
Rezero: A Wish Come True

He was always a lonely child. He witnessed his people get killed in a cold blood due to a communal massacre, and the love of his life die because of him. However, he didn't give up on his pathetic life and tried to settle in with what he had left. But... He was sick of this world. He hated himself for killing her. He hated all those who robbed him of his family and happiness. He hated those pretentious cynical bastards who trampled him in the guise of helping him. "I wish I can get isekaid." that was the only thing which he thought all day as he resorted to the ideal NEET life. He tried out his luck as an author, a gamer and whatever he could think of, but he found that- HE NEVER WOULD BE THE BEST. He could never get his revenge, while those repulsive hypocrites got their way in everything. Being tired of his life, he wanted a new chance and something which he could treasure. "I wish I don't die in vain." tears rolled down his eyes as he posted the prologue of his novel which he dedicated to the only girl he had loved. "I am sorry Eliza... I am sorry..." then his consciousness faded as a bright light engulfed him without any warning. Opening his eyes he found himself in a body which was not his but was still very familiar. "Frederick von Raymond?! WTH!!" And then a bright blue screen appeared before his eyes- [WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF REZERO!!] "DAMN!! Did I get isekaid in ReZero as my game avatar? Thaaaaaat's sooooooo freaking cool!!" he screamed like a madman in the market opening. All the fatigue of his worthless life vanished instantly. He finally got the restart that he longed for desperately. The passersby looked at this weird guy with azure-blue hair and burning-red eyes, but they couldn't care less as they shook their head in disapproval before moving on. "HELLOOOO WORLD!! Freddie is here!!" and he too, couldn't care less as he was determined to leave a mark in the world of his favorite anime.

Genesis13 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

A Contract Not Forever (part 2)

AN: I'm not adding this section to increase the word count to 2,000, so don't worry. The previous few chapters, in my opinion, were rather dull. Perhaps you all felt the same. Most likely. Things will pick up pace from the next chapter onwards. The chapter and content quality will also gradually improve as I review some materials to ascend to a higher level of writing. Ah it's just my chuunibyou moment. Don't mind me. Happy reading! I'll be posting an AI pic for Beatrice's new outfit, if the AI manages to draw it, that is. I seem to be having bad luck with AI these days.

Btw here's the link to my discord server. Join for discussion and illustrations.



"So, I'll entrust you with my belongings in case I die," I said.

She stared at me, wide-eyed

But I continued, "Humans don't have a very long lifespan, you know. That's why. Don't make that teary-eyed face; it makes me feel guilty."

"It's all your fault, I suppose," she said in a low voice, tired after her emotional breakdown.

"You say such cruel things to Betty," she protested, sounding like a meek child telling her parents that she's hurt because she was scolded.

"The world is harsh, Beatrice. You should grow up and remember, 'never trust anyone.' That's the only advice I can give you."

"Not even Fred?"

"Not even me. Trust only yourself." I repeated.

"I-I see."

Waiting for her to calm down a bit, I sipped my tea. It was good, but not as good as Assam tea. I guess Assam tea was really out of this world. Nevertheless, the refreshing tea and its slight sweetness cleared my mind for the next term of the contract.

"So, for the second term," I began, closing my left eye, "you'll teach me how to read and write."

She nodded, "Alright, I suppose."

"The third term will be... let me see... Well, I might need your help sometimes, so assist me with your magic."


"Is there anything you would like me to do in return?" I asked.

She stared at me for a while and replied, "Tell me stories, I suppose. About your life."

"Now that's quite a surprising request. Why that of all things? Are you sure you want nothing else, like how do I know so much?"

"It's alright. I trust you and Betty wants to know more about Fred." she said bluntly.

"B-Beatrice..." My hands were trembling.

"If you just looked like an adult, I would've fallen in love with you!"

"Kyaa~! What are you saying, I suppose!?

Wait…don't you like Beatrice?" She got onto some other thread of my statement.

"You're cute. I love you. Aishiteru." I said bluntly, a touch of revenge in my tone for my embarrassment earlier.

"Anyway! the contract! The contract! I suppose!" She panicked, trying to change the topic.

We bagan the ritual and she opened her palm. As I place my hand in hers, a blinding light erupted from our palms, bathing the whole world in white.

After some time passed, the light receded and my vision slowly returned. I was in for a shock. Beatrice was no longer in her usual maroon frilly frock attire. She was now wearing a maroon chequered shirt and jeans, just like me.

It must be the system. There was no other explanation. IT HAS TO BE THE SYSTEM!!

[Hey Jenna. Don't tell me that wasn't you.]


Ah, the couple pairing function. It was a cute feature in Alchemia Story too. I used to try many other outfits on Lily. There should be butler and maid dresses too. Oh, and 2-3 sets of bikinis. Should I try those on her?

I looked at her from top to bottom.

A flat chest. Confirmed.

No curves. Confirmed.

Bikinis are not for Beatrice. Confirmed.

It'd be just like some of those Wendy doujin from Fairy Tail called 'chichikko bitch' or whatever. I don't want those here. So let's scrap that idea. I also had some princess-like dresses that should suit her.

"Fred! What did you do to me?!" she cried out, clearly angry at the sudden change. It must've been quite comfy for her, staying in the same outfit for 400 years. But I changed that unintentionally and I liked the change. Hehehe. It was fun to be honest.

"Ah, I didn't do anything. It was Jenna." I shrugged.

"Who's Jenna in fact?" She said with a 'hump!'. It's so cute! I wanna eat her up! Oops! What am I even thinking?

"Well, we can talk about that later. But the others will be in for a surprise during dinner." I chuckled.

She was blushing badly and her cheeks were turning red. Although spirits didn't have an ounce of blood in them, she was blushing. Echidna had outdone herself.

I wonder what happened to her. Her death was never clearly mentioned in the novel. And what happened to the world 400 years ago was also left unclear. To know all that, I would need to read.

Heading in that direction, I did a quick dogeza and said, "Beatrice-sama! Please teach me to read and write!"

"You are so hopeless Fred. Fine, I'll teach you, I suppose." she said with a 'huff'. She was cute indeed.

And so, time flowed on indefinitely in the forbidden library as the legal loli taught the young lanky.


(3rd person POV)

Back in a dusty alleyway leading to the slums, a crowd gathered, full of sick people and beggars. It was not a pleasant sight. They had gathered here to receive alms and seek treatment for their diseases.

In the midst of this crowd, a group of rough and tough mercenaries pushed their way through, demanding space. "Hey! Make way!" barked a wolf demi-human with brown hair, his fierce demeanour and imposing physique, along with a large broadsword on his back, made the slum dwellers yield without a fuss.

"Missy, stay close to me. I'll protect you in case anything happens!" a small chibi demi-human girl chimed in. Yes, she was a loli too, for your information.

"Ah, nee-san, don't go too far ahead. Stay with the rest of us. How are you going to protect the miss that way?" The demi-human boy sighed after his sister.

"Eeh! Tivey doesn't get the formation. I'm in charge of the vanguard, while Tivey and Hetaro stay with the missy! It's a turtle formation!"

"Haihai, we understand, nee-san," her younger brothers sighed in unison. They were triplets, but she was still the elder, for reasons but she was an airhead-chan without a doubt.

Regardless, this group of people, over two dozen strong, was guarding a rather petite individual which made their task look more important.

The woman had blue-green eyes, long wavy purple hair extending to her hips, and wore a long white dress with a fur hat, scarf, and a large purse shaped like a wallet. She also carried a parasol to shield herself from the sun.

A yellow star-shaped hairpin adorned her hair, and a small teal pendant hung around her neck. She had a cute appearance and an aura similar to that of a small animal. And acting as her last line of defence was none other than her knight- Julius Jukulinus, the best in the kingdom of Lugunica, ensuring she was safe from any danger. She was essentially bulletproof, though bullets didn't exist in this world.

She was Anastasia Hoshin- one of the candidates to become the next ruler of Lugunica.

All these people- the slums dwellers and Anastasia along with her escort mercenaries had gathered for one person of interest.

Some days ago, rumours had been circulating about a miraculous figure performing charity work in the slums of Kararagi, healing the sick and wounded. This person had been unanimously dubbed as 'The Saintess.'

As Anastasia and group reached the beginning of the line, they found a young girl about 19 or so who was tending to an elderly and ragged person.

She had rose-red hair and Emerald for her eyes. Her skin was as white as marble. She was thin and slim but well adorned with womanly curves and an ample chest. Her Saintess-like attire- a white halter dress with golden borders hung from her shoulders and extended down to her feet giving her an air of nobility and holiness.

She smiled gracefully and wiped off her sweat as the old man blessed her. Turning around, her face contorted to that of a '?' on seeing Anastasia and her escort mercenaries. She seemed confused that all the slum dwellers disappeared in a moment's notice. And the only people here were the ones whom she was facing- Totally healthy and…

[They have weapons with them.] She cast a quick glance at each of them.

"Yes? How may I help you?" She asked them.

Ricardo, who stood in the vanguard of the escorts scanned her from head to toe. [This lady could give the duchess Barielle a run for her money. Her beauty is out of this world.]

"So, ya are the Saintess?" Anastasia asked her. Her Kararagi accent sounding mildly different as compared to the mainland.

"That's what my subjects call me. But it's not a title I particularly like," she replied.

Then without warning, fierce wind blowed against the group as mana in the surroundings crackled and the temperature dropped a few degrees. The Saintess' emerald green eyes glowed, and rose-red hair started floating, as if levitated by a mysterious force.

"You people aren't here to be cured, are you? State your purpose. My next actions will depend on your answer." The Saintess' once sweet demeanour was now filled with venom and malice.

Julius positioned himself in front of his Lady, as if shielding her from the gusts of wind emanating from the Saintess. Trying to bring the this person to their side was a dangerous gamble. But he believed in his Lady's negotiating skills. He knew she could win the Saintess over. He just had to create an opening for her to initiate the negotiation.

"Please! We have no ulterior motives. Our lady would like to offer a deal to you. You can decide after hearing us out." he said.

"Why would I have any interest in your dealings? Do you think I'm unaware of the kingdom's circumstances?" The wind grew stronger as the Saintess grew agitated.

"Please, understand!" He held his ground against the wind, all the while shielding the frail Anastasia. "We don't mean any harm!" He iterated.

"It seems I wasn't clear enough. I have no interest in dealing with you high-born noble scum. I'll give you some time to leave this place. Or you won't leave here in one piece." She made her declaration.

Soon enough, icicles manifested in the air, at least a thousand of them hovering above their heads. The mercenaries panicked as unease spread among them. Engaging this person there would result in casualties, and none of them were sure to leave unscathed.

Julius clenched his teeth in frustration. This woman was no Saintess. She was a witch! He'd have attacked her this instant if only he could ensure his Lady's safety. But he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure if he could keep her safe while battling against all these projectiles.

"Milady," he whispered to Anastasia, "We need to get out of here. Let's retreat for now. We can return later and subjugate her then."

But Anastasia wasn't listening and without warning, she cussed out at the Saintess. "Ya are too full of yourself, aren't chya? "

Her shrill voice cut through the situation like a whistle, leaving everyone gaping awkwardly. Their faces seemed to say, "Did she just provoke this Witch?" But her closer aides knew that the negotiation had begun.

"Huh?" The Saintess tilted her head sideways, void of expression. "Are you saying I'm not capable of annihilating you pests?"

"If that's what ya think, then ya have even worse communication skills than I assumed. How did you even manage to become the Saintess of these masses?" As soon as Anastasia said this, the turbulent air currents ceased giving her some leverage to move and not hide behind her knight. Though the icicles still dangled above their heads.

"I'm listening." Came the single reply.

"I suppose ya're not that unreasonable," Anastasia stepped forward, out from the cover of her knight. She met face to face with the Saintess and said bluntly, "How about joining our trading company? I heard ya were searching for your lost fiancé. I have juz the information ya need." She winked.

Suddenly, the icicles shattered and transformed into snowflakes, creating a carnival-like atmosphere in the air. The onlookers stared in wonder, but their company Head wore a confident, smug expression. She didn't let the shocked Saintess utter a word while single-handedly leading the conversation.

"So, are ya ready to hear the terms and conditions, Saintess-san? Or should I say... Elizabeth Transylvania-san?"

Check out the comments for character illustrations!

And thanks for reading as always!

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