
Rich Women Poor Man

If only his mother was still awake. Would it be different? Would he had the life he wanted? Having his step mother and brothers torment him everyday is like a living hell. But what can he do. Then she came into his life. He was happy, but what had happen to those happy memories they had together. Was it not enough or was he too powerless to hold on to her.

Moving_Sheep · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Ch.2 Kiss

"I'M HOME," Sana shouted.

"Miss, your father and mother are working overseas," said a servant.

"Oh I see, I guess I will go and do homework." Sana went to her room and jumped on her bed.

"Ah~ so comfortable," Sana had taken her phone out of her pocket. There was a message from her mother.

"Sana, your father and I are going to work overseas, we will be back in a week or so. Make sure you do your homework and no boys over." Sana had let out a long sigh.

"I wish I had a sibling or someone to talk to," Sana thought to herself. She looked at her phone again and had noticed Hua had texted her.

"This is my phone number."

She texted him back,"Alright I will save this number." Sana waits for a reply, but it had seem he had left her on read. Sana waited for 15 mins and was still on read. Sana decided to text him again.

"What are you up too." Sana waits and there was no reply.

Next Day...

Sana was in class with her friends, but she had notice that Hua did not come to class. She waited and looked at the door for Hua's entrance, but the class had already started. She starts to wonder what had happened.

"Sana are you going to watch the football game today," her friend asked.

"Um...maybe next time, I have to stay after school for help on math again," Sana replied.

"Alright then, I will just go with Mickey."

"Sorry I'm late," Hua had came to class. Sana saw Hua and had seen that he had crutches.

"Please go to your seat," the teacher said. Sana was happy to see him, but she had wondered what had happened to Hua.

Afternoon had came by very quick. Sana was waiting the whole day to talk to Hua. Sana had entered the classroom and saw Hua.

"Where is Mr. Klen," Sana asked

"Oh...he said he didn't want to disturb us, so he went to another room with other teachers," Hua replied nervously. Sana went to go sit.

"So...how did you break your leg," Sana asked.

"Oh...Um...its not a big deal, I just fell." Hua avoided eye contacts with Sana. Duke had came in.

"Sana are you seriously skipping the football game just to hang out with him," Duke said with anger.

"No Hua is helping me, why are you so mad." Duke quickly walked to Hua and grabbed his collar. Duke had pulled him up from his seat. Hua moaned in pain.

"Duke stop your hurting him!!" Sana yelled. Hua breathed heavily. Duke had released Hua's collar.

"Duke what is your problem, can't you see I was studying," Sana said.

"No you promised me you would be at the football game supporting me," Duke yelled. The teachers came in.

"Alright what is the big fuss, Sana what happened?" Mr Klen asked.

"Nothing, Duke just came in and distracted us."

"Duke arent you suppose to be playing football," Mr. Klen asked. Duke said nothing and walked out angrily.

"Alright Ima go talk to that kid." Mr. Klen went to follow Duke.

"Hua are you okay, Im so sorry about Duke, I don't know what is wrong with him today," Sana said. Hua had clenched his fist.

"Yes I'm fine," Sana noticed it. She notice he wasn't telling the truth. She also noticed it when he said he fell. It was a feeling she could tell really easily.

A week had past and it was winter break. Sana was hoping to go have fun with her friends but her father had told her to study. She laid on the bed and looked at her phone.

"I wish I was with my friends," Sana said then led out a sigh. She looked at a picture of her friends, it had made her feel lonely. She looked at her contacts and saw Hua's. She had hesitated if she should call him over, but her thumb just couldn't resist and had called him.

"Hello," Hua answered his phone. Sana couldn't move her lips, it was as if her lips were zipped.

"Hello," Hua said once again.

"Ah...hello," Sana replied. She started to feel shy.

"Is there anything you like to say to me," Hua asked with curiosity.

"Ah...yes I was wondering...if you could come and tutor me if your not busy," Sana asked.

"No Im not busy, I can come."

"Really, great. Alright then bye.


Sana had texted Hua her address. She was happy. She looked at her room and quickly tidy up. By the time she finished cleaning, Hua had arrived.

"Sana someone is here for you," her mom yelled. Sana ran down the stairs.

"Come in come in," Her mom said.

"Hua you can wait in my room, I need to talk to my mom," Sana said

"Alright," Hua replied.

"So, who is that handsome boy," her mom asked with excitement.

"My tutor," Sana replied.

"Oh, alright then tell me if you need anything."

"Alright mom." Sana quickly went up the stairs. She was in front of her bedroom door. Hua sat on her bed holding his jacket and was looking around. She looked at him. Thump! Thump! Her heart started to beat.

'What am I thinking I have a boyfriend' Sana thought and shook her head to stop thinking.

"You got a new hair cut and your off of crutches," Sana said.

"Ah...yes, why, is my haircut bad."

"No, it looks nice."

They made eye contact and smiled.

"So what do you need to study on?" Hua asked. Sana realized that she had only called Hua was to talk to Hua and hangout with him.

"Uh...Can you teach me what we learned in math class, Duke had interrupted us."

"Yeah sure."

An hour has passed. Sana yawned and stretched her arms. Hua continued to write. She looked at him from his forehead to his eyes, then to his nose, and then to his lips. Thump! Thump! Went her heart again. He then looked at her. She moved closer and closer. It was until their lips had touch. Hua was surprised. He couldn't stop, he had already fell into the deep kiss.