
Rift through Space

They say you truly know someone when facing hardship. That rings painfully true for us, orphaned and struggling to survive together. We believed in our camaraderie, forged through years of adversity and sacrifice. But when the moment of truth arrived, it all crumbled with shattered trust and broken dreams. 『 Author's note: Hey everyone! How have you been? I'm finally getting back to writing. I've been struggling a bit with creating plots and letting my egotistical imagination run wild here, haha. Anyways, I wanted to mention that the cover of this novel isn't originally mine. The background image of space was simply found via Canva, while the character was generated using AI. If it doesn't meet your liking, I can take it down and create a new one from scratch. Ciao!~ 』

Orionyx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 8: The Ripple Effect

The accelerated invasion of the black fog into the Faraway Province of Europe struck like a thunderbolt, catching even the most seasoned strategists and scientists off guard.

Commander John, representing the military and scientific coalition at Area 51, found himself grappling with a mix of frustration and urgency as the crisis unfolded.

In the emergency sessions of the United World Council that followed, Commander John's frustration simmered beneath the surface.

He stood before the assembled leaders, his voice clipped with a tinge of anger. "We were supposed to buy time," he began, his tone laced with disappointment. "Instead, the fog has come back stronger, faster. It's like everything we've done has only provoked it further."

President Maria Silva of the European Union nodded gravely, her expression mirroring the concern etched on the faces of her counterparts from around the world.

"We need answers," she declared, her voice steady despite the undercurrent of fear. "And we need to act decisively. The safety of billions hangs in the balance."

Commander John exchanged a weary glance with Elder Xing, who had joined the council via secure video link.

"Elder Xing," he addressed the ancient scholar, his voice tinged with urgency. "Can the rituals be adapted further? Strengthened to counter this new level of aggression?"

Elder Xing regarded Commander John with a steady gaze, his features lined with the weight of centuries-old wisdom. "The rituals are grounded in principles of alignment and resonance," he explained, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

"We can amplify their potency, but we must proceed with caution. The fog's response is unpredictable—it may perceive our actions as threats and escalate its aggression."

Dr. Wilson, who had been studying the patterns of the fog's movements, interjected with a note of pragmatism. "Our next steps must be calculated," he advised, his tone measured.

"We can't afford to incite further aggression. We need a strategy that balances defense with understanding."

Sanders, who had been coordinating global communications, entered the chamber with a sense of urgency. "We've called an emergency press conference," he announced, his voice cutting through the tension.

"To alert the world and mobilize our collective efforts."

As the world's media gathered, Commander John and President Silva addressed the global audience with a shared sense of purpose.

"Citizens of Earth," Commander John began, his voice projected to billions through screens and speakers around the globe. "We face an unprecedented threat—a malevolent force known as the black fog."

President Silva continued, her voice steady and resolute.

"We have activated ancient rituals to protect our world," she explained, her words measured yet urgent. "These rituals are now available to every citizen. Together, we can strengthen our defenses and push back against this threat."

As the announcement spread across continents, guides and instructions for the rituals were disseminated through global communication networks. Ordinary citizens, armed with the knowledge passed down from ancient times and adapted for modern understanding, prepared to defend their homes and loved ones.

In Moscow, beneath the solemn domes of ancient cathedrals, priests intoned prayers of protection. In Beijing, amid the lantern-lit streets, families gathered to perform intricate dances invoking the harmony of yin and yang. And in every corner of the world—deep jungles, barren deserts, and storm-tossed seas—people added their voices to the chorus of defiance.

Back at Area 51, Elder Xing oversaw the refinement of the rituals, adapting them to meet the escalating threat posed by the fog. Copies of the enhanced guides were distributed to teams around the world, ensuring that every participant was equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to contribute to humanity's defense.

As dusk descended once more, the rituals commenced under the watchful eyes of millions. From the bustling streets of cities to the quiet solitude of rural landscapes, people gathered to perform synchronized movements and chants, their voices rising in unity against the looming threat.

Symbols etched into stone glowed with ethereal light, sigils of protection and purification shimmering with ancient potency.

Across the globe, ley lines pulsed with renewed vigor, channeling energies both ancient and modern into a unified crescendo.

And then, as if in response to a cosmic symphony, the world shifted. The fog's advance slowed once more, its tendrils hesitating at the invisible barriers erected by the collective effort of humanity.

Ordinary citizens, guided by the enhanced rituals, stood as beacons of resistance, their determination a beacon of hope in the face of uncertainty.

"It's holding," Dr. Wilson breathed, his voice filled with awe and relief as he monitored the data streaming in. "The fog's aggression has been tempered."

Elder Xing nodded solemnly, his eyes reflecting the depth of ancient wisdom. "Humanity's unity," he murmured, his voice tinged with reverence. "Our collective will has staved off the darkness, at least for now."

As the rituals continued through the night, reports from monitoring stations around Europe confirmed the effectiveness of the enhanced effort.

The fog, thwarted once again by the determination and resilience of ordinary citizens, retreated from the continent's borders, its advance halted by the invisible barriers erected by their collective will.

In the days that followed, as the world breathed a tentative sigh of relief, Commander John and his team knew that the battle was far from over.

The origins of the black fog remained shrouded in mystery, its purpose elusive and its malevolence undiminished.

"We bought ourselves more time," Commander John acknowledged quietly, his gaze fixed on the monitors displaying the fog's movements. "But we must remain vigilant. This threat is far from vanquished."

Dr. Wilson and Sanders nodded in agreement; their faces set with determination. "We'll continue our research," Dr. Wilson pledged, his thoughts already turning to the next steps in unraveling the mysteries that awaited.

Elder Xing and Little Fu exchanged a knowing glance, their bond forged in the crucible of ancient wisdom and modern resilience. "There are still truths buried in the past," Elder Xing reflected quietly, his gaze distant yet focused.

"We must seek them out, before the fog returns."

And return it would, they knew. The black fog was a relentless adversary, driven by forces that transcended human understanding. Its origins, rooted in ancient conflicts and cosmic upheavals, held the key to humanity's survival—or its downfall.

As they prepared to confront the unknown once more, one truth resonated with clarity: the unity of purpose that had saved humanity from the brink.

In the crucible of crisis, nations had set aside their differences, scientists had bridged the gap between ancient lore and modern knowledge, and ordinary citizens had stood as guardians of a fragile world.

And so, under the watchful eyes of stars that had witnessed the birth of civilizations and the fall of empires, they stood ready—prepared for the shadows that descended, and the challenges that awaited beyond.

The black fog had retreated, but its presence lingered—a reminder of the battles yet to come, and the resilience of humanity in the face of the unknown.

Chapter 8: Western Europe 

Finally, the black fog and the Tarot's trial will begin. What do you think will happen to Viktor? Is he really a trustworthy person or a villian hidden in mask waiting for their end? Let's find out...

Orionyxcreators' thoughts