
Esdeath date

After rimuru finish kissing treyni in the meeting room rimuru and esdeath leave the room for their date

Treyni mind: oh rimuru I will make you love me so much I make you my royale dog

Treyni is her yandere mode

Treyni: I can't wait for are date tomorrow darling

Treyni have a evil smile in her face

Rimuru and esdeath have a date in tempest

Rimuru explain to esdeath about his nation

Esdeath mind: this is my best day of my life to have a date with my man his nation is so beautiful and better than the empire and there is multiple strong people in this world to fight

Esdeath and rimuru is in a restaurant they eating the food of the world of tensura

Esdeath: this foods are all delicious

Esdeath eat all the types of foods in the restaurant

Rimuru: you so cute when you eat all the foods

Esdeath pouting at rimuru

Esdeath mind: you think you will make me blush every time you compliment me

Rimuru: you so cute when you pouting at me my beautiful wife esdeath

Esdeath immediately blushed red after hearing rimuru words

Before esdeath said a word to refuse rimuru words

Rimuru kiss her in the lips with passion and love and care

Esdeath blush get even red but she kiss rimuru back

All the people in the restaurant see rimuru and esdeath making out inside the restaurant they feel the foods is not delicious

All the man in the restaurant is jealous

After the date they go to rimuru bedroom

Rimuru see Alanaka was wake

Rimuru: good evening sleepy head

Alanaka: if you weren't so hard last night

Esdeath blush at Alanaka words because she is still a virgin

Esdeath mind: do darling want to do it to night

Esdeath blush get even redder

Alanaka: do you want to take her to night

Rimuru: not to night maybe after the war

Esdeath want to destroy the kingdom of Falmouth even more

Rimuru make the bed bigger to fit three people in the bed comfortably

Rimuru lay himself in the middle of the bed and for esdeath lay herself in the right side of the bed and for Alanaka lay herself in the left side of the bed

Rimuru hug esdeath and Alanaka as pillow they didn't mind at all

In the morning

Rimuru and his girls wake up

Rimuru: keep sleeping you two I will make you two breakfast

Esdeath kiss him in the lips

Esdeath: darling can you make me a steak and wine

Rimuru: use and what do you want my darling Alanaka

Alanaka: same as her darling

Rimuru: is that all you two want for breakfast

Esdeath and Alanaka nodded

Rimuru goes to the kitchen to make their breakfast

Esdeath: Alanaka can I ask you a question

Alanaka: sure

Esdeath: how did you fall in love with darling

Alanaka explain to esdeath how she first meet rimuru

If you want to know read chapter 1

Sorry for the week without chapters because I am tired of high school