Orlin is now drinking a glass of watermelon juice very calmly, her eyes continuously staring at the photo frame that contains her portrait of Niel. Handsome, that was the one sentence that crossed her mind when she saw that face. Although the results of the portraits are not as good as imagined, they are quite satisfactory because the photos are not blurry and can still be seen clearly.
"Is the photo in the frame your lover?" Asked Allea who had been staring at Orlin who seemed to be smiling to herself looking at the photo frame on her friend's desk. She thought Orlin was watching a funny movie on her cell phone, but it turned out that the girl was just busy staring at the picture frame that probably really impressed her.
Orlin turned to Allea with a smile still breaking, but a second later she shook her head. "No," she says.
Hearing this, Allea felt confused. If not her lover, then why did Orlin stare at a photo of a man with such warmth and love in her eyes?