
Rezero: A Wish Come True

He was always a lonely child. He witnessed his people get killed in a cold blood due to a communal massacre, and the love of his life die because of him. However, he didn't give up on his pathetic life and tried to settle in with what he had left. But... He was sick of this world. He hated himself for killing her. He hated all those who robbed him of his family and happiness. He hated those pretentious cynical bastards who trampled him in the guise of helping him. "I wish I can get isekaid." that was the only thing which he thought all day as he resorted to the ideal NEET life. He tried out his luck as an author, a gamer and whatever he could think of, but he found that- HE NEVER WOULD BE THE BEST. He could never get his revenge, while those repulsive hypocrites got their way in everything. Being tired of his life, he wanted a new chance and something which he could treasure. "I wish I don't die in vain." tears rolled down his eyes as he posted the prologue of his novel which he dedicated to the only girl he had loved. "I am sorry Eliza... I am sorry..." then his consciousness faded as a bright light engulfed him without any warning. Opening his eyes he found himself in a body which was not his but was still very familiar. "Frederick von Raymond?! WTH!!" And then a bright blue screen appeared before his eyes- [WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF REZERO!!] "DAMN!! Did I get isekaid in ReZero as my game avatar? Thaaaaaat's sooooooo freaking cool!!" he screamed like a madman in the market opening. All the fatigue of his worthless life vanished instantly. He finally got the restart that he longed for desperately. The passersby looked at this weird guy with azure-blue hair and burning-red eyes, but they couldn't care less as they shook their head in disapproval before moving on. "HELLOOOO WORLD!! Freddie is here!!" and he too, couldn't care less as he was determined to leave a mark in the world of his favorite anime.

Genesis13 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

An anomaly (Part 1)

AN: ok major tip-off before the start of the chapter.

Whatever potential technical loophole has been spotted by my dear readers will be solved in this chapter series.n

The rest of the info will be kept hidden for the plot's sake.

The rest of what I am supposed to do is just remake the chapters from 2 to 6.

*For actions*

[For thoughts]

(For stuff which I might want to refer for)

"Dialogues as usual"


"Uh…Lord Mathers!" Fred called out Roswaal as soon as they stepped out of the dining room.

"Oh! Frederic-kun, How may I help you?" He asked with a creepy smile on his face.

"It's something that I need to discuss with you in person."

"I see," he said silently, "Follow me."

"I hope Fred-kun will be okay." Emilia sighed.

They saw Fred talking with Roswaal in a low voice, before heading with him somewhere.

"What does he have to do with Ros-chi?" Subaru thought out aloud. For him, Fred was a mysterious and shady guy. He might have helped them before, but his actions were unclear.

[It's like he is after something.

Maybe I'm just thinking too hard.] Subaru had no evidence and so thinking about it was useless.

"Should I check up on him later?" He asked Emilia.

"Don't worry! I get that you care for him. I'll let nothing happen to him!" She declared with her chest puffed out.

"Well…he saved us both in the loot house though. Does he even need help?"

"Subaru you are being a meanie!" She squealed in the complaint.

"Who says 'meanie' at your age?" He teased her. She in response, however, pouted angrily.

[I want you to care for me like that!] Subaru screamed mentally. He was in a crisis due to his second saviour. He wanted Emilia for himself. He didn't want her to fall for Frederick.

[Then I'll have to pace up my game!] he was adamant. And so time went on…

(Fred's POV)

I glance back to see Emilia and Subaru talking to each other. The story would progress and he would fall for her.

[But I won't make it that easy for him because he is the protagonist of this story. Heheh…] sinister thoughts filled my mind. But it was all for the greater good.

Right now, I have to focus on the next event: confronting Roswaal and convincing him to give me some leeway if things get awry and if possible, make him think I'm his ally.

As I enter Roswaal's private office, the doors close behind me on their own. The room is dimly lit with mana crystal lamps and the windows are shut tight with curtains drawn. Roswaal takes a seat on his office table facing me. The atmosphere is so spooky that it makes me want to jump right now. Uh…not out of fear but rather excitement. After all, his office could turn out to be my graveyard if I didn't keep up my act in front of him.

"Is the room soundproof?" I ask him moving forward.

"If you're asking whether people from outside can hear us, then the answer is No. This room has been silenced using magic," he says.

"I see.." with those words, I draw out my phantom fire sword from my system inventory and point it towards him, right at his face. The gap between the tip of the sword and him is like 2 metres and the heat radiating from the sword could be felt on his face. How did I know that? Because the glow from the sword lit his face red and also the entire room, overriding the dull glow of the mana lamps.

[He's not even blinking. Guess he's not a Royal mage for nothing.]

What I did was nothing less than suicide because the man I was currently pointing my sword at was the strongest magic user in this world. At present, that is. And how do I know that? Well, any Rezero watcher would know the reason.

"I've got a few questions, which need to be answered." I declared.

The heat from the sword handle is scalding my palm once again and my heartbeat is growing faster and faster by the minute. I can feel some sort of energy flowing into me from the sword which makes me want to destroy things.

It's like a motivational speech from a certain green monster:


I hope I don't start hallucinating like last time again. I have to end this conversation quickly.

"Oya~ what might that be?" he asks rather plainly. He is serious. Or is he just pretending to be? Either way, it doesn't matter.

"Shouldn't you know what I want to ask?" I reply but all I get is a silent stare.

[He's pissing me off!]

"Well, I guess I should be spelling it out for you since you're acting dumb,'' I said sarcastically.

"What might you be talking about?" he goes again with the innocent act. That MF!

"Stop playing dumb! I know that you're a 400-year-old geezer who lives off his descendants' bodies to revive his teacher. And Congrats! You've transcended the limits of mortal simping and have ascended to a greater plane. I admire you in fact! I am one of your fans, you see." I tell him.

"So I'll ask you again and don't play dumb.

Am I mentioned in your tome of wisdom?

Or am I an anomaly?" I wait for his reply in the hopes that he won't try to get on my nerves and use that as an excuse to postpone this conversation.

*Sigh* Roswaal sighed heavily and the look in his eyes became gloomy all at once.

"So you finally came, saviour. But you're too late." he says.

"Sav…WHAT?" I freak out in all honesty. What the hell is he even saying?

Alright, alright! bullshiting and making others mad was my speciality, but this was the first time I got overwhelmed by someone else in my field of expertise. He was joking right?

"You're indeed mentioned in my book. But it'll be easier to show you what happened." he showed me the book- a thick and black book that gave the impression of a boring novel or a humongous dictionary. I would have been eager to read only if it weren't for the fact that this book was his personal guidebook. And that too for the last 400 years.

He opens the book and flips its pages- showing me the contents. A shiver ran down my spine and I retracted my sword. It took me a while to accept what I was seeing.

Something really bad had happened. The storyline progression had changed. Because Roswaal's book of Wisdom was now–