
Rezero: A Wish Come True

He was always a lonely child. He witnessed his people get killed in a cold blood due to a communal massacre, and the love of his life die because of him. However, he didn't give up on his pathetic life and tried to settle in with what he had left. But... He was sick of this world. He hated himself for killing her. He hated all those who robbed him of his family and happiness. He hated those pretentious cynical bastards who trampled him in the guise of helping him. "I wish I can get isekaid." that was the only thing which he thought all day as he resorted to the ideal NEET life. He tried out his luck as an author, a gamer and whatever he could think of, but he found that- HE NEVER WOULD BE THE BEST. He could never get his revenge, while those repulsive hypocrites got their way in everything. Being tired of his life, he wanted a new chance and something which he could treasure. "I wish I don't die in vain." tears rolled down his eyes as he posted the prologue of his novel which he dedicated to the only girl he had loved. "I am sorry Eliza... I am sorry..." then his consciousness faded as a bright light engulfed him without any warning. Opening his eyes he found himself in a body which was not his but was still very familiar. "Frederick von Raymond?! WTH!!" And then a bright blue screen appeared before his eyes- [WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF REZERO!!] "DAMN!! Did I get isekaid in ReZero as my game avatar? Thaaaaaat's sooooooo freaking cool!!" he screamed like a madman in the market opening. All the fatigue of his worthless life vanished instantly. He finally got the restart that he longed for desperately. The passersby looked at this weird guy with azure-blue hair and burning-red eyes, but they couldn't care less as they shook their head in disapproval before moving on. "HELLOOOO WORLD!! Freddie is here!!" and he too, couldn't care less as he was determined to leave a mark in the world of his favorite anime.

Genesis13 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs


A/N: Ah… hi there! It's been quite a while I guess. Well, it has been indeed. I had been partly busy and partly lazy so there's the reason…and I had to research a bit of things for arc 2 since i need to well… you'll see.

I should make Friday every week as my update schedule. Might keep me on track unless some storm hits. And I ain't got the most stable family peace and schedule so well…anyways i'll try to stay on my toes.

Leave some reviews. Please do…i can't get an idea of what you guys think of my work so i just keep on writing on my own without being able to improve on anything at all i suppose.

So without further ado…let's move on to the first chapter of ARC 2!!!

[] : represent thoughts.

() : for my side comments and some other stuff which I'll be clarifying later

CAPS : for yelling/shouting and for SYSTEM TEXTS














"AAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The boy's body jerked up like electrocuted frog legs and his beautiful cobalt blue hair stood up on its end.

"T-t-t-t-t-t-t- F-u-u-u-u-u-k is…" he tried to make sense of his situation but…


[Ah…fuck this is how i get isekaid i see]


He was greeted by a robotic voice devoid of emotions but the words conveyed excitement judging by their usage…

[What's a system notification doing here…ah! Not one of those system manhwas…] the system based manhwas were always a bad match for him…no, to be honest he just didn't like the seemingly deadly grind of the manhwas.



The message floated before his eyes. Well, he was closing his eyelids but it still showed up.

[Quite a pestersome system i guess…not a hint of formality.] he complained irritated.



"This damn system!! What the hell is wrong with this…!!" he cursed only to stop midway as he found himself in a strange and unfamiliar place where two young girls…uh…maids were staring at him with a pitiable look…well their expressions were not so much visible on their nonchalant face but he knew what they were thinking…and that made him retreat under the fine muslin bed sheets again.

"Nee-sama, nee-sama i guess guest-sama got hurt on his head somewhere."

"Rem, Rem, he must have been hit hard. He is even talking to himself."

"Nee-sama, nee-sama we must get a healer for him."

"Rem, Rem, you can heal him just fine but i would absolutely refrain my sister to get near such a deranged guest-sama."

[What's with their frickin speech!] it was really odd for him that they were speaking English but using the Japanese honorifics: 'sama' now and then.

The insults however didn't do him any damage. He was used to them anyway.

[And they were wearing white and black 'maid' uniforms like in anime? 'Blue' and 'pink' hair?] he finally connected the dots and it all made sense to him now.

Throwing off the bed sheets, he jumped from the bed and landed on the floor with a half-baked summersault which he took full pride in executing. He then folded the bedsheets just like he did at home and fixed pillows on the bed. He was used to fixing his bed. His mom made sure that he learned to do so.

Meanwhile the two girls just stared at him without uttering another word as he fixed the bed and moved towards them with this strange expression which seemed like an awkward smile, mocking at who knows what. But regardless they kept silent.

"Uno…may i ask your grace where i am presently?" he started and that too with the most formal tone he could manage and with the most formal mood and words he could present.

[I know I look creepy. I am myself creeped out but i need to creep them out to find out what in the world is going on]

"Guest-sama, you seem to be mistaken, you are…."

"Keep your bullshit to yourselves!"he lashed out suddenly.

"Did you really think I meant what I said now?

'Your grace'?

Pfft!! Really?! Sheesh!" He scoffed at them, his mood fluctuating from the formal meek guy to a psychopath with a maniacal laughter and their usually twisted sense of humour as he held his tummy due to the sheer pain from laughing too hard.

"Haaaaaaaaa~! Kek! Guess I laughed too much. Let's get down to business." all his laughter disappeared the next moment as he donned on a deadpan expression void of any emotions…just like he wore a blank face, you see…he was used to it and he knew it made him creepy.

"Why don't you girls seriously tell me where I really am at the moment. Your cosplay and stuff I hate!

And cosplaying the twin 'oni' sisters from Re:zero?

I seriously HATE IT." he said moving his face close to the blue haired girl who reminded him of 'Rem' the girl, uh…the anime girl he hated the most. He had his reasons. He knew such selfless hate was not good, it was not good at all…but he hated her so much, so much that he wanted to rip the girl apart in front of his eyes. He was getting a deadly sensation from the pink-haired girl nearby but he ignored her. He had no affection left for real life 3D girls anymore and he was not going to be intimidated by one.

He just hated COSPLAYERS!

[And this bitch had to cosplay REM of all the bitches out there!

Ooops! Feminism…feminism… chill!....just chiiiiiil! You are a peace loving guy…Just get over this conversation and get out of this studio.]

So that was the conclusion he had come to about his situation.

"I don't know the reason why I ended up in a studio. And i don't know what i was doing on that bed and i don't know why you two twins are cosplaying as maids here. This is not Japan and I seriously don't know what's going on here. Just show me the EXIT and I will get out. I seriously can't stand you people." venom oozing from his voice.

But the two girls just stood there frozen. Without moving and taking away their gaze from this rude guest of their master's.

"Rem, I suppose we should begin explaining the current circumstances to Guest-sama. He seems to be exhausted from the encounter last night."

"Encounter? What encounter do you mean? Last night?

I was just going to post my new novel after some proofreading and then…and then…well…what happened after then?" he held his chin thinking about the events which happened to him.

[1. I was going to post my new novel

2. I don't remember after that.

3. I had a strange dream. A had too long of a dream, well might use the idea for the next novel.

4. I woke up in a strange place.

5. Well, what happened in the dream by the way?] he started wondering about his dream irrelevant of his surroundings and the situation he found himself in.

"Well…", he said, rubbing his chin- an old habit of his while thinking. "I was in Re Zero…I did not meet Subaru directly…it was not the 4th turn one thing i know for sure and my hand was burning. Reinhardt did not appear…", he mumbled as he recollected the dreams' core points. Somehow he felt like he remembered most of this dream unlike others.

"Well, that's about it. That was a good dream…do you have a pen and paper?" he turned to ask the girls. All his hostility from earlier moments is gone.

"Well… I'm sorry about earlier, I just lost my cool. Have been like that since i failed my med entrances. You know social pressure and stuff…" he said in a lackadaisical tone. "So, do you have some paper?"

"Understood, guest-sama." The fake-Rem moved in an elegant manner, bowing and then left deftly.

He was used to waiting for people for hours on end too…so it didn't matter to him much. He was waiting for a girl and thinking about it like that gave him a different vibe about his situation. Soon enough he started drooling about his fantasies about his hypothetical 2D girlfriend 'Elizabeth Transylvania' which he made up while playing a japanese mmorpg named 'Alchemia Story'. He had carefully adjusted her character design and description with the utmost care. He knew he was going on a depraved path by simping after a non-existent anime girl. Oh…she was not even an anime girl. So, he knew he would end up depraved if things went that way but he chose it. Simply because he found himself unable to continue his relationships due to his strict family. He was from a general middle-class Indian family and there was that. The expected shitty morals and values which deemed dating as a sin. So he chose the easy way without confronting anybody or anything.

He just made up a girl for himself.

[Well, hell that's the end of my romance. No use thinking about it…]

He wiped the very little of his tears and cleared his throat which grew heavy and painful due the intensity of his sad thoughts.

"Meanwhile she returns, why don't you tell me about this place? Like…

For starters, who is that guy on the second bed?" he pointed. The boy was supposedly the same age as him if not older. And he was a Mongoloid of all the races. He had seen enough Mongoloids to last him a lifetime and his aversion to them was obvious. He didn't let it turn into pure and unadulterated hate similar to that toward Rem.

He was born in Assam, a place filled with native Mongoloids. No, he wasn't one of them, he didn't want to be of the same community of those people who butchered people mercilessly just to gain rights and power. They slaughtered many people of other communities to gain a hold of their lands which were slipping away from their hands due to their bad fiscal management policy.

[A Tribal, of all the people. Now I don't find these girls that hateable.]

Of course he didn't witness the massacres first hand but he had stories of them. And ample of them. From his grandpa and his friends whose relatives died at the hands of those uncivilised junk. He however never expressed his hatred of the Mongoloid people. Hell, he never even said a word about what he thought of all that stuff.

[I was afraid I guess…] Regardless it was alright if he never said a word about his likes and dislikes. Nobody would know and nobody would hate him. People couldn't read thoughts.

At least unless he was being observed by the so-called god or in the world of a novel, that would not be possible…

"Phew…what the hell am I even thinking?" He hit his forehead lightly with his clenched fist "Shit like that doesn't even matter. I just keep overthinking. Sam was right about that. But well, it's kinda like my trademark so it's fine I guess."

(For your info. Sam is the codename of my irl first crush. And uh…well the oc is a reflection of my thoughts and all so all the bias and stuff is all personal thought and not something the character was randomly assigned. Can't help it. Please bear with it.)

"So… who is that guy?" he asked again.

"Isn't Guest-sama familiar with him?" the fake-Ram asked.

"No. Of course not. Why else would I ask you that?"

The girl kept silent for a few seconds but that got on his nerves rather well. He felt as if she was analysing the depth of his craziness. He just felt that way…something about her gave that vibe.

"Are you perhaps thinking how dumb I can be?"

"It seems Guest-sama can read people's minds."

"It's just all written all over your face!" he almost shrieked at her. Seriously, what was wrong with him all of a sudden. Or was something about this girl special? How could he of all people get that heated up over a rude girl he had just met?

[I must seriously catch up on my sleep] sleep deprivation led to an irritated attitude and he knew that all too well from his med coaching experience as he couldn't get an hour of decent sleep then. So he guessed that was the case this time. It became more of a habit of him to think that was the case whenever he lost his temper. Regardless…

"That person over there is Natsuki Subaru-sama. He is also a guest of the Margrave. Together with you, he saved Emilia-sama from an assassination attempt."


Seriously? Subaru…?"

[She's kidding right? She does match the description of Ram] he finally gave a long look at the maid in front of him from head to toe.

[She looks like Ram indeed. Is this really cosplay?]

"What did you say your name was?" He finally asked something reasonable by their standards.

"I'm Ram, a maid serving the Margrave Roswaal J Mathers."

"And the girl from earlier was your twin sister?"


"And she also works as a maid for Margrave Mathers?"


"I suppose I should compliment you guys for your cosplaying…

You really look the part. I mean …"

"Guest-sama, here's the pen and paper you asked for." Rem was back, intersecting his conversation with the fake Ram.

"Oh, thanks." He took the materials from her hand and moved to a small table kept between the two beds.

"Seriously, you people are really playing the part. I don't know how I ended up in a live action movie set but you really got some quality fancy stuff." He said, jutting out the pen. "A quill pen in this age…this is the first one I've seen. And it writes too…it doesn't have the best writing feel but it's cool regardless."

He wrote down all the points from his vivid dream on a piece of paper and put it in the pocket of his new dress after blowing on the paper to ensure that the ink had dried. It seemed like some nightwear.

[What am I even wearing?]

"Okay, now where's the exit?"

"Please follow me." The fake Rem said

After a while-

"Uh … I asked you to show me the exit. Why did you bring me to another set? The lights are damn warm too."

"I apologise but I can't comprehend what you mean guest-sama. This is the garden of the mansion. And it's warm since it is summer now."

(I don't remember the current month according to the canon so let me improvise by just using 'summer')

"It appears that guest-sama is in a daze. I might just allow you to comfort your deranged soul by my sweet sister if you beg for it." the fake Ram said. She had also made her way here.

"Sorry I am not into bitches." he replied without a second thought.

"Wha-!" she retorted but got stuck midway. Too shocked to comprehend what the boy had said.

To be frank, he did not give much thought before saying what he did. Neither did he care. He didn't have the patience nor the masochism to let these women toy with him like they pleased.

"Frederick!" a shrill voice hit his eardrums. The amplitude…ahem… I mean the voice was not so loud or it might've just torn off his eardrums. At least that's what he felt.

And the source of that voice was none other than a silver haired girl in a familiar costume.

[Now Emilia cosplay?]

"Hey…" he turned towards the fake Ram, "What's an Emilia cosplayer doing here?"


"Frederick, are you okay? I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up yesterday." the girl rushed over to him with a worried expression on her face.

"Hmm…? Who are you talking to?" the boy asked. He felt that her questions were directed at him or he wouldn't even have bothered to reply.

[Honestly, I am feeling tired right after waking up…

I'm wasting my social energy…

Seriously, I just want to get out of this place. No more re zero fanfics for a week after this.]

"? Are you feeling unwell?" she asked, ignoring his question.

"Well… I am fine… my left shoulder is just stiff. It aches but it's fine otherwise."

"No, what I meant was…"

"Emilia-sama." the fake Rem called her and whispered something into her ear coming closer.

Then the fake Emilia then looked at me with a shocked expression and a small 'gasp!' but quickly regained her composure.

"Frederick-san…please attend the breakfast with the lord. He might be able to clarify your doubts." the fake Rem said

"Alright…but i have a question"


"Who do you people keep on calling Frederick, Frederick?" the boy asked, squinting his eyes in suspicion.


Frederick von Raymond. It is my in-game name in the only mmorpg I ever played. Was my identity revealed?] he gave a long look at all the three girls present in the clearing with him. None seemed familiar.

[That's obvious. I never expected to meet a bunch of cosplaying jerks. Leaving these shitbags aside, I maintained a good image in the game community and only Airi knew my real face. But she's in the Philippines and well...this place is clearly not the Phillipines.

I couldn't have been kidnapped due to my in-game connections.]

They must've surely wondered if there was something wrong with his head. But they have come to some conclusion now...

"Etto...", the fake Emilia hesitated but spoke anyway, "It appears that you are confused. You are my benefactor. I am indebted to you for saving my life... That's... you can probably rest here for a while before your doubts can be answered."

"I'll have to ask that clown for help from all the people." she sighed irritated for some reason.

"By 'Clown', do you mean Roswaal J Mathers?" the boy asked out of curiosity.

"?!" This question made others raise an eyebrow. Except Ram of course. She was not affected by anything else not concerning her master and her sister.

However, the next moment before any more questions could be asked, a silhouette flew out of a window from the second floor. As everyone witnessed the flying monkey deftly fly for a meagre few seconds before surrendering to Gravity and fall down. Right down towards a flower hedge. [That couldn't have served as a great cushion to save him from the impact...poor fella]

But curiosity took over the group and they moved towards the bipedal creature to inspect its origins and more importantly, whether it survived the wrath of Mother Gravity.

"GAAAAAAH!", the monkey surfaced from the green hedge leaving it shaking in its wake.

"Poor plant!" the boy shrieked in recoil as the brown beast emerged, setting its eyes upon him like a predator.

"You should be feeling sorry for me and not the plant!" the beast howled at Frederick.

"Subaru! Stop fooling around right in the morning! You are scaring him!" the fake Emilia reprimanded him like a mom scolding her distraught child.

[Wow...he's even apologising to her in that state...] The boy was struck with sympathy for the fake Subaru as he bowed in apology to her and then him without raising a single question or even complaining. There was just this creepy and weird smile stuck on his face which reminded him of a certain submissive man.

"You freaking creep!" he lashed out at the mongoloid guy.

"What? I apologised to you didn't I?" the fake Subaru looked confused.

[Is apologising not enough for him...I was the one who fell down from the second floor.

HELL! Why am I even apologising!]

"Not that! You're just so lame!"

"What did you say?!" anger started oozing out from Subaru's voice.

"Why are you even getting angry at me all of a sudden in the first place?

You're even lamer than a second ago!"

"Huh! Say that again!" Subaru barked back.

"SUBARU!! Stop!" the fake Emilia commanded and he turned off his rowdy behaviour like a switch.

"That's why! That's the reason you are lame!

This girl tells you to do something and you just obey!

What are you? Her DOG? Huh?!"

[His shitty manners are really like Subaru from Re Zero.]

"What did you say?"

"Want me to spell it out for you?

You want a leash on you so baad~?

Poor wan-chan (doggy) tch!" Frederick provoked the mud monster who was heaving heavily now. Out of a fit of rage he leaped at his adversary. Frederick took a fighting stance aiming to go for a round-horse kick to the fake Subaru's torso and make him fly back into the flower hedge.

But the mud monster never reached Frederick and neither did the kick ever land.

"Deeeeeeeear Guests! Pleeeease don't fight among yourselves~" the mocking sound resounded in the garden loudly. The manner of speech and the mockery would have surely struck a nerve on Frederick if not for him and the mud monster floating in the sky, stuck being unable to move.

"Roswaal! Put them down NOW!" the fake Emilia commanded the clown. To Frederick, she was really striking up as a princess holed up in her home. But he couldn't care less about that. Because some realisation struck him and it was quite hard.

[This is not VFX.

No strings attached either.

I am flying.

That guy…] the clown's dressing style matched the description of the court magician quite accurately. Down to the dot.

[Clown dress.

White foundation powder or makeup or whatever.

Violet paint on his eyes. The left one is longer than the other.

Heterochromic eyes. Blue and yellow.

That eerie manner of speech and flying magic…]

As per the Re zero canon, flying was not a typical spell, but a result of meticulous coordination and calculations of various magical parameters. For one to cast it, they must have multiple elemental affinities(at least wind, water, fire and earth) which is so rare that there might not even be another person with his prowess when it came to this field.

[The people I met earlier, the silver haired girl and the odd twins…

All of them…]

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! F****************CK!

DAMN! Did I screw up and GOT ISEKAID?!" Frederick started squirming mid-air which looked very much like a…well…very much like a fish out of water gasping for breath.

"F*****ck! I did it! I did it guys!

I did it guys! I made it to the Rezero world! Damn your Discord IF!

Thank you patriarch for letting me be a part of your server!

Thank you mother and father for tormenting me to the point that I wanted to get isekaid!

Thank you Tappei-san for creating this f*cking world which I fell in love with!

Thank you, *** for letting me get isekaid here." he made sure to not yell 'Her' name, lest it made them think of him as a witch cultist.

Subaru landed on his feet but Frederick kept on squirming even after touching the earth. He howled and cried all the while cursing and thanking someone at the same time. The mansion residents just looked on without approaching this pathetic guy who was bawling his eyes out and blabbering on to himself. There was no guarantee what a deranged fella could do after all.

"And look at you, calling me 'pathetic' a while ago!

Crying like anything!

Hey, you alright?" Subaru called on. But the crying won't stop.

"Hey…I didn't mean it…

Could you please stop crying?" he called Frederick again.

"Who (sniff…) says I (sniff…) am crying? This is just sweat!

I am not sad. I am not sad at all!" he replied, wiping off his tears and snot. He was breathing unsteadily. It was a bad lie and he was trying to act tough. That much was obvious to Subaru.

[I seriously want to take a bath. The mud is starting to dry and it feels awful!] but his priorities were different and he wanted to settle this dramatic session just to take a quick shower.

"I am happy! I am the happiest I ever could be!" however the crybaby kept on spouting nonsense.




"Just stop it Jenna. I am not crying, I said."




"It's the same thing. What a bothersome system! Tch…tch…

Can't you even take a compliment seriously?" he mumbled. To others it seemed that he was talking to himself but he was in fact interacting with the System. The voice rang clearly in his head and a blue screen floated in front of his face with texts changing every now and then. [The others can't see it. Nobody asked anything about it after all.]





"GAAAAAAAAAH!" The shock ran through his body, making him scream his lungs out. His entire body jerked at an unbelievable frequency before falling down again.

"Frederick!" Emilia ran towards him, concerned in her voice.

"Guest-sama are you alright?" Rem asked.

"Guest-sama seems to have the resilience of a cockroach." Ram complimented her usual mockery.

Subaru looked on, shaking his head, "I feel you got a tough time ahead of you man."

"Seems like it…gah…" Fred replied feebly, breathing out some comical smoke. As the aftermath of the electrocution, his hair stood on its end with the dull shade of grey.

[What do you think about it, Jenna?]




[Hey…wait a sec. You didn't electrocute me this time…Could it be…] Fred gasped mentally

[That you are a tsundere!?]





[What's with the Kamojis now…


So what happened last night was all true. I took it for a fancy dream.

I'm in the Rezero world and with a tsundere system 'Jenna'

Guess I'll say it aloud out loud.]

Fred stood up and placed his hands in a weird fashion, apparently what people would recognise as an 'Action Kamen' pose.

"My name is Frederick von Raymond!

And I've been isekaid in the Rezero world!

Nice to meet you!" followed by the generic 'Wahahhaha' laughter while the maids clapped in the background.

Emilia looked on tilting her head with a confused manner.

Subaru stood with his mouth gaped open at this embarrassing introduction. He felt like dying just by witnessing it. Second-hand embarrassment, apparently.

Roswaal looked on with his usual creepy smile.

[And the stage's all set for my debut!





However, that particular morning in the Roswaal mansion would be filled with erratic laughter for the time being.



A/N: So guys, how did you find the OC? Pretty crazy right? If you think that then I managed to get my point through.

There might be moments in this story which would be a bit difficult to understand. I feel that my execution might not be up to the mark. But when I re-read my stuff I'll correct it until it's good enough.

And sorry for the delay once again. I felt like a pushover being overpowered by people and life. I'll start working on the next chapter right away. So the next update shouldn't take so long.

Uh...Join my discord server for discussion and check out the awesome illustrations (AI genrated+manually fixed by me)

Here is the new link:


Genesis13creators' thoughts