni kissing each other

The owner of the restaurant: this is the third girl in this week can you find another restaurant you make me sad that I have no girlfriend

The owner cry with man tears

The men without a girlfriend in the restaurant cry with the owner

The women just laughing at them

Rimuru and treyni blush to the embarrassment

Rimuru: sorry about that but your restaurant has good foods

The owners sighing

Rimuru take treyni hand to leave the restaurant to take her home

Rimuru and treyni walk to her house while holding hands

Rimuru: do you like are date today

Treyni: of course I like it because you are with me and we travel around the beautiful city you make darling

Rimuru blush at treyni words

Treyni: you look more cute when you blush like that darling

Rimuru: sigh don't try to kill my others wives okay

Treyni: sure but you need to give me more love

Rimuru: i love my wives equally

Treyni: are you sure

Rimuru: okay I love some of them more than others

Treyni: I'm part of them right

She said with a cold voice

Rimuru feel scared at treyni words

Rimuru: of course you are part of them because you are my first wives in this world

Treyni smile at rimuru

Treyni: What do you mean by my first wives in this world

Author: sorry this chapter is late