Aria Callaghan is not an easy person to come by, but at the same time she's very effective at what she's doing. However, due to her ways she meets on her way Chyler Toussaint, a quite by-the-book detective. Their cooperation seems impossible to be maintained in a good way, given different approaches both of them have, but a lot can change given what they have to face together. After Hellblades mob starts killing people in British Columbia, Aria and Chyler would have to move to Saskatchewan to investigate why Hellblades had gotten so bold. However, the killing mob is not the only problem they will encounter on their way.
"Well, as you heard, Chyler wouldn't be joining us today." Adaman sighed, sliding her phone back to the pocket of her coat.
"Yeah, that's a bummer, I guess. Is she doing that often? She doesn't look like a person who likes those kind of things." Aria leaned to the wall, crossing her arms on her chest. The pathologist smiled widely, nodding.
"You're right, Aria." she confirmed. "Chyler is not particularly keen on assisting in any sort of autopsies or other kind of things like those. She used to say that the death is making her queasy."
"Judging the way she talks and looks, I am not surprised." She shrugged, coming closer to the metal table where the bag with the corpse was laying. Adaman opened it and spread the halves to get the body out of it. She looked at Aria after a moment.
"Could you maybe...?"
"Oh, sure, no problem." Callaghan nodded, and then she put on the apron, latex gloves, and helped the pathologist to take the corpse out of the bag. They put it on the table and Aria glanced at it, seeing, yet again, the same thing she already saw. A huge amount of holes after quite a wide blade. The torso of that poor bastard looked almost like an opened book. Aria sighed, seeing that.
"If you feel nauseous, just tell me and I can do it alone." The pathologist gave her a side glance, but the officer shook her head with a slight smile on her face, as if she was trying to contain the chuckle.
"No, I'm fine, that is not making me queasy nor anything like that. I am just wondering what this idiot did to end up like that."
"What do you mean?"
"I am pretty much almost sure that it was some gang shit." She admitted, shrugging, as if it was nothing big to say or to know. Even though that could be crucial. "Toussaint doesn't really believe me, at least she didn't when we first saw the body. But if I am right, and I am pretty sure that I am, he needed to do something wrong. The question is: what. And to whom."
"That is... unexpectedly explicit, I must admit." Adaman nodded, thinking, and then she looked at the body. "But if you don't mind the company of the dead, I will appreciate yours. And we can find out what he can tell us."
"No problem for me." Aria nodded with a charming smile. The pathologist was pretty, and she was nice. Not trying to treat her with this condescending look like Toussaint did from the very beginning. At the same time Aria just couldn't get rid of the impression that Adaman was quite resistant to her sass simply because she was too oblivious to see sarcasm when it came at her. Not that Callaghan was feeling very pushed to use the worst arsenal of snark she could when talking to the pathologist.
"So, why you have that impression? You know, the gangs?" she asked, not even having to open the person more than it had already been, but she did it anyway, just to be loyal to the ways she was supposed to have while examining. Aria straightened her back and sighed. She didn't even question the fact that Adaman didn't ask if she could talk to her not using any sort of 'officer', 'miss' or other form of titling. She just decided she was her colleague and that was it.
"Well, they found the crystals by the corpse, and, to be honest, I was almost sure that they would. He was found on the perimeter that was, no less, the border of the territories. Of course nobody noticed that, except for me." She shrugged, dismissing that fact. "Which was kinda weird, since police should actually be aware of the gangs' activity, shouldn't we."
"Well, if you put it that way..." Adaman nodded, taking out the organs that were pretty much a pulp. She shook her head. "I can't help but pity this bastard. Can you see what the blade did with his insides?"
"Yeah, pretty much a shredded meat. Good we don't have to fight a cannibalistic Italians, they would make a bloodognese." Aria cleared her throat in the moment when Adaman snorted, shaking her head and weighing the pulp. Then she put the data on the paper and proceeded.
"How did it happen that you landed in investigations? You don't look particularly like a person who wanted it." The pathologist stated when her eyes stopped at Callaghan's biceps. The officer snorted, noticing it.
"What, you think I am just a meathead?" she asked, and Adaman choked. Aria laughed. "Easy. I'm joking."
"You could have seemed a bit more joking than your poker face." She stated, turning her back to her, just to hide her blush. Callaghan snorted, but didn't reply. The pathologist examined the body very carefully and vigilantly, and before she opened the victim's jaw, Aria frowned.
"Do you see it too?" she asked, looking from under to the throat. Adaman's eyes followed her gaze and she frowned as well, taking the camera.
Aria waited patiently till the pathologist was done, then she reached out and caught the shit that was stuck in the gullet. A piece of paper. She raised her eyebrow and opened it, not even batting an eye that it was bloodied and covered in other kind of liquids.
"Ha, that's interesting." She snorted, shaking her head and reaching out for an evidence bag. "I bet our French Fry will be surprised and pissed at the same time."
"What do you mean?" Adaman looked at her curiously, but Aria only smirked.
"Ah, my dear companion, this day have just gotten better." She winked to her. "Let us finish here, because I really do want to bring the good news to the Macaron."
"You're peculiar, you know?" Adaman gave her a side glance, but Aria just shrugged.
"If you think you're the first one to tell me that, get to the queue. Though I have to admit you're the first to say it that euphemistically."