
Richter, The Simulacrum

This time, Richters tomfuckery gets him reincarnated as a phase shift unit from TF2. This is going to be interesting!

XD_Jaeger · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

A Whole New World...

'Ow! Owowow! Owowowowo- oooh! That feels kinda nic- OH GOD NO OW'

"No! Dont cross the wires there! Great, now he's feeling immense pain"


'And black. Yep! That's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation. Well, I am too, because I have no idea what's going on'

[Somewhere, over the rainbow {JK on a Militia freighter ship}, a manufacturing team is finishing up a new batch of Phase-Shift Simulacrums for the war. What they didn't know, is that one of these simulacrums died via fidget spinner]


When Richter came to, he couldn't see. He couldn't speak, he couldn't move he couldn't do shit.

"Simulacrum J4M35-472? Can you hear me?"

"He can, he just can't express it. You need to unlock his sensors first. That button over there"

"Ah! Thank you. Simulacrum J4M3- you know what? I'm not fucking calling him that. I refuse to say his entire designation code, EVERY TIME I have to speak to him. Hmmm... your code kinda looks like the name 'James', if you squint. Let's call you that. James! Can you hear me? Move you left arm if you can!"

(The following thoughts will all happen in a split second)

'Hmm... ok, from what these guys are saying, i can deduce that I'm a robot, and they're scientists. I should probably do what they say, because odds are the have an emergency termination button somewhere' thought. Also, it will probably be useless to argue about my name. They *did* create me, after all' thought James, as he raised his right arm.

"Th- that's you *right* arm, James"


James raises his left arm.

[Time-skip 1 hour of gauntlet training because I'm the author]

"Alright James, time to meet you titan!"

'... my what?'

(A/N): mind you, the Titanfall franchise didn't exist when James was still alive. I thought about it at first